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{Swearing, i think i fixed up the chapter correctly this time}

*Luke's POV*

"FUCKEN TELL M-" I was cut off my screaming from hearing.

"It's your mate."

Those 3 words made me stop right then and there.

What is wrong with my mate?

I have so many thoughts going right through my head right now.

Is she hurt?
Is she dead?
What's happen?

"Alpha?" I hear so faintly I think I scared them a little to much.

"Yes Jason, what the fuck happen to my mate?" I asked standing up from my desk and walking over to Jack and Jason.

"It's not easily explained. But we found her father leaving their house with blood all over him."

"And what does this have to do with my mate?"

"Well.... He had blood on his knuckles and down his top and he and your mate where the only people home. We assume that her mother was out." Jason explained to me.

Well fucken shit. This all makes sense now. Fucken hell..

No wonder why I didn't see her after gym class.

I stoop up and ran all the way down to the front door of the pack house with Jack and Jason right behind me.

This is not good.

I pray to the moon godness that she hasn't been hit. If that asshole touched my mate so god help him his dick will go right down throat that he will choke and die on his own genitals.

I change into my wolf form ripping all of my clothes into shreds and race over to her house.

Now if your wondering where I know her house is I had called some of my pack members to follow, not stalk but follow her home so we know where she lives.

I finally reach her house and I smell the blood coming from inside. I change back into my human form same with Jack and Jason and they throw me a pair of shorts to cover my man parts.

I walk up to the front door..

Oh please don't let her be hurt..

It took a few times but we had finally managed to get the door flying off its hinges.

I walk around seeing smashed glass all over the floor, blood all up the wall, blood dripping off the stairs and then I turn my head and I see a sight that I never want to see again..

My mate laying there with blood, cuts, bruises, burns.

"Come on baby stay with me."

As soon as I picked her up, on que the sparks.

She needs to be in a hospital. As soon as I said that I hear the sound of 10-inch high heals enter through the door well the frame since we kinda killed the door.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?" The unknown lady screams.

She looks similar to Kat but with green eyes and darker her.

I see her eyes move to the girl that I'm holding in my arms.

"Well that little bitch got bashed. Good she probably deserved it." I heard the unknown lady say, I choose not to say anything because it would probably get me into trouble.

"May we ask who you are?" Jason asks

"Who me.. Well I'm that sluts mother sadly" her "mum" says and makes her way over to the kitchen.

Ummmmm what the fuck a mother isn't supposed to treat her daughter like this.

What "parents"

'Don't care about the parents idiot. Our mate remember?.' Jackson says in a sad tone.

Just on time I hear sirens come close to the house and paramedics run into the house and take my mate out of my arms.

I watch as they take her into the ambulance and drive away with my mate.

They don't say a thing to me.

I just follow them all the way to the hospital. I see them rolling a bed like thing down the hall with my mate on it.

I walk up to it and take her hand.

"Excuse me sir. What relationship do have with this girl?" One of the paramedics ask me.

Quick think Luke

"Oh ummm I'm just her friend. Yeah friend" only wishing to be more.....

*Kats POV*

I'm falling from my darkness and I close my eyes waiting for the impact of my fall.

I hit the ground but it's not the impact that I expected.

It's soft. I slowly open my eyes and see I'm laying on green grass with my favourite flowers.


I slowly stand up and realise that I'm in a beautiful white dress.

I start walking through the field of green grass and poppies.

And I see a figure standing in the distance and I walk up to it. I notice it's a women.

"Hello Kat I've been expecting you." the lady says.

Well this is just simply weird. Know one talks to me.

"I know you don't like to talk but just letting you know you do have a voice in there, don't be afraid to use it."

I just stand there dumbfounded.

Am I dead?

"No sweetie your not dead."

How did she know that?

"Sweet pea I can hear your thoughts. I'm the moon Godness."

What in the world is a moon godness?

"You will soon know what and who I am. But for now I can't let you leave your world. Important things will happen. But those important things you can't push away. He is the one that can help you, protect you, listen to you, and love you. Don't push him away you need him. Now walk through the doors and be strong. You can make it through this." The "moon godness" tells me.

I am brought back into the bright light.....

But I had one question running through my head

Who was him?

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