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After my talk with Eve I walked away from the football field.

Me being me while walking I bump into a wall. A very hard wall that was moving.

Oh stupid me it's not a wall it's a person.

Omg Kat grow some brains.

I look up and see I've bumped into Toby, thank god it was him because if it was some random stranger then how embarrassing.

"Oh sorry Kat." He says.

I give him a tiny smile.

Why does he look so worried. No not worried shocked.

I tilt my head a little bit and give a confused face.

I go to walk off but I am stopped by Toby.

"Hey Kat?" he says turning me around and runs his hand through his hair.

What's wrong with him?

"Umm can I umm tell you something?" he asks running is hands over his face, I give him a nod and he drags me back towards the football oval, and to the bleachers.

Yet again people are talking to me. I think the football field and bleachers are gonna be new best friends.

I'm gonna name them Fred and Garry. Hehe.

We sit down and I wait for his talk to start.

"Please this your the first person I'm going to tell so please don't go writing or telling everyone." He says looking at me softly.

I smile.

"Okay I found my mate." He tells me.

Wait what's a mate? Mate?

I give a confusing look and he gasps but continues.

"And it's a guy. So this means that I'm gay." He finally says.

Oh my gosh.

Toby is gay?

"His name is Jake, he's ex treatment good looking, and he's one of those guys that every girl wants, but he's not a player and he has only had like 3 girlfriends I think, but then when he found that I'm his mate, he had realised that he was gay and he liked it, and he didn't reject me or anything, and he's attracted to me and wants to be with me." Toby finishes.

Wow okay so. Toby is gay. And this guy named Jake is attracted to Toby, and they are mates??

What the heck is a mate?

*Toby POV*

It's my birthday!!! Today is the day that I hopefully find my mate!!

I get up and get ready for school.

~At school~

I walk into school and smell this amazing smell.

It's intoxicating.

I look around and notice fresh a pair of eyes on mine.

I've heard from other mates that once you look in their eyes it's like heaven, like you're the only two people on the world.

Me being Toby I look and what I had heard was true.

We looked into each other's eyes and we were the only people in the school hallway right now. I look away realising that my mate is.

Jake White.

No way. My mate can't be a guy. I'm not gay. But I am already attracted to Jake.

He slowly walks towards me smiling in a accepting way, and I walk back turning around quickly and running down the school halls terrified.

I have wagged all my classes and while walking I bump into someone.

I notice it's Kat.

I have to tell someone I've been avoiding everyone all day.

Ignoring the calls from all my friends even Jake.

I'm going to tell Kat.

I tell her everything totally ignoring the fact that I said mate and ignoring the confused look I just keep talking hoping that she will forget.

I get up and walk away bumping into another person instead this time I felt Sparks. I know instantly it's Jake.

"Toby where have you been do you know how worried I have been all day!?" He says looking at me while running his hand through his hair.

He looks amazing as he does everyday.

"I'm sorry I ran I got scared and stuff and I thought you were going to reject me but you didn't say anything so I ra-" I was stopped feeling soft lips pressed against mine. I felt the Sparks improve by thousands.

Omg Jake is kissing me. I'm kissing another guy.

I slowly start kissing him back and he swipes his tongue on my bottom lip asking for an entrance, but I decline and I feel his hands move down my back and lightly squeeze my bum, making me gasp he takes this opportunity to slide his tongue through and into my mouth.

Oh how it felt amazing no more then amazing.

We fought for dominance but he won clearly.

We broke away panting heavily.

"I would never reject you. Ever. Your beautiful and I want you as my mate. No matter what gender Toby." Jake says kissing me again.

I Toby Evans found my mate Jake White.


mkay so let me clear up some confusion.

Toby - Kats dead brother

Toby - Kats friend

There's two toby's. read on and it'll all make sense ☺️

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