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{More cringy shit sorry}

I hear a honk outside of my house meaning that Luke is here ready to take me to school.

Oh yeah did I mention that Luke and I are a thing now.

Luke Kat

Kat Luke

Yeah I like that.

Oh and Luke also offered to pick me up for school every morning, unfortunately he can't drop me home because he has football practice.

I run out the door with my books and bag flying everywhere.

Me being me is running late.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I say getting into his Audi.

"Na babe all good." He assured, and me blushing at the babe.

We drove to school and rocked out to Green Day.

'Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alienation.
Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.'

He turned down the music as we entered the school car park.

We found a park and we both got out of the car, and start walking into the corridor.

I was getting many wolf whistles because of my outfit which consist of denim ripped shorts, a floral singlet, a white cardigan and ankle boots.

Luke growled and glared at every person looking and whistling.

They all backed away and went back to doing what they were doing.

Luke and I went our separate ways because his locker is on the other side of the hallway.

I was collecting my books when I feel hands on my waist.

I knew it wasn't Luke because there were no sparks.

I turned and saw a guy looking at me.

He was hot I had to admit but no as hot as Luke. He had brown hair and brown eyes, you could tell he works out.

"Hey sexy." he said to me.

"Hi." I said giving him a blank face.

"So. My names Josh. What's yours?" He asked.

"Kat." I said simply and turned around and kept collecting my books.

"So Kat how about I take you out Friday night?" Is he actually serious.

Luke made it pretty clear that I was his.

"Sorry she can't, she's busy." I hear a voice come from behind us both.

We both turn and see Luke standing there glaring at Josh.

"And who the hell are you?" Josh asked Luke.

"Dude I'm her boyfriend so please just back off." Luke said as calm as possible.

I could tell Luke was trying not to rip his head off.

"Pft whatever dude. Friday night it is." He says turning back to me.

"Look man I'm sorry but I have a boy-" I didn't even get to finish because I felt lips on mine, and boy I tell you it has horrible, even though it lasted like 3 seconds before he was ripped off me, and on the floor.

It took me a seconds to realise that Luke is straddling Josh and punching him.

"Oh my gosh. Luke stop!"

An idea popped into my head.

I stood back and screamed as loud as possible.

That instantly got Luke off Josh and over to me. He was looking all over to see if I was hurt.

"Luke I'm fine." I say and look at him.

"Then why'd you scream?" Is he that clueless

"You attacked Josh and I tried to stop you but you didn't so I screamed." I said smiling.

"Never do that again okay you scared the living daylights out of me." He stresses pulling at the back of his hair.

We hear a groan come from the floor. I looked at Josh and he had a black eye starting to form, blood dripping from his lip, and a what looks like a broken nose.

"Gosh Kat I leave you alone for what 5 maybe 10 minutes and already you had a guy asking you out and then kiss you even when I made an appearance he still kept going." He says running his hands through his hair.

Which I found extremely sexy it turned me on.

Luke looked at me and his eyes turned pitch black.

My eyes widen.

"Please Kat whatever your thinking stop because I can smell your arousal." He tells me strictly, and my eyes widen even more.

I think of the beach and other things.

"Thank you Kat." he thanks.

"Why does everyone want to steal my girl?" He asks more to himself.

Ahaha I guess I'm just to sexy that everyone wants me. I think to myself.

~The next day~

I'm sitting in my English class throwing things at Luke.

He currently hasn't made any sort of movement.

It's kinda scaring me until I see him pick up a piece of paper that I threw at him and I saw him write something on it.

Assuming he's gonna throw it to me he folds it back up and puts it in his pocket.

It's lunch and I'm chilling with my headphones in listening to Little Mix Move

Get your back off the wall
Don't you get comfortable
Looking so hot,
I think that I might fall (woo!)
Feeling like it's my birthday
Like Christmas day came early
Just what I want
So when we move
You move'

I was really getting into the song until my headphones are being ripped out.

I see Eve who done it.

"What the hell Eve?" I ask jokingly.

She doesn't say anything but hand me a piece of paper and runs off.

I look at the neatly piece of folded paper realising its a piece that I threw at Luke.

I open it and see.

'Go on a date with me Friday? I'll pick you at 7~ Luke xx'

So that's what Luke wrote in English.

Why did he make Eve give it to me?

Was he scared of what I was gonna say?

"So Kat will you do on a date with me?" I hear a voice come from behind me. May I add it scared the shiz out of me.

"Yes Luke I will go on a date with you." I confirm and turn to look at him.

He looks relieved, and really happy like a kid on Christmas.

He walks up to me and hands me a white flower and kisses me.

"Thank you." He says and picks up my head phones and listens to music with me.

The rest of the day we skipped and got ice cream and went to the park.

I must admit it was the best skip ever.

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