No Father of Mine

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Lucifer poked his head into his brother's room to find his best friend and his brother making out. He wrinkled his nose and cleared his throat. Sam shoved Gabriel off of him and they both blushed. 

"Hi," Lucifer said. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do. I'm going to go see Balth." 

"Cool," Gabriel said, still blushing. 

"Yeah, this is weird so I'm leaving. Have fun," Lucifer said, waving at both of them before leaving the room. He was trying not to think too hard about the fact that he was caught between being Gabriel's big brother and Sam's best friend and that this left him in a very compromising position. Part of him wanted to be protective of Gabriel. If Sam wasn't his best friend, Lucifer would have already kicked his ass. He didn't want a guy known for his sexual conquests to be his brother's boyfriend. But he also knew that Sam, despite his issues, was a good guy. Lucifer was just struggling to figure out which of those two roles to take when. 

He shook his head and checked his watch. He had four hours till he was supposed to go out with Michael. Four hours....thinking about it made Lucifer feel a bit like he was going to pass out. Since they had gotten in an argument outside Dae's house, they had talked pretty nonstop. It had also turned out that the presumptions he made about Michael were all very wrong. He was not shy. He was not awkward. And he sure as hell wasn't innocent. Lucifer shook his head to clear his thoughts about the Winchester cousin. 

Lucifer didn't bother driving to his cousin's house since it was just down the road. He walked with his hands shoved in his pockets irritated that he hadn't bothered to put on his gloves. He had also decided that Michael's leather jacket (which he had yet to return) was warm enough. 

It was not. 

He pushed open the backdoor of the Milton residence and looked around the empty kitchen. 

"Balthazar?" he called. There was a loud clatter and then his cousin, dressed in red flannel pajama pants and a large gray hoodie, slid into the kitchen on the tile with his socks. 

"It's my favorite cousin!" Balthazar said. "Oh, wait, no my third favorite cousin." 

"You only have three cousins," Lucifer said, rolling his eyes. "This is your way of saying that I'm your least favorite?" 

"Obviously," Balthazar said, pulling Lucifer into a hug. "Also, Mom didn't pay the electric bill, so the house is freezing. Sorry in advance. Cool jacket." Balthazar walked into the living room and Lucifer followed. His younger cousin, Alfie, was sitting on the couch with his laptop and his headset on. He looked sort of silly, wearing a puffy winter jacket and gloves while he tried to keep up with whatever action was going on in his video game. 

"Dude, it's freezing in here," Lucifer huffed, watching as his breath left smoke in the air. "How about you guys just come over to my place until you can get the air back on?" 

"Nah, that's fine," Balthazar said, waving off Lucifer's concern. 

"I'm dead serious, dude," Lucifer continued trying to hide the fact that his teeth were chattering. 

"Look, we're going to have to come back here tonight, Mom is out of town on a business trip. And I haven't told her that they turned the heat off. And I spent all my savings on fixing the stupid plumbing..." Balthazar started. Lucifer grabbed his cousin's shoulders. He knew exactly what it was like for Balthazar. Neither of them had ever really had a childhood since they were always taking care of their family. 

"How about you just stay at my place then?" Lucifer offered. "Until Aunt Amara gets back. We have heat. You guys can bunk with us, or take one of the beds...the couch is comfortable, I don't mind sleeping on it. Plus, we have the Xbox and you know Alfie loves that thing." He glanced over at his cousin, who clearly was so enthralled in the game that he missed Lucifer even entering the house. 

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