Who Wants a Protest?

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Michael sighed and glanced over to where his closet was. It was the day after the whole incident with Gabriel and the dress code, and Michael still wasn't over it. He was so not over it, that he, his cousins, the Novaks, and his band of misfit friends had come up with a plan. It had mostly been himself, Ash, Gilda, and Castiel who had come up with the plan. Michael wasn't even sure how much he was sold on the plan, but then again, he already had an issue with Principal Ketch, and...well, Michael had a problem with authority in general. And it was, perhaps, the best way that he could find to protest the dress code, all while not technically breaking it. He sighed and did his best to not look in the mirror as he headed for the door to his room. 

"Okay, no this is the stupidest plan that I've ever heard," Gabriel argued. "You guys are throwing a fit over something that isn't a big deal!" 

"First off, stupidest isn't a real word, I'm pretty sure," Lucifer said. "And secondly, it is a big deal, they can't just unfairly dress code...wow." Michael was pretty sure the wow was in response to him and not anything Gabriel had been saying. Of course, Michael knew he could go two ways with this. With the way Lucifer was gaping at him, apparently, he was a fan of Michael's outfit choice. A big part of Michael wanted to blush, scream into a pillow, and then die at the thought that Lucifer actually found him attractive. Of course, considering Lucifer was an awkward disaster himself, he was going to have to take the other route. 

"Didn't think this would be your thing, Novak," Michael said cooly. He felt a bit like cheering because he hadn't stuttered, but didn't. Instead, he just crossed the room and leaned against the arm of the chair Lucifer was sitting in. He looked around at the small gang of misfits. Ash and Gilda were sitting on one couch, wearing dark pantsuits, which went against the girl's uniform of pleated skirts. They both looked like very classy lesbians, probably because they were. Meg was leaning against Ash's side, dressed in a rainbow-colored skirt (which went against school uniform colors) and a bisexual pride hairbow, as well as a tank top with the words shoulders too distracting? written on both of her shoulders in Sharpie. Both Dean and Sam were wearing rainbow ties with their school uniform, as was Lucifer, he presumed, under his coat and a reluctant Crowley who didn't even seem to know why he was there. Michael was honestly surprised he had shown up at all, seeing as he was the captain of the football team and one of the most popular guys at school. 

Michael looked down at his own outfit. If he was being honest, he was impressed by how well he could pull off a skirt. That had been Ash's idea. She had insisted that if they were going to do the whole, protest the dress code, they were going to have to break it by not breaking it. And technically wearing a skirt was part of the dress code. Unfortunately, that meant that the guys were going to have to wear skirts. Gabriel seemed to be the only one comfortable in it, which seemed about right. He was leaning on Sam's shoulder and messing with the edges of the skirt that Gilda and Meg had spent all night working on. Ash hadn't volunteered to help, seeing as she hated wearing skirts in the first place. 

Dean also hadn't looked away from Castiel, who also managed to pull off a skirt very well. Castiel also had his head stuck in a book of Walt Whitman poetry and didn't seem to be paying any of them any attention, but Michael was still hoping he could eventually do something with that ship. Of course, at the moment, he was more concerned about the fact that Lucifer's eyes hadn't left him since he walked into the room. 

"What is this, the gathering of the Rainbow Coalition in my living room?" John asked as he walked into the room. 

"We're protesting the dress code," Lucifer explained. 

"Ah, how..fun?" John asked. He looked at all of them, and Michael wanted to die of embarrassment as his uncle stopped on him. "Why can't you two be more like your cousin? He pulls off a skirt well," John said before walking into the kitchen. 

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