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the sudden hug left you shocked. it was very unusual for hop to hug you unexpectedly, so you knew something was up.

"hop.." you mumbled, letting go of him. he stepped back and rubbed his right arm, his eyes moving to the ground. the small pain in his eyes sparkled out to you.

"hop... please tell me what's wrong. i know i couldn't tell you yesterday night.. but just.." your voice trailed off. it hurt to talk.

"i thought we'd forget that night..." hop said, looking up to you. you frowned.

"sorry.." you said. hop nodded. "but anyway, what's wrong?"

"well.. i'm gonna be kinda busy for a bit," hop told you. "i'm not gonna be able to see you for a while."

"huh? why? and why do you need the love ball back?" you asked. so many more questions filled your head, but only two could come out. hop sighed and sat on a chair nearby.

"that's really.. none of your business." hop said, letting his wooloo jump into his arms.

"well.. alright. you do you." you said, the vulpix snoring once more. hop opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. he groaned quietly and locked eyes with yours.

"i-i feel so guilty, it's just that i really, really, r-really like—"

"hop. it's fine. i don't wanna go over this again, and you gotta just stop apologizing so much. it's okay!" you told hop, trying to make him calm down. you had assumed he had a big mouth like yours too, where you spill everything out. you understand him everything he just starts becoming sorry and apologizing until the day's end, but sometimes it became annoying. and it hurt you, for how hurt he looked and how instantly his eyes told you what he felt.

"hey listen.. everything's fine. i'm fine, you'll be fine, and that love ball will be too!" you said, attempting to lighten up his mood. hop nodded.

"yeah.... oh, and anyway, i was hoping that we could have a fun day, since we won't see each other for a while." hop suggested, a small smile finally growing back.

"i'd love that!" you exclaimed, grinning. hop looked at you happily and put the wooloo down on the chair, while hop stood up.

"first, let's evolve that vulpix!" hop said, picking up the snoring pokemon and running outside. you laughed and followed after him.


"thank you so much for today, hop." you said, watching the sun rest right above the horizon. it looked so much different than the morning, with the veil of orange replaced with deeper oranges, and yellow surrounding it, creating a beautiful blend. hop then nodded, leading your thoughts to him.

"of course.. i wouldn't say goodbye to you and not see you for a while.." hop said, smiling sheepishly. you smiled too, your ninetales running up next to you. it nudged your hand,

"what is it, ninetales?" you asked, bending down to its level. it pointed its nose to hop.

"what about hop?" you asked the ninetales, as it ran to hop and lied on his feet. hop laughed, and looked down to the ninetales.

"guess i'm stuck here," he said, smiling and looking up to you. "say, mate, you got the guts to still say that fake confession?"

"ahh... actually i might!" you said, feeling your confidence boost by a bit. you actually felt to this time, since you were in private. last night just didn't feel the right time to do it. hop grinned, eager to hear what you'd say. you took a deep breath, preparing yourself. the sun seemed to be excited too, as it looked like the light grew brighter, and heat in the made your heart melt, not only cause of that but hop.

"alright big mouth, don't spill anything you mean.." you thought to yourself, taking more breaths, causing yourself to actually want to confess even more.

"okay.. well.." you said, nervous.

"don't worry, i'm just here to listen." hop told you, smiling softly. you smiled and nodded. you put on your best "cute desperate" face and looked up at hop innocently.

"hOp, tHe lOvE oF mY liFE, PleaSe acCepT mY loVE AND LOVE Me bAcK, i LoVe yOu so muCH!!!!" you said to hop, putting giggles and laughs in the middle. both you and hop burst out laughing.

"good enough for me!" hop said, still laughing. you smiled. you were happy to see hop in a happy mood again. with hop in a good mood, it put you in a happy mood too.

"well.. i should be heading home now," you said, sad that it was time for you to go. "but i can text you!"

"okay! bye, y/n! see you later! or well, in a while." hop waved bye and watched you run off.

once you got home you placed your bag on your bed and pulled out your phone.

"i can do it. i can do it." you told yourself. it would be easier to confess over text, anyway.

you: hi hop! i think i rlly need to tell u something

you waited for a response, while brushing your hair with long strokes.

hop: hi! whatchu need?

you took a deep breath and started typing.

you: i started feeling this way recently, and i cant seem to stop it. its a feeling that is uncontrollable, and cant stop it whenever i see u. ur just making it go crazy, kinda like a togedemaru. once it starts, it cant stop. that feeling is love. whenever you show your beautiful smile i go crazy. im trying to say i love u, since its hard to say it out loud. i mean my mouth could but whenever i think of actually doing it, it cant. when i dont wanna do it, it wants to. so anyway, idk what will happen after this, but i love you hop. thats all i got.

read, no response.

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