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hello! this chapter may be a little longer than past chapters, so go relax and enjoy reading this chapter! :3 

you scrolled up and down looking for a contact. you laughed to yourself as you saw some of the contacts that were named after a funny nickname or just something random. as you scrolled past leon's, you thought for a moment.

"should i rename it?" you asked your ninetales, turning to it and smiling. it cocked its head, confused on what you were going to name it. you chuckled. you pressed on leon's contact and edited his name.

cap man

you grinned. you continued scrolling, looking at all of your old friends and remembering the old memories with them. back when you had no pokemon, when love wasn't trying to grab a hold of you. back when everything felt okay, when everything was simple. it was a time you longed for, but unfortunately that's all in the past. you sighed.

"ninetales, who should i call?" you asked it, ruffling its fur. the ninetales trotted over to your phone and scrolled up, near the top. it took its paw and hovered it above leon.

"cap man?" the ninetales nodded.

"worth a try.." you mumbled. you tapped on call and waited for leon to pick up. leon was probably the best choice, as he was hop's older brother and knew him well. plus, he could probably understand you the best. but after a few beeps, he never picked up. you sighed, scrolling to find another contact.

"oh well.. who else?" you asked, looking around your room while thinking. the opened window was blowing your curtains, letting theme extend to almost touch your ninetales. trainers and pokemon ran by the window every moment you looked outside. everyone seemed so happy and worry-washed. to know that the whole world isn't depressed and lifeless out a smile on your face. it was good knowing the whole world wasn't ruined. springing you out of your thoughts, your ninetales nudged your shoulder. you looked at it, then shifted to your phone screen. it was pointing at a contact.


"ah! good idea, ninetales! thank you!" you said, pressing on the contact and calling her.

after a good while, nobody had answered. so many different contacts had been opened, but it seemed like nobody was on their phone. were they broken too?

"ninetales.. i think i'm done. let's take a break." you told your ninetales, switching off your phone and falling back into the stack of fluffy pillows. you slowly started to doze off, the muffled sounds of laughs and screams putting you under a spell. 

"ninetales... i'm gonna take a quick nap." you whispered, curling up into a ball and closing your eyes. but all of a sudden, your ninetales starting to screech. you covered your ears with a pillow.

"ninetales.. please.." you murmured. your ninetales took your phone with its mouth and brought it to you, placing it in front of you. you twitched an eye open and took the phone, groaning. a call to raihan was pending.

"WHAT- ninetales!" you shouted, sitting up quickly. you closed your eyes again and sighed. you opened them and saw a innocent-looking ninetales staring at you. 

"of course! raihan is always on his phone... but will the call be worth it?"  you thought. you smiled and ruffled its fur as a thank you. finally, raihan answered.

"hello? y/n?" he asked. you looked over to your phone.

"yup." you answered, picking up your phone and putting it on your nightstand. you turned the volume up a little bit to hear raihan better.

"what did you need?" raihan asked, yawning. 

"uhh... so i need to talk to you about something." you said. raihan replied with a mhm.

"so don't tease me, okay.. but i like hop." you forced out of your mouth, widening your eyes right after. raihan chuckled.

"that was a given." raihan told you, the sound breaking up a little bit. 

"w-what?!" you said, turning to face the phone. you instantly slumped down and frowned.

"it's alright. i won't tell anyone. in fact i bet everyone knows already!" raihan said, laughing. then that fire really burned in you. you groaned, covering your face even though nobody was looking.

"hey, chill. i'm joking. if nobody else knows, i won't tell." raihan quickly said, covering up what he said. 

"thanks." you muttered. 

"anyway, what were you going to say?"

"earlier today i went to the battle cafe after what you and leon told me. i couldn't find hop, until i went to the back of the cafe. he was there.. with another girl." you told raihan, holding it together, holding each piece. 

"wow... i'm sorry. what are you going to do now?" raihan asked. you sighed once more.

"that's why i called you. i want someone to listen.. and someone i can get advice from." you explained to raihan, leaning on your ninetales and watching your toes.

"ohh... but why would you need advice from me?" he then asked. you felt a hard stab at your back, your eyes shutting in pain.

"i-i don't know what to do. clearly another girl likes him, so my love for him is just going to get in the way of their relationship. i don't wanna do that." you said, turning and hugging the neck of your ninetales. 

"alright, y/n. i really think you-" 

"why did she have to be there? why her? what's so special about her? i don't understand!" you whispered. raihan could hear you loud and clear.

"y/n, y/n... please calm down-" 

"oh.. did he take the love ball to give to her?" you realized. you widened your eyes, can't keep holding everything in anymore. 


"right. i'm so stupid. i mean, my fault for falling for him in the first place, right?" you mumbled, the tears wetting the neck of the ninetales. raihan fell silent.

"whatever. just p-please-" you sniffed. "help me."

"of course. but i want you to listen." raihan said in a soft, calming tone. you've never heard it before, but it sure calmed you down. 

"i understand. i've had that feeling before. regretting love, not being able to hold back from liking someone." raihan said. your mouth fell a little bit.

"r-really?" you asked, sniffing. you coughed, wiping your tears with your sleeve. 

"oh, yeah. i really liked someone, but then someone else seemed to like them. i thought, might as well give up. they have their own special someone." raihan told you, ending with a sigh. 

"exactly! wow..." you mumbled to yourself. you continued you hold the neck of the ninetales. 

"all this just makes me not want to love someone... i wish i tried so hard not to love him." you told raihan, gazing at the window. the sun was starting to set, releasing the beautiful and breathing-taking glow. it was a glow you've only seen in galar, and it helped you think about all the good things in the world.

"mhm... there's even people who go to extreme lengths to stop themself from loving someone." raihan said. you ignored him, eyes fixed on the sun in the distance.


"oh, sorry!" you blurted. raihan laughed.

"thought i lost you. anyway, are you feeling better?" he asked. 

"yeah. thanks a lot!" you thanked, grinning. 

"your welcome. remember love isn't useless, my friend! bye!" raihan said. then he hung up. you took your phone and opened a music streaming app. you opened your drawer in the nightstand and snatched some headphones. you plugged them in and laid back on your bed, your ninetales curling up and falling asleep. you watched the curtains blow and the sun fall behind the horizon. 

hope you enjoyed! dream well my friends! <3

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