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you sat in silence. it had been a few minutes, and hop didn't say a thing. not even the bubbles showing he was typing. you sighed, and thought about the mistake you just did. confessing just like that? over text? and the text was cheesy too, which made it even worse. if you were gonna confess, you should've just said "i have feelings for you". but what has been done was done, and we can't erase or redo that. well, deleting a message was an option, but it won't make any difference since hop already read the text. you sighed, looking around and thinking what to do.

"hmph.." you muttered, taking a look at the sleeping ninetales on the ground.

"well... nothin' i can do now." you said, turning the phone off and heading to the bathroom. a squirt of toothpaste fell onto your toothbrush, and you started to brush your teeth. you took a quick shower and changed, your bed awaiting you. you switched off the lights and placed your phone on a night stand, crawling into bed and watching the stars glow. there may not be any shooting stars, but you could still wish, right?

"i really hope hop will respond to my text." you thought to yourself, and suddenly the moon put you into a deep sleep.


a ding woke you up. you rose from bed and yawned, your window still open, a small bird chirping at you. you giggled, the small bird flying away. you took your phone and opened it, a notification sitting near the time.

hop: y/n! rise and shine!!!

you looked at the text in confusion. did he see your confession text? it said he read it..

you: hi hop! oh um btw what do u say about the thing above?

and like that, hop disappeared. it never said he read it though. but you had a feeling he did. he was up to something. you put your phone on the nightstand and fixed your bed, later running to the bathroom. you watched the water splash onto the mirror, the sound of the toothbrush scrubbing against your teeth. your reflection caught your eye. you looked up, the water dripping down.

"it's obvious he doesn't like you, y/n." you thought, turning off the sink and running to your room. your lip trembled, the thought hitting differently even though you said it to yourself. but then again, you don't know for sure.

"i think i'll have a lazy day." you thought flopping on your bed, still in pajamas. you sighed and yawned again. suddenly, you saw a pokeball rattle. you sat up and watched it rattle continuously.

"huh?" you mumbled, grabbing the pokeball and setting it on the ground, letting the pokemon out. your yamper jumped out, as it barked.

"what's wrong, yamper?" you asked it, the fluffy yellow pokemon running in circles. you were puzzled, as the yamper didn't seem to respond to you.

"maybe you just wanna play." you said, grabbing a bouncy ball and rolling it to the kitchen. the yamper ran after it, making little noise surprisingly. you chased after the yamper until it jumped onto the kitchen table. it stepper on a note that was placed next to a glass of milk and a plate of curry. it said:

hi y/n! i got good news! unfortunately, i still have to work a bit in the morning, but around noon i should be back home! i'm so glad i can have some time with you. but if you'd prefer hanging out with hop, well, nothing i can do. i'll prepare you something good tonight!

you smiled a little, happy that your mum could finally do something with you. but the mention of hop made you think about the text. you really needed to get it off your mind, so you sat down and dug into breakfast. your ninetales ran inside too, sitting down next to you. you giggled and took a spoonful of curry, feeding it to the ninetales. it cried happily, as you gave it more. you also ate, until both the curry and the milk were gone. you carried the dishes and washed them, later returning to your room. the small yamper trailed behind you, whimpering. you looked back and saw the pokemon, carrying it and placing it on your bed.

"c'mon, tell me, what's wrong?" you asked the yamper, as it laid on its back. the yamper barked and pointed its nose to the ninetales. 

"ninetales? what's with ninetales?" you said. then it hit you.

"oh! yeah! i evolved the small vulpix into a ninetales!" you told the yamper, picking it up and placing it in your lap. you pet the fur, as you watched the yamper tilt its head.

"my friend hop gave me a fire stone, which was necessary to evolve the vulpix." you said. you continued stroking yamper's fur, as you thought about hop. how was he? did he hate you now? is he keeping a secret from you? what's with hop? you dug your face in the yamper's fur, like you did with your other pokemon.

"i miss him." you mumbled, as your voice was muffled because of the fur. the yamper barked and nuzzled your nose. you laughed. loneliness was sometimes fine.

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