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you started stirring the curry, all of the ingredients mixing together and creating a delicious scent. your ninetales jumped up happily, taking a glance at the curry.

"almost done, ninetales!" you told it, grinning and continuing to stir the curry.

"say.. do you want to leave some for hop?" you asked, tasting the curry with the tip of your finger. the ninetales licked your finger, hoping to get a taste of it too. you laughed, and grabbed a spoon and scooped a small amount in the bowl. you held it in front of the ninetales. it licked the spoon, then showing a satisfied reaction by jumping onto the table. you laughed once more, and put some of the curry on a plate. you sat down at your table and placed a bowl with curry in it for your ninetales.

"eat up!" you told the ninetales, gobbling up your own. it was really good! even for a terrible cook, the curry wasn't bad. maybe it wasn't as good as others, but you were still proud of it. after you and your partner finished your curry, you placed both dishes in the sink and grabbed another bowl, scooping curry into it and put a cover on top. you did the same for another plate, which was for leon. you left the bowl on curry on the table and took both plates and skipped to hop's house. 

you arrived and used your elbow to knock on the door. your ninetales sat at your feet, watching the door stay unopened. you held both plates like a waitress, desperately waiting for the door to be opened. you couldn't hold the plates any longer. finally, the door was opened.

"y/n! we meet again." raihan said, smiling and walking back to the kitchen, leaving the door open for you. you nodded and smiled, kicking the door closed with your heel. you quickly followed raihan into the kitchen, setting the plates down on the setting and taking a sigh of relief.

"mm~ is that curry?" raihan asked, eyeing the curry that you set down on the table. you nodded, taking a seat on a chair. 

"why so quiet?" said raihan, watching you bite your bottom lip. 

"it's nothing." you mumbled, making it loud enough for raihan to hear.

"spill it." raihan demanded, not buying it at all. he must've gone through this before. you rolled your eyes and sat up straight, turning to him. raihan raised an eyebrow, waiting for a response.

"yeah.. you wish." you said, chuckling. raihan's face broke into a grin, laughing after.

"i see, i see.." he said after, then turning to the stairs.

"oh-! hey y/n!" leon called, waving as he ran down the stairs.

"hey," you said. "i left you and hop curry on the table." leon smiled and nodded, heading to the kitchen. he took the wrapper off one plate and yawned, scratching the back of his head. leon took a spoon and scooped some of the curry. he tasted the curry, chewing as he looked like he was about to fall asleep. then he smiled.

"not bad." he told you, continuing to eat. you grinned. you were proud that at least someone liked your cooking. besides if ninetales really liked it.

"y'know, you should cook more!" leon said, looking at you. you nodded quickly and watched him eat.

"oh, err, raihan you can have the other plate if you want." you said, turning to raihan and nodded slightly to confirm. raihan smiled slightly.

"thanks, y/n." he thanked, going to the table and unwrapping the wrapper over the curry. he tasted it, clicking his tongue after he swallowed the curry. although, it felt like he forced it down his throat. well, it made sense, since your cooking wasn't the best. but i guess that was what he thought. 

"it's alright.. i guess," raihan mumbled. "but don't get me wrong! it's better than others i've tasted." you chuckled nervously.

"no no it's fine, it was my first time making curry anyway." you said to raihan, not wanting to cover up his own opinion with something good.

"see raihan, don't judge her for her first!" leon told raihan, continuing to gobble up the curry the same way you did. you laughed watching leon.

"how was i supposed to know?!" raihan replied to leon, laughing as he leaned back and clenched his stomach. leon smiled softly. raihan paused and looked back to leon, breaking into a smile as well. leon then turned to you.

"if you want to find hop, he's at a nearby battle cafe." leon said, finishing the curry. your eyes lightened, and you nodded.

"oh- really! thank you!" you exclaimed, grabbing leons plate and then raihan's, even though he wasn't finished.

"i- okay." raihan muttered, chuckling. 

"thank you for trying the curry! bye!" you said, rushing out of the door quickly to return the plates. then you heard raihan, so you stopped.

"that y/n is sure a lot." raihan said, turning back to leon. leon shrugged.

"what would you expect from a friend of hop?" said leon, sitting back. 

"not wrong." raihan muttered. of course, it was hop.

hEYYOOOOO!!! i have a new fanfic coming after i finish love ball.... hope you will read it! anyway hope you are enjoying the story. love you guys!! <3

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