Hundred days?

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A/n:Hi.I am not the best writer but I hope I become one and for that I need responses. Do help me and yes,feel free to correct my mistakes. Yes,it is first ever work and I am not so confident about it withstanding the outcome. But I assure you that it will definitely be a good read. Um,enjoy?

I know it's cringe worthy but give it a chance.
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Ever heard of the ugly duckling? The ugliest version? Well, the human version, I represent it. Just this ugly duckling never turns into a beautiful swan and no happy ending either.

A year ago...

Anger surges within me and the little piece of paper is crumpled in such a manner that if the words are visible even visible after this, then it is a miracle.

"Let's not meet again." How did he get the nerve to do this to me?! I had earned the right to know about his plans! That's what friends are for!

But since he was looking for a fight,let me give it to him as the farewell gift. "Oh Jerk it's on!"

Present day...

It's already winter and the cherry blossoms surrounding the school has bloomed beautifully swaying with the North wind and even the breeze blows like nothing happened. Then again,they are innocent for they never belonged to my tale since the beginning.

But when you feel low,you always tend to notice cherry blossoms. Don't ask me,I do not know. Their aroma always filled the air. But now, everyone seems normal. Happy. Do they remember? How can they forget? But then again, does it even matter now?

" Sofim! Come quick. I need to talk about something .Did you hear...," Arial begins as soon as I am spotted by her in the crowd. She has forgotten earlier then expected. Is it only me? Or I suck at concealing?

We walk into our classroom and her talk still continues. We are sophomores now. I don't mind but it's unfair to an eager narrator to get stuck with someone like myself. She deserves better. Way better than my companionship, unlike me who needs her presence to fill up the silence in my life.

We are interrupted by our homeroom teacher and the talk remains incomplete. That's bad for me, my break will be invaded. She will make sure to complete it by the end of the day.

I read, throughout the roll call and this,I do in hiding . Over the years I have developed this habit and it does not leave, while reading I do not hear anything. I did not hear this time as well. "Sofim?" "Sofim!"
I look up and find every pair of eyes in the room fixed upon me. "Yes?" There is someone standing beside her, a boy.

New comer? Probably.
Wait, is she pointing at me? I need to confirm it, " Ma'am ?" I raise my hand and wait. The guy nods and starts walking over. Trouble. No. No.
"Ma'am? Does he have to sit with me? I mean there are other seats as well and I am not comfortable with a partner," I said and controlled my impatience. She raised her eyebrow and said,"What is use of good morals if you cannot share them?" I keep my mouth from reaching the floor in shock. Did she just quote me?!

"Seriously?" I think but give up and shift to make space for him and continue to read. And remembering the helping part I give my notes to him.
"Can you get my notes tomorrow? I need them. If you do not finish then I will give it to you again," I said and hand them over to him with the fear of him loosing it. "Thank you," he said. I am alright with a partner who speaks less.

We don't speak much and it is not necessary for he is kept busy by the other girls. It is not a new scenario for this happens to all the new good looking guys, is he good looking? Who cares?

It's break now. My seat is near the window and right now I feel the sunlight being blocked so I look up only to find faces cramped against the window glass. It's hilarious and I let out a laugh. They were staring at him, I mean my partner. This feels similar.

He turns towards me and asked,"Why did you laugh?" I just point towards the window and continue reading. I have reached the climax. "What ?" I asked as he keeps facing towards me. It feels awkward. " Nothing,"he said and looked away.
This feels familiar.

"Year 2014, he came and seated himself permanently in my life. Now that he is gone, I feel hollow. But am I allowed to feel this way. Do I deserve it?

"Sofim, go and introduce yourself to him," Jonathan said. " Why? Is there no other way?" I plead. "No," he said. I walked up to the new comer said," Hi. My name is Sofim. Yours?" I remember extending my hand to him and waiting impatiently for a reply. He looked at me and returned the greeting.

"Okay, you can play truth and dare with us from now on," Jonathan said when I went back to the group. Everyone wanted to be his friend ,he was quite cool for a fourth grader.
He did not accept girls in his group but Vivian and I were the privileged ones. It felt great to walk around them. I admit it was stupid but the only thing I am thankful to him its about that dare,which led me to him."
Looking at him,made me reminisce about him. I must have lost it again.

"Sofim! Come quick, we have to talk," Clare said as soon as I step inside the cafeteria for lunch. We have reserved a table for ourselves and everyday we meet here.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, seating myself between Kiera and Nareep. They are always curious about stuffs and I wonder what caught their interest now.
"Who is your desk partner?" Clare asked and others nod confirming their similar curiosity.

"Why?" I asked tossing the tomatoes out of my plate. "Is he good looking?" Samantha interrupts. I look up and find everyone else staring at me, waiting for an answer. "I don't know," I said and continue to pick at food.
"Whom did we even expect from?" Lana says and diverts her attention to Arial, who will give all the answers that are necessary to satisfy their curiosity.

I have had this friend circle since I was six. We know each other very well and though not encouraged, new people do fit in but it takes years. No,we are not some cool bullies,it is just hard for us to trust.

Within ten minutes the new comer is forgotten and laughter prevails. Almost eleven years have passed since I first met them, I hope this bond is stronger than I that bond, which had all of my faith.

Will I be okay if I have them? It's selfishness that is speaking right now.
Not me. Promise.

Let's swallow this misery and head forward. I have to learn that having them is enough.

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