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Iam still debating on the reason which led me here. Honestly I don't care. But then I want to believe it's not her for that would complicate things for me.

That day,it had rained so hard and yet she sat there without any care in the world. I had lied. My house was in the complete opposite direction but I had lied. Why? I don't know.

Looking at her through the window of the shop I had chosen to take refuge in,she felt distant. Is she someone like me? Or are totally opposite that she is attracting me? It's almost dark now and she still hasn't moved from that spot.  Now,you time's up.

I think twice before tapping her on the shoulder and my assumption is proved correct when she is startled. Her stance is funny. Any normal person would have jumped and run away but she had balled her hands into fists ready for combat. I laugh inwardly. I don't have the courage to do it loudly.  I had to save time. I hate time.

She had been happy for a while that that day and it somehow encouraged me on. I would save her. I smile at myself because the realisation that hits me is fuzzy instead of the hard one. It was her and I had already complicated the things. I would have to go and I would be the second person to do that to her. I am being greedy but I'll give her more memories than him to last for a lifetime.

We were headed towards some place now and Sofim had let me lean on her shoulder. She was short but it was worth it. I feel myself drifting off easily. She radiates warmth just like my grandma.

I remember opening my eyes a little in between and I don't know wether it was my imagination,she was looking at me. I hope if it was in real,my cheeks didn't turn pink.

We reach the place in two hours and I believe everyone stopped breathing for sometime. There was complete silence and it pierced my eardrums. It was beautiful,no more than that. Sofim has her camera around her neck and she asks me to pose for her Infront of the waterfall. I do and end up giving a ridiculous one. She laughs. My embarrassment vanishes into thin air. We take few more and she takes one with me as well.

"Jake, let's go there," she points towards the top of the fall and I instantly refuse. I am scared of heights. She shrugs and walks away. I pray she doesn't fall. She does.

The rescue people swim into the lake like thing and take her out. Thankfully her stuffs are fine but she lost consciousness. I wait patiently but she does not wake up for another two hours.

"Hey,Jake." I turn around to see Paul. "Hi." " How is she?" " Fine. Just sleeping in." We talk about music and I let it divert my mind. "Hi." We turn to see Sofim walking towards us. I sigh.

She was fine. She asks whether her bags were with me and I nod. Things were going fine until a guy comes and speaks with her. I am not jealous just I hate the way his presence affects her. He must be the guy that left. What was he doing here? Sofim wants to leave and when I offer to go,she denies. I let her be. But why is he following her? They stop walking and I can tell she is angry but he is persistent. They walk again and are out of my sight.
"You like her?" I shake my head.  "Only a friend."

It rains and the plan of staying here is cancelled so we had to head back now. I was fine with it and surprisingly even she was. I take time to get my bags which was a mistake. Sofim is lost now. Or did she leave me? I hope it's the former but I know the truth.

I find her inside one of the buses and she has closed her eyes, a clear indication that she wants to be alone. Too bad, I am going to spoil that as punishment. "You should wait sometimes," I say bringing her back.

She looks annoyed but I didn't care. I had little time and I plan on spending it with her. We are about to settle when an intruder,yes intruder interupts. Nate. He was good looking though. I feel petty for fighting over a seat but I was going to back down just for my pride.

This annoys Sofim and she suggests that we sit on either side of her. Nice. I sit down and Nate sits on the other side.

I try making conversation with her but she has her ear plugs on. It is a waste but I don't realise when I fall asleep with my head in her shoulder.
I open my eyes a little when she jerks but I am not going to wake up. Not now. It was impossible for me.

I hear her sigh and mumble something." Rest afterward me shoulders. Wow,how can boys look so cute when they sleep?" I smile upon hearing this but wait that guy was also asleep?

"Jake,you only have four months now. It's either a transplant or death," the doctor had said. She was harsh with those words but it was the truth and I had to accept it. " It's alright. I don't like the idea of transplant. I'll take the other option," I had said. I didn't want to trouble my parents anymore. This is what I get for not obeying them. A year ago I had gotten into an accident while  driving in full speed when a truck had come out of nowhere and hit me. I had a concussion in the brain and damaged kidney. One of it had to be taken out. I was alive only on the other but that too seemed to have rotten now. This was unusual they said but I didn't care. If I had to die then I'll accept it with open arms. I walked out of the clinic and let mom embrace me. Father usually kept silent but I knew he was worried.


Now things were changing. I met people and I remembered granny slot nowadays. She always said, don't give up,no matter what. I found it cliché but it's weight was weighing me down now. Humans always realize late.

I snuggle closer to my reason to live. I didn't like her in that manner. I never would.

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