The end is always good!

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"Sensibility never defined selfishness."


My life has surely been a wierd one. I could never predict anything,for it always had a turn to make everyone I wanted to move straight.

It has always been a spiral for me and thus,I was always slow. I had a hard time uncoiling the spiral. And in addition to that,I realized it only recently.

Yes, realization was always late for me though every time I checked, I was always the first one. I know it's wierd but this concept stuck to me,I mean it just suited my personality.

However I know this much. I have been living the perfect teenage life. Stumbling upon as many troubles as possible and making mistakes every now and then.

It's not that different from the others though I don't know for sure about it. See? Uncertainty is one factor that describes it.

It gets confusing but I know I'll be fine at the end of the day. Sometimes there is a voice that says," Done. You have to stop now. Give it up!" Those moments are difficult to endure but then it passes and when it ends,we sure do not get time to relax. Another issue, situation, another experience,is always there to come forth.

It's a cycle. Until maturity sinks in and we make those decisions,which is acceptable to the society,in a shell,we become robots. I mean aren't adults confusing? We are on our way.

The coffee in front of me right now is steaming hot and the desire to drink it is right now is immense. I let the aroma sink in and wait for it to cool down. I drink it this way. This  makes it  richer.

A week ago,I gave my kidney to Jake and we survived. It's dramatic but this is it. The stitch still hurts but then it feels nice. I saved someone and the bonus, him being someone I know.

Now,I need to get back to my studies. Apart from my memories,oh about that, I am perfectly alright now and I regained the lost ones too,and my brain,I am not rich at all.

So I was joining school from tomorrow. I was excited for it. I mean,for teenagers isn't high school a good place to be? And plus,I miss my friends.

Winter has already arrived or is it early this year? The street looks amazing right now. It's almost night so the lights are already on and some restaurants even have fairy lights on.
Me and my fantasies about them.

"Cherry blossoms must have bloomed by now," I wispher and lift the coffee to drink it. This feels nice and yes,I gave up the thought of donating my organs. It just happened and not because I found it stupid,but rather because I found a reason to go on. That idea will have to wait,I guess.


Was it her that I saw? During the operation. I think I did but I am still not so sure. "Forget it."

My life turned upside down since I met her and it is better this way.  "It's colourful now," I say and shrug. Standing up, I rush into the bathroom for I am afraid that if I am late, she will kill me in the most brutal manner ever. She is the devil after all.

I still have five minutes left when I reach the cafe. I see her instantly for she sits near a window wondering. It is her favourite hobby which I never understood. This devil saved my life.
I owe her one.

I had never lived properly until I came across this school. And then unfurled the events. I cannot say,it was good but then it wasn't bad as well. I mean I earned friends. That's big for me.

"Hi." "You are in time. And for the first time," Sofim says and motions for me to sit. "I know the consequences okay," I say scratching my head. I sit and follow her eyes,and it feels like I am seeing what she is seeing.


We are finally on good terms now. I mean Sofim and I. With Jake,it's alright. There's no grudges so I guess we are fine.

Sofim really gave her organ. I knew she was generous but it's extent was  unknown. A stone from outside but then soft inside. And here I thought,this concept was only in movies and books. She has a way of proving everyone wrong and is forever, unpredictable.

What I felt when the operation was going on,is unforgettable. I was scared and confused. She still had not answered.

I know,going back to how it was,is not going to be easy but then it wasn't impossible. We'll take it slowly and this time I will be careful not to sow seeds of something more than friendship.

"They sure are a wierd pair," I say when I see them looking out of the window in daze. Only they know what they are staring at.

Walking inside the cafe,I know that,now everything was alright. Everyone is where they are supposed to be. No,confusion.

"You might get indigestion because of consuming flies," I say and bring them back. "Hi," Sofim says. I nod at Jake and he does the same.

"So,why did you call us?" I ask getting straight to the point. "Well, honestly I don't know. I have many things to say but then again,I forget them the moment I see your faces," Sofim says drinking on her coffee. "What? I mean you called us here and," Jake argues.

"I wanted to see you two. Can I not call you? I mean that's fine with me," she says . "This person!" I say and raise my hand to order.

"I am joking. I wanted to thank you two. For everything. Now don't ask me anything," she says and it's clear that she is feeling awkward. Not a big fan of PDA.

"Okay?" Jake half questions and it's funny. She nods and we start talking about random stuffs.

"Look!" We look outside and guess what,snow. Yes,snow. It should not snow this early but then, I don't know anything for sure now.

It's beautiful and plus,it's the first snow of the year."I am going out." "Why? It's cold," I say holding our ma'am back. "Seriously? It's beautiful and I wouldn't miss it for the world. I am going out. Come if you wish to," she says and walks out.

"I mean this is not even a drama,why are we outside?!" I shout. All the three of us are outside and she does not seem to mind. The flakes fall rather slowly and I am silently thankful to her.

"Make a wish," she says and when I open my mouth to say something,I notice Jake. He was staring at her and clearly cringing but despite that,he closes his eyes and wishes. I find myself following him.

Closing my eyes,"Alright then. Let's wish. I wish we become like before. I wish for another chance even if it means repeating the same mistakes."


"I wish for good luck for her.I wish she keeps smiling for a long time."

This wish thing is childish but then I do it anyways,it made her happy.
It is very cold outside so I run inside without them.

They look happy. I hope I do not become the third wheel here. It's not like she likes him but it irks me to great depth.

"I wish for another chance. I know I will repeat the same mistakes but then, there's always a but. Thank you for being here," I wish and find both of them with closed eyes.

I deserve some happiness and dada I got it. A best friend and someone who genuinely likes me.

I hope it stays as it is and for a long time.

"Sofim come in!" Jake shouts whom I failed to notice sneeking  inside.
"Coming. Hoi,let's go," I say and pull Nate with me.
We'll be fine. Falling we will rise and crying we will smile. But,there is something I fail to understand,why was maturity a little bit early for me?

'Many do not find life in the light,
They are meant for the dark.
They shine the brightest in here.'


Sorry if the ending is abrupt but I wish to leave it like that.
Thank you for reading my work.  I know it's cringe worthy but still.

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