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Memories are essential.

"Everyone back to your seats. Ma'am is here," I said and walked around the classroom making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. I was the class representative.

There is complete silence now and we wait. "You know..."I begin but am interrupted in the worst manner.

"Don't mind it's Holi." I turned to find a tiny spectacled face hiding behind a pillar. "Screw it Nate! My blazer is all spoiled. Why would you? Save yourself,"I try to get a hold of but the chalk dust is too immense.

Our teacher had entered then but I had managed to grab a few pieces of chalk for my revenge. I had a plus point,they were colourful.
How dare he play peek-a-boo? I crushed it and sprinkled it with leisure over his hair. It was his weak spot. Boys.

"Unfair. From behind?" He had said and almost cursed me but had not done so. I hated slang words. "Don't mind it's Holi," I had mocked him and laughed at my own pun.

Why were these memories still so vivid? I wanted to forget them. It was just another day, another fight. I had been happy. Does he remember them? "Let's let the past go now," I think and walk out of the cab.


What I see in front of me is a breathtaking view. A large green meadow surrounded by pine on three sides leaving the entrance. There is tree looking out of place on top of a tiny hill present at the end of the meadow. It is huge and beautiful but noone seems to notice it.

"It surely is a crowed place," I think as I walk past them towards the huge table in the middle, assuming that it was where you registered yourself. It is.

"Hi. My name is Sofim. I called yesterday and was told to join today," I say to a girl sitting across the table,behind a huge pile of probably papers. She looks up and hands me of the papers. "Welcome. Fill that and give it back to me," she added before turning her attention towards the next person.

"Here," I hand the form back to the same girl. She points towards the cabins at the end . I nod ,not wanting to disturb her. Every worker here are wearing the same shirt, red in colour, they have an identity card around their neck.

This camp was going to be fun. There was a kitchen, yes a kitchen, with almost ten washrooms and a separate room for the supplies. Tents, gloves , ropes, everything. We were given options as well,wether we wanted a tent or a room with roommates.
I prefer the tent. After an hour of struggles,I finished my tent.

"Hey," I say as I approach the giant tree. A light breeze washes over my face and I can feel myself calm. "Kazuki," I mumble to the tree and sit down under its shade. There is a nice huge curve made by its roots and I fit in it easily.  The view is beautiful from here. The entire camp seems almost tiny and the sunset is a bonus.

"Sofim. Give it back," Nate said snatching the Pokémon cards from my hands. "It will not disappear if I play with it for some time,"I argue. "You will tear it. Big hands,"he mocked. "Fine,"I had said giving up. "Good girl,"he smirked. I got him hard on the head for whenever he did that it meant trouble.

I snap my eyes open and notice it was already dark. My stomach grumbled.
"Good evening,Kazuki," I say."Good evening." Did I just here a response? Or was someone else here.

I don't react and continue sitting in the same place. "Wow Kazuki, you do speak,"I said it aloud testing my sanity. "It's not her." I jerk up towards the voice coming from behind her. "Who are you?" I ask. "Who are you?" He said mimicking me. He is close. I walk around Kazuki without a sound but I find  no one. Branches? No one. I turn around and,"Boo!" "Screw you," I scream placing my hand over my heart.
This person was really pissing me now. I open my eyes and immediately regret my decision for it feels like a dream. He hasn't seen my face for he is still laughing. I want to run away instead I raise a finger and poke his cheek. "Hell, you are real," I mumble.

Here he is,after all these days, laughing like nothing happened.
"Hi Nate." He opens his eyes and they widen. It takes a few seconds before he answers,"Hi,Sofim."
The sparkle is still there but a little less. Maybe puberty.  He has hurt me and I can never forget that. It was him who walked away, not me.
"Bye." I wave and walk back towards the camp. Chocolate will help. I open a bar and sit inside my olive green tent.
This was a bad idea.
      "Sofim, you are a slut," Jonathan screamed. Vivian and I turned around towards him and I stare. Honestly, we did not know the meaning of the word but very fourth grader has a huge ego. I felt wired when he said the word. "What do you want?" I asked. He was a friend but sometimes he crossed the limits. He had a  reputation of the bad boy.
He smirked. "Say that again, I will beat you up," I warned and I meant it. I wasn't afraid of him. I pushed him hard and the next second, he was on the ground. It hurt his ego. He had tried to punch me several times but I had doged everyone of them. I wasn't a cry baby.
I remember Nate standing at the side and cheering us. He didn't help but sat back. Was it all worth it? Or was I yet to earn his friendship? It was twisted. We were twisted.


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