Chapter 4: First Target

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It was on a Monday morning. I walked up to my locker and found two items inside. One of them was a small cupcake. Unfortunately, it was covered in ants. Leaving something sweet in someone's locker was obviously not a good idea. But the gesture was still nice. The other item was a present, wrapped up neatly in pink and black wrapping paper.

I had to smile. I had a secret admirer! How cute was this? Excited I took both items from my locker. I wanted to open them when I was in class. I'm sure my friends would get jealous of me!

I couldn't wait. Once I was in class, I greeted two of my friends.

"What are those?"

"I got them as presents in my locker."

"How adorable! You have a secret admirer!"

"So cute!"

People were starting to gather around me. I grinned and started opening my present. After I tore the wrapping paper off, I saw a black box. Once I opened it, I almost dropped everything I was holding.

Inside the box was a gun.

My eyes grew larger than marbles. I thought this was going to be an ordinary present. I thought maybe I would be getting a new necklace out of this. But a gun? What kind of a bad excuse of a prank was this?

"Who would do this?"

"That's not a secret admirer..."


"Someone must hate her..."

I tried ignoring the voices around me. I stared at the cupcake. All of a sudden I had a feeling that this cupcake looked off. I sniffed it. It smelled like... blood. I knew that strong, metallic scent from anywhere. The cupcake must have been soaked into it.

A friend of mine snatched the cupcake from my hand. She said: "Maybe there's something inside." She started disassembling the cupcake on my table. Surely enough, there were two crumpled up piece of papers hidden in the cupcake. After opening the first one, I realized that this was a picture. It wasn't just any picture... The first one that I opened up was a picture of my friends and I throwing eggs and flour on some girl after school. So Young. That stupid girl who was trying to take Mr. Kim away from us. From me.

But the second picture was what really shook me to my core. It was a picture of me fooling around with a teacher in a classroom after school hours. I remembered this day clearly. How could I have been so stupid to let myself get caught?

I felt all of the blood drain from my body. I tried to hide the picture from the others, but they had already caught wind of it. I could hear them whispering about it.

"Hey, there's something written on the back of this one..."

I turned the picture around and with big, red letters there was one word smeared onto the back: 'Disappear'. The word was written with blood.

[So Young]

I heard about what happened to Somi that day. People were giving me weird looks. At first I didn't know why. But then the principal called me to his office during class. He said that Somi found some very unpleasant 'gifts' in her locker. He didn't go into too much detail.

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked. I didn't want to sound rude, but I hated being kept in the dark.

"She said that there was a picture of you," he said, pausing for a moment to study my reaction, "I asked her to show me the picture. It was quite distressing, miss So Young."

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