Chapter 9: Somi's Disappearance

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Wait, what?

I stared at Junsu in shock. Did he just...? What? Was he pranking me? Of course he was. He had to be kidding me.

I stood up and started putting my stuff in my bag. Of all the things he could do to hurt me, he had to go this far... I couldn't believe him. I knew his 'kindness' was too good to be true.

"Wait," he said, quickly grabbing my hand, "don't go."

"I thought you were sincere," I said, "Why would you joke about that?"

He frowned. "What are you talking about? It's not a joke."

"Oh really? So you're telling me all those times you've hurt me was your way of saying you liked me?"

He didn't reply immediately. "I knew this was going to end badly..." was all he said.

I sighed. "No, if you knew it would end badly you shouldn't have said anything. I don't know why I even bothered to..." My voice trailed off, realizing what I was about to say.

"Bothered to do what?" he insisted, his sharp eyes staring at me.

"Forget it," I said, "Unlike you, I would rather hold my thoughts to myself."

He took a step towards me. Before I knew it, his lips were on top of mine. It was just as soft as the first time, but it didn't last as long.

He pulled back only by a few inches and whispered: "I told you that I didn't want to hurt you." He placed his warm hands on my cheeks. "I do the weirdest shit whenever I'm around you. I know you hate me, but somehow I can't take you off my mind."

What was he saying? Was he serious? There was nothing about his expression that proved this was a prank. Junsu was serious. He actually liked me!

But even if he did like me, how could he prove to me that he wouldn't hurt me anymore?

I pushed him back. "I don't believe you like me," I admitted, "I don't believe you'll change. In fact, you didn't tell me you were planning to change. You didn't even apologize for all of the stuff you put me through. You're not going to stop hurting me and threatening me."

He looked away from me. I was right.

"That person you talked about who could snatch me away from you... that was Byung-wook, right?" He didn't answer my question. Once again, I was right. "I told him to back off because I knew you were going to flip out like you did today if we became friends. But maybe I should befriend him. He seems like a great guy."

He shoved his hands in his pockets. "Appearances can be deceiving." I shook my head. But he didn't give up. "Not him. Please."

He was practically begging me to stay away from him. Weird... Was he jealous? I decided to change the topic.

"I'll do whatever you ask me to," I said, remembering our deal, "But don't ask me to like you back. It's impossible."

It was a big fat lie. I already liked him. But I lied to protect myself. I really didn't want to fall for this guy. He wasn't a good guy. This guy indirectly killed my mother. How could I like him? How could I ever introduce him to my dad? There was no way this could ever work out. I wanted to get out of this as soon as I could.

"You're right," he said, "I'll make you like me."

Something about those words sounded eerie to me. Maybe it was the way he was looking at me. Maybe it was the menacing aura that he was starting to emit. Whatever it was, it creeped the heck out of me.

"Is something wrong?"

Mr. Kim's voice brought me back to planet Earth. I smiled sheepishly at him. "S-sorry, I was lost in my thoughts there," I admitted.

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