Chapter 6: Feelings?

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Tomorrow would be the first day of December. The reason I thought of this was because window-shopping with Yoona wasn't turning out to be as nice as I thought it would be. It was starting to get really cold these days, but today was the worst so far.

"You don't look so good, So Young," Yoona remarked.

"Isn't it a bit cold today?" I asked her, "Or is it just me?"

She shrugged. "I mean, I think it's going to snow soon. I think it's a bit chilly, but it's not that cold yet. Perhaps you're starting to get sick? Oh, look at this dress! It's perfect for the winter!"

I followed her gaze, but to be honest I wasn't paying attention to it. I was thinking about what she had just said. I was afraid to get sick because of more ways than one. It caught me off-guard when she suddenly pulled me inside the store. So much for 'window-shopping'; Yoona ended up buying the dress with her father's credit card.

"Is something else on your mind?" she asked me after we left the store.

I looked away from her. "Well... I do have something that I want to ask you..."

"And that is...?"

"Recently I seem to get nervous around someone whenever I see him. I feel like I can't breathe. Is there something wrong with me? Should I go see the doctor?"

She burst out in laughter. "You make it sound like you've never fallen in love with someone before!"

Huh? "Love?" I repeated, with an obvious sarcastic and incredulous tone in my voice.

"Duh," she said, "You need to see a doctor alright. A love doctor!" And she continued laughing.

"I'm not in love with that guy," I said simply, "There's just no way."

"Why not?"

I leaned into her and whispered: "He's the devil himself."

She laughed even louder this time. "But you can't help who you fall in love with, right? Those things just happen. You just need to deal with it somehow."

I frowned. She had a point there. And I was going to have to 'deal' with my feelings as soon as possible, too. I just had to forget about him one way or another.

"Ugh," I groaned, "What should I do?"

"Why don't you try confessing to him?"

"Confess?!? Are you—oh! That's not such a bad idea... If he rejects me, maybe then I'll snap out of it."

She rolled her eyes. "You're so weird sometimes, So Young..."

I grinned. Who was I kidding? The idea of ever confessing to Junsu made my stomach churn. There was no way that would ever happen.

"What about you, Yoona?" I said to change the topic, "Do you have somebody you like?" This was how girl talks went, right? Was I doing this right?

"Of course I do," she said immediately.

"Oh? Who—"

"I like the one who usually sits next to you."

Wait, what? What?

"A-ah..." I didn't know what else to say.

"It's true that I can't stand him," she explained, "but that's only because he ignores me. He's not bad on the eyes. And I'm not the only girl that likes him at school, either. He actually has a secret fan club that even he doesn't know about."

"Seriously?" I replied, snorting, "How sad... Those girls have nothing better to do, huh?"

"It doesn't only consist of girls, actually..." she said, grinning.

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