Chapter 19: Where is Dad?

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At some point I fell asleep. I wanted to stay alert so that I could catch Junsu falling asleep, but I was too exhausted to keep myself to my word. Besides, ever since Dad went missing, I haven't been able to sleep at all anymore. The moment I fainted when Junsu kidnapped me was the only moment of rest that I got.

By the time I woke back up, the sunlight was coming in through the window. My wrists felt numb. My legs were stinging from the lack of movement. I glanced down at Junsu. He was looking right at me, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"Good morning," he said.

I grunted in response. To my surprise, Junsu got up, walked up to me and ripped the tape off my mouth. The stinging that followed was almost unbearable.

"I said, good morning," he said; his face was as hard as ice.

I glared at him. Before he got to touch me again, I told him 'good morning' quickly. He smiled satisfied. What a bastard...

"I'm sure you must be hungry," he continued.

"You're crazy," I said, shaking my head.

"Just because I kidnapped you doesn't mean I want you to starve to death," he said, "And if you need to go to the bathroom too, let me know."

He must have been one of the most considerate kidnappers in history. But it wasn't an offer I could refuse. Perhaps there was something in the bathroom that I could use, or maybe in the process of going there I could manage to escape. And if I wanted to escape, I would need strength. And seeing as it's been so many hours since I last ate something, I had to eat now.

"Okay," I said, looking away from him, "I guess I am hungry."

Just when I thought he would leave the room to prepare the food, he took out his phone and made a call. Apparently he was asking someone to bring the food here. Were there more people in this building?

"Where's my dad, Junsu?" I asked.

He looked at me in silence for a moment. Then he asked me: "Is your dad more important than me?"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Why was he mixing up my familial relationships with romantic relationships? Couldn't I have a father and also be in love? Why did he want the one over the other?

He brought his face close to mine. His eyes lingered on my lips, and I automatically pressed them tightly together so that he wouldn't kiss me.

"So Young, you don't get it," he whispered, "You're mine, and only mine. I can't let anyone else have you."

"So you'll hurt everyone around me to be with me?" I couldn't believe I was asking this question, but I had to know what was going through his head.

But I didn't expect his straightforward answer to be this destructive to me. In a serious tone he told me 'yes'. I felt sick.

"I'll get rid of anyone who treats you badly," he said.

"What... is wrong with you?" was all I could ask.

Junsu placed his hands on my cheeks. "You are." He smiled, and for a second I almost forgot what situation I was in. I had to remind myself that I couldn't like this guy. "But is that so wrong?"

I didn't say anything. The door swung open. A person with striking blond hair stood at the door holding a tray of food. His bright blue eyes fell on me, but he looked away again quickly. He was slim, not muscular at all, but he was still quite good-looking. Junsu took the tray from his hands. They exchanged a few hushed words, and the guy glanced at me before leaving again. Who was he?

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