Chapter 2: Mr. Kim

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When I got home that day Dad wasn't there yet. It was a relief, because I could go take a shower without him asking me any questions about why I stunk so badly. The water was cold, and I hated it. It reminded me of that dreadful day they broke into to the house. In fact, everything was making me remember that day. I had tried so hard to break out of the dark hole I was in after that incident, to forget all that had happened, but it was like I was back at square one. No, rather than me being depressed, this time I had a guy after me who was hungry for revenge. And by the looks of it, he wasn't going to hesitate in hurting me to get what he wanted.

I sighed. What the heck was I supposed to do now? I couldn't ask Dad to move again. He would think I was out of my mind to want to move again after only a week. Either that, or he would suspect something was up. I didn't want to tell anyone about Junsu this time. I was too afraid to. I could bear it if he hurt me, but what would I do if he hurt my dad? He was all I had left.

I pressed my fist against my chest after feeling a deep stab of pain. I had to calm down. I couldn't have another panic attack now. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths in and out. I concentrated on calming myself as much as I could. But just as I was starting to feel better, the image of Mom popped in my head.

I closed the tap of the shower, wrapped myself in my towel and just stood there for a moment. My head was spinning violently. And the questions running through my head wasn't making me feel any better. How did I get myself in this mess? More importantly, how could I get myself out of it? Could I get myself out of it? Wouldn't calling the police solve this? But... how could I do that without him hurting us? Oh Mom, if only you were still here, I probably wouldn't have even reported them in the first place... None of this would have ever happened...

I ran my hand through my hair and let out another sigh. I went to my room to get dressed, then called Dad up. Maybe hearing his voice would make me calmer. But he didn't pick up.


I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was pathetic, really. Even in the morning I kept thinking about what I had done to her. I knew that I shouldn't have hurt her physically. I wasn't planning to, either. It just... happened. But it shouldn't have happened.

There was an insatiable anger in me that I didn't know how to control. I wasn't the one who told Dad to kill her mother. He did that on his own. So it didn't surprise me when he got caught for it. I just got angry. At him. At myself. And oddly enough, most of that anger was directed towards So Young. I assumed that with the warning I had given her she would back off.

So when I walked into the classroom the next day and saw that she wasn't there, I couldn't help but grin. It seemed she heeded my warning after all. Good girl.

[So Young]

When I opened my eyes I found myself lying on an unfamiliar bed. Dad was sitting next to me staring at me. The frown on his face told me what I needed to know.

"Hey Dad," I said, my voice sounding meek.

"Hey princess," he said, smiling at me, "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy," I admitted, "Where... am I?"

"You're in the hospital."

So I really did end up fainting... I grimaced. "You must be getting tired of bringing me here."

His smile dropped. He ignored what I said and asked me the million-dollar question: "Did something happen?"

I sat up straight and looked down at my hands. I shook my head. I couldn't bring myself to tell him what was going on. I just couldn't.

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