Chapter 7: Byung-wook

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[So Young]

I spent the rest of that week at home, resting, hoping that my cold would soon go away. To be honest all I could truly think about was Junsu. I could still feel his amazing kiss on my lips, and whenever I did, I would bite my lip and started blushing. I didn't know what went through that head of his when he kissed me, but oh how I wanted to know so badly...
I made up a theory about what happened that day. I think he was about to do something very bad but decided against it for whatever reason. It was as if kissing me made him forget what he was about to do. His kiss was completely the opposite of what I expected of him.

The following Monday was a weird day. There were only a few days left before school would close for New Years. As soon as I got to school, I saw a note in my locker. It was a love letter. I couldn't believe it. The person wanted to meet up with me last Friday, but I was sick. What if it had just been Junsu again? What was the point in meeting up?

As I was making my way to the classroom someone put his hand on my shoulder. I flinched and turned around quickly. I assumed it was Junsu. It wasn't. It was a guy I didn't know even existed until now. He had short light brown hair, and just like Junsu, wasn't so bad on the eyes. He was slim, but not too skinny. Junsu had a more muscular build compared to him.

"Uhh hi," he said, "Did you find a letter in your locker?"

I blinked a few times, not sure where this was headed. "Yes?"

"Okay good," he sighed, "I thought I had placed it in the wrong locker."

I shook my head. "No, uhm... I was sick on Friday. I'm just now returning to school. So... that's why..."

He shot me a big grin. "Glad to hear that! Not that you were sick, that sucks... What I meant was—"

I laughed. "It's fine, I get it," I reassured him, "Was there something you wanted to say?"

I wasn't particularly ready for a confession from a guy I didn't know. Or maybe I didn't want this guy's confession. Maybe I was expecting something different out of all of this.

"Well it's just..." He seemed very nervous, and it was actually very cute to see. I didn't expect to see guys react this way when confessing to someone. "I've noticed you since you first came here, and well... I really like you. I want to get to know you better."

Just as that confession escaped his lips, I spotted Junsu standing just a few feet behind him. He gave me a cold glare. Then he brushed past us and went inside the classroom. But the guy barely gave Junsu any attention.

"What do you say?" he asked.

"Well... I would like to at least know your name first before deciding anything," I said, trying to ignore the weird, heavy feeling in my chest.

"Duh," he said, laughing and scratching the back of his head, "Call me Byung-wook."

"I was surprised you knew my name," I told him earnestly.

"I have my sources," Byung-wook said. His grin was quite infectious.

I chuckled. "Sure," I told him, "We can become friends. If you still like me after getting to know me, you can confess to me again and I'll give you an answer."

"Deal," he said, "Do you feel like hanging out during recess?"

I nodded. "Okay."

"I'll come pick you up. See you later!"


He walked past me. I turned around to look at him before going inside the room to take my seat. Yoona motioned for me to sit next to her. I was about to go in her direction when I spotted Junsu's eyes. He seemed pissed off.

"Don't you ever refuse to sit next to me again..."

His words from the day we made the deal that I would do whatever he ordered me to rang through my head. I wasn't in the mood to sit next to him at all. Not after what he did to me. So I sat next to Yoona.

As soon as the bell for the next class went off, I put my things in my bag. Before I had the chance to stand up, I was pulled to my feet and slammed hard against someone's chest. Not so surprisingly, it was Junsu's.

"Come," he barked, pulling me away without even waiting for an answer.

This time he didn't even care that he was in a more public area. He simply threw me against the wall outside our classroom and warned me: "Did you forget our agreement?"

I broke free from his grip on my wrist and spoke up: "You mean the one you forced me into?"

He crossed his arms. "Cute. Just because I gave you a chance last time doesn't mean I will do it again." As if to remind me what he meant, his eyes trailed down to my breasts, then back to me. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes that made me feel very uncomfortable. "Oh, and that new boyfriend of yours? Lose him."

"Or else what?" I knew I shouldn't have asked him that, but I wanted to see how standing up to him would be like.

"Or else your mom won't be the only one in a grave." With that said, he backed off and left.

I felt my whole body turn numb. If he ended up hurting Dad as well, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I could see people glancing at me and gossiping, and that only made me feel worse. He was openly bullying me and nobody was doing anything to stop him. Not even Yoona who was standing not too far from me. What kind of school was this?

Recess kicked in, and I still hadn't been to the other classes. I was hiding away in the toilet eating my food. This was ridiculous. How could I put a stop to this? By turning him in to the police? But wouldn't other people start to chase me down then? Didn't he mention something like that the other day? Or was he just bluffing?

"Hey So Young, are you in here?"

It was Yoona's voice. She sounded worried. But even she disgusted me right now. I didn't give her a reply. We weren't friends, so her not helping me out shouldn't have hurt me like this. But it did.

"Come on, please, just answer me. Come to class."

Nothing. My rice tasted unappetizing.

"There's this other guy looking for you too. The one who confessed to you."

I started blushing. She already heard about that? I was hoping no one else was in the restroom, otherwise that would've been super embarrassing. As if on cue, I heard giggling. I kicked the door open and glared at Yoona.

"I had a feeling that would help," she admitted, fighting not to laugh, "Can we go somewhere private to talk?"

"No thanks," I told her.

"Why not? Are you mad at me?"

"What gave it away?" I asked sarcastically, "Yoona, what are we?"

She seemed confused by my question at first. But then she understood what I meant. "Friends, right? We hung out once."

"Are we really? Don't friends usually stick up for each other? Because you surely didn't do that today. You saw how he pulled me away. That's all you did, you 'saw'. You didn't do anything."

She frowned. "I'm sorry So Young... But you know how people see you and Junsu these days... Nobody dares to stand up to him. There's nothing else I could have done."

"Why? You were afraid of what people would think of you if you stood up for me?" I huffed. "I saw how you looked when I sat next to you in class today. You didn't want me there."

"H-hold on a second..." she started, but I cut her off.

"Don't worry, I won't be there for you anymore."

"What did you want me to do?!" she yelled all of a sudden, "I can't fight. I would have gotten my ass kicked by him."

I wiped a tear away and gave her a sad smile. "You could have called a teacher. You could have called anyone else. There's always something you can do. And by the way... You don't befriend someone after hanging out just once."

I walked past her and left the restroom. I was so done with her. But the worst thing was... I was so done with myself.

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