Chapter 5: Agreement

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The days that followed went by quietly, despite the drama with Somi. In fact, I didn't even see her at school anymore. Rumor had it she's decided to transfer to another school. I couldn't blame her; I was spooked just hearing what she went through. What did return to normal was Junsu's aggressive behavior towards me. Once again he started kicking my table out of boredom, stealing my stuff during class, pushing me when there was no one around... It was as if Somi being gone didn't matter at all. I still had this guy to worry about.

One day I did my best to come on time; not too late and not too early. I wasn't in the mood to see him. I even managed to sneak up and sit next to Yoona for once seeing as her partner was absent. She smiled when I greeted her.

Yoona was a girl in my class with gorgeous blond hair. She was the class president who treated everyone (including me) nicely without judging me like everyone else did. After the Somi incident, she made sure to check on me every day, asking me if I was doing alright. She said that it was terrible that people were blaming me for it.

Moments after I sat down, Junsu also arrived. He was wearing the black hoodie from the day they broke into our house. I frowned. His eyes trailed the room and stopped when they met mine. I looked away. I hated him. I just wanted some peace of mind from him, just for one day. Was that too much to ask?

He walked past me. When I heard someone kick against what sounded like a table or a chair, I flinched. I didn't look back though.


At first it surprised me when she didn't sit next to me. The more time went by, the more bored I got. It wasn't fun if she wasn't next to me so that I could annoy the living daylights out of her.

I rested my head in the palm of my hand and kept staring at her. Why was I so damn annoyed at this? She wasn't allowed to sit next to anyone other than me. She was mine, and only mine.

I watched along as she let her hair down and tied it back up in a bun. Her pen hung from her lips as she chewed on it like it was some kind of gum. I simply couldn't take my eyes away from her.

And then I thought of something. A smirk appeared on my face as I planned it all out in my head. This was going to be fun.

[So Young]

I avoided him throughout the entire day. Whenever I looked back at him, I found him staring at me with an annoyed expression on his face. Eventually I just stopped looking at him. I mean, why was I doing it in the first place?

"I must be going crazy," I muttered to myself during recess.

Yoona raised a brow at me. "What's up?"

"O-oh, it's nothing," I said quickly, laughing sheepishly at her.

"Right... Hey, do you have any plans for today, after school?"

"Not really, why?"

"Want to go out? We can do some shopping."

"Oh, sure!" It would be my first time ever hanging out with someone after school, which wasn't for a group assignment. Sad, I know. "Do we take the bus there?"

"I could ask my driver to come pick us up." Oh right... She wasn't like me. She was a rich girl. "He'll pick us back up when we're done."

"A-ah, alright then..." I replied.

Someone appeared at the door and called out my name. I didn't know who he was, but he told me to go to the school's gym; apparently someone was looking for me. I gave Yoona a look and shrugged. I wrapped my lunchbox back up and followed the guy to the door.

"Who's looking for me?" I asked him.

"I can't say," he said, and then he said with a smirk, "Who knows? Maybe it's a confession?"

I rolled my eyes. Yeah, right... But I guess I could still check it out.

At that moment I didn't notice that Junsu wasn't in the room. If I had, I would have realized immediately who it was that was calling me. As soon as I got near the gym, I was pulled away. And it was by none other than him, Junsu.

"Let go of me! What do you want?" I yelled, trying to pull myself away from his grasp.

"Shh..." His lips hovered above my neck, his breath sending shivers down my spine.

A few steps away from the gym was an old classroom. Somehow Junsu had the key to this room; he must have stolen it. He swung me inside. The tables had chairs turned upside down on them. The room was dusty, as if it hadn't been used in months. Even the blackboard seemed gray with dust.

"Junsu, let go of me!!"

He pressed me against the wall before slamming his hand against the spot right next to my face, probably to scare me. It worked. He leaned in close to me and just stared at me with his annoyed face again.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice trembling a bit with fear. Was he going to hurt me again?

"Do you think you can avoid me forever?" he asked, tracing a finger on my cheeks, "You can't escape your destiny, So Young."

I tried to push him away, but it only made the situation more favorable for him. Junsu laughed. He then grabbed me by the collar and held me in place. I tried calling for help, but it was pointless.

"Do you really think somebody can hear you in here?" he hissed, his lips brushing against my neck.

"Don't... please..." I whined, still trying to push him away. My heart was racing so hard. He wasn't actually hurting me like before, but for some reason I felt like I could barely breathe.

He chuckled and pulled back. "What are you getting so worked up for? I haven't even touched you yet."

"So Young? So Young, where are you?" a familiar voice called out outside. I knew for sure that it was Yoona.

Before I could say anything back, Junsu placed his hand over my mouth.

"Okay, here's the deal," he whispered, "From now on you're going to do every single thing I order you to. You're going to be my personal slave for as long as I want. It's as easy as that. Let's not do anything you'll regret now, shall we?"

I pulled his hand from my mouth. "Why should I?!"

He smirked. "To put it simply, a few of my dad's friends are hunting down the person who reported him to the police and got him arrested. I wonder what they would do if I told them I knew who and where that person was... I'm sure they would also be interested in your dad who fought with my dad before we left that day."

I gazed away from him as I thought about my options. I was afraid this would happen. Lock the dad up, then the whole family tree comes after you.

"You've got two seconds to give me an answer. One... T—"

"Fine! I'll do it!" I said without thinking, "Just promise me that you'll leave my dad out of it."

"Promise you?" He pushed me to the side and made his way to the door. "Oh please. You're no more than a dog to me now. I have no obligation to promise you anything. Oh, and one more thing..."

Oh god, what now?

"Don't you ever refuse to sit next to me again," he said, looking away from me, "It's annoying."

Wait, what? No, no, don't think too much of it... He was probably only saying this because he liked torturing me...

"Yeah, whatever," I muttered.

"Good girl," he said and nodded before patting my head like I really was some kind of dog.

Break time was almost over, so he finally allowed me to leave. He said that our 'agreement' would kick in tomorrow morning. After we went our separate ways, I let out a long, deep sigh. My heart was still beating fast, and I still didn't know why that was so. I assumed that it had something to do with my anxiety. Whatever the reason, I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow at all.

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