Chapter 21: Fight Back!

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Junsu started warming up more and more to me. It felt like we were back to being friends again. But the truth was that I hated Junsu more than I've hated anyone else in this world. I was sure that if my performance could have won an Oscar, I would have.

I got to see Jiho again once in a while, but he did his best not to make any eye contact with me. I was starting to get impatient. He promised me that I was going to get out soon. But when? How many weeks have I been here? I wanted to go home. I wanted to be as far away from the guy who took my dad away from me as possible. Was Jiho actually going to do something?

I wanted to take matters into my own hands. One night I tried to escape. That day my hands were back in cuffs behind my back, but at least my feet were free. I stayed up all night and waited for Junsu to leave the room. As soon as he left, I swung my feet over the bed and ran towards the window. It was dark in the bedroom except for a single ray of moonlight that touched the floor. I started searching for the handle, but it was frustratingly difficult to see anything in this darkness.

Then I saw it.

I turned my back for the window and started feeling for it. That one click that would signal my escape. But then the door swung open again. I froze. Junsu panicked for a moment, realizing that I wasn't on the bed, but when he saw me standing in front of the window he was silent. I couldn't see his face, but I got a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Junsu didn't say anything at first. He started walking towards me slowly. But when he fastened his pace and ran to me, I screamed. He punched me right across my face. I fell to the floor in shock. I hated to admit it, but while being here Junsu always treated me well. Unlike other kidnappers, he fed me, allowed me to use the bathroom... But he's never hit me before.

Junsu grabbed my hair and pulled my face to his. "How dare you try to escape?" His hands trailed from my face to my neck, which cradled around me tightly. "You can't get away from me, So Young. You knew that, and you still defied me. How fucking dare you?"

I wanted to kick him away from me, do something to stop him from choking me. But I couldn't do anything about my hands being cuffed, and I wasn't in a position to stand up. Junsu laid me down to the floor and climbed on top of me, still choking me. Just when I was started to feel faint, his hands dropped down next to my face.

For a moment Junsu didn't do or say anything. He just stared at me. I was glad that it was too dark for me to see his face. I didn't want to know what he was thinking. I just wanted him to get off of me. And when I felt his hand creep down my shirt, I knew that things had just taken a turn for the worse.

It felt like it lasted an eternity. By the time he finished with me, he just pulled my pants back up neatly and stood up like nothing had ever happened. He carried me back to the bed and placed me down. He didn't say anything. He went back to his 'post' and kept an eye on me.

I felt broken. My entire body ached tremendously, and my throat hurt from forcing myself to scream despite him having choked me minutes before. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face. I felt so extremely disgusted with myself. My mind couldn't even process what had just happened. Somehow I blamed myself for being weak and not being able to fight back. I tried telling myself that I couldn't move because of him. I tried reassuring myself that it was all his fault. But... Wasn't there something I could have done?

I didn't sleep at all that night. By the time it was morning, I was still curled up in a ball on the bed, my eyes wide open. I was afraid that he would do something to me again while I slept, so I forced myself to stay awake.

When I saw him get up from the ground, I flinched instinctively. I saw him frown, but it only lasted a second or two. He walked up to me.

"You didn't sleep," he stated.

I didn't reply to him. He sighed.

"Why did you try to escape?" he asked calmly.

Once again, I didn't give him an answer.

"Wasn't I treating you well enough? I fed you and everything. I even gave you a change of clothes. Wasn't it good enough?"

No reply. I glared at him. He leaned in closer to me.

"Am I not good enough for you?" he asked, touching my face softly. But although his touch was gentle, it sent crazy amounts of electricity through my body.

"Get away from me," I hissed.

I couldn't keep up the charade of pretending to like him anymore. I hated him, and at this point I wasn't afraid to show it anymore. But it only seemed to fuel him up more. One of his hands lingered at my neck, sending me a painful reminder of how he choked me last night.

"Why are you being so difficult?" He grinned, his eyes sparkling with malice. "All I ever want is what's best for you, and you do this."

He lifted his hand and pulled out the rope. I was back to square one. He tied my ankles back together.

"I told you all you had to do was behave," he said, tying the final knot and looking back up at me, "You're too stubborn for your own good. But it's nothing I can't handle."

He left the room then. My first thought was to try and get out again, but the pain I was feeling in my lower area held me back. A while later he came back holding a plate of scrambled eggs and pancakes. It was the fanciest meal he's given me so far.

And I refused to eat it.

Junsu was getting more and more annoyed, which in turn amused me so. But he didn't give up. He started feeding me despite me trying to fight back.

"Hey, I don't mind letting you starve," he said. I knew he was lying; it would kill him if something happened to me. I could see it in his eyes.

After a few more unsuccessful tries, Junsu finally snapped and threw the plate against the wall. He grabbed me by the chin and forced me to look at him. I closed my eyes, feeling my heart race again. Just like last night. I could see it all come back to me. I was so mad at him, but when it came down to it, I would get petrified. Just like now. Just like last night.

He crashed his lips onto mine, and I started crying immediately. My heart was torn. Was I supposed to yell? What for? No one was going to rescue me here anyway.

He climbed on top of me and started lifting my shirt again. It was now or never. The second his lips pulled away from mine, I opened my mouth and let out a long, deafening scream.

At that moment the door suddenly swung open, causing us both to turn. There stood one police officer. And then there were ten of them. The same room that has been eerily quiet before got flooded by armed officers who were all pointing their guns at Junsu, ordering him to get off of me.

But for a long few seconds Junsu just sat there, looking at them. Two of the officers rushed at him, pulling him by his arms away from me. I couldn't believe what was happening. The person who was holding me hostage was now the one being cuffed. He kept his head down the entire time and didn't say a word.

A few more officers held him at gunpoint as they took him away. Our eyes met one last time before he was gone.

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