What Gets Left Behind

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Xavianna and Mia stop at Xavi's place to pick up the pups before heading to the Toretto household they get to Mia's house just in time to see Dom stand before Brian with a shotgun in his hand and Brian with his hand gun in Dom's face "talk to him he'll listen to you!"  Mia says softly "not this time.... he might think I knew before he did just as Vince predicted from the start!"  Xavi replies softly then they hear the screeching of a car rushing in their direction and she adds "besides we have other things to worry about"  Xavi climbs out of the car then a sweaty looking Jesse walk up to the Toretto house and say "Dominic I'm so sorry I don't know what I'm doing Dom I'm so scared right now I don't know what's going on"  Xavi says to Mia who was about to follow her out "stay here!.... better yet take the car and head to my place.... don't argue just do it!"  Mia looks at her with a surprised expression on her face then slides over to the drivers side turns the car around and drives away Xavi never ordered her around unless there was a good reason to do so so she knew that something was about to go down and her friend just wanted to keep her safe as Mia drives away Dom tosses his shotgun onto the ground and says to his frightened friend "Jess! what were you thinking man?"  Jesse replies "I don't know! I panicked! I'm sorry"  they hear the rumble of an engine zoom towards them as Jesse says "I'm scared! I don't know what I'm doing! will you please help me?"  Dom turns his head towards the sound and he sees Xavi standing on the sidewalk looking at the three of them what he also sees is two motorbikes heading their way Xavi rushes over to Jesse and pushes him down to the ground as the men on the bikes shoot at them and Dom does his best to rush over to them crawling along the grass as the bullets spray around him making bits of the grass fly "we're fine go!"  Xavi shouts as Dom reaches them and the bullets stop flying "go after them!.... go!"  she says Dom looks at her then looks at Brian who heads for his car climbs in and drives off after the bikers Dom looks at Xavi again she nods at him then he rushes to his Charger climbs in and follows Brian part of him wanted to kiss her and part of him wanted to stay loyal to Letty as Xavi would want him to be and he wants to be as well so he fights the urge to do what his body wanted to do and does what she told him to do and went after the men who almost killed her and his friend.... and himself and Brian.... Xavi takes Jesse inside then calls Mia and has her come back then once Mia returns.... with Daisy and Duke..... she has her/them stay with the still terrified Jesse and she gets in her car and goes in search of Dom....

By the time Xavianna finds Dom he and Brian had just crossed the train tracks as a train was coming she shakes her head with a small chuckle as she watches them she could have sworn she heard Dom chuckle.... though all she did was see him smile.... as she waves at him as he passes in a salute sort of way "Dom!"  she shouts with a worried tone as she sees a semi drive towards him without being able to stop and she drives over to see if he's ok once his car lands after flipping a few times she parks next to Brian's car and they both rush over to him they watch him take a few heavy breaths then hear him say "that's not what I had in mind"  Xavi laughs then helps him climb out of his car and THAT'S when he took advantage of the situation and kissed her as he climbs out of the window of his car "just paying you back from when you did that to me"  he says with a smile "yeah but I didn't have an audience!.... though at least he doesn't have a camera"  Xavi replies Dom laughs Brian chuckles softly then asks "what are you two talking about?!"  she replies "after your first race I kind of pulled Dom up against a wall and kissed him in a way of hiding him from the cops I know my pups to be adrenaline junkies so I knew I couldn't stay.... not to mention I was invited to the party he didn't know was going on by his sister who needed less rowdy company.... and help with the café and auto shop paperwork!"  Brian laughs "we're going to need to get Jesse a fake ID he can't stay here at least not until the heat blows over I'm not sure he'd make it in Witness Protection he's to co-dependent especially with Dom and crew.... oh and put the beast in my name I'll take care of it!.... tell them I won it in a poker game or somethin!"  she tells Brian who chuckles at the last part especially when he sees her point at the car and not Dom and that's when Dom notices it blood coming from Xavi's shoulder "you got hit!"  he says with a worried tone "I did!?!"  she asks then she looks at the arm he clutched with his good hand "adrenaline really is a wonderful thing huh?!"  she asks when she notices the blood "we'll get it taken care of AFTER we take care of you!"  she adds he growls "don't you argue with me you'll lose Toretto!"  she says he chuckles then he looks at the keys Brian was holding out to him he takes them from him and asks "you know what you're doing?"  Brian replies "I owe you a ten-second car and I don't think you want them catching you with her!"  Dom looks at Xavi then at Brian and nods he kisses Xavi's cheek then walks over to Brian's car and drives away "you take care of yourself Bri"  Xavi says "you too X"  Brian replies with a smile she shakes his hand then walks over to her car and drives away....

"Come with me!"  Xavianna hears Dom say from behind her as she was wiping down her car in her garage she stops, turns, looks at him and says "while Letty's still with you?!.... I don't think that's wise.... I'll visit though.... besides as you said I started it!.... I kissed you first!.... I saw how you were with Letty at the race but ignored what it meant.... I could use the excuse "I was saving you from getting caught" all I want but in truth I wanted that kiss!.... I wanted so much more but I stopped it at that kiss I'm glad I had the "late for a party" excuse and that it was the truth because if I didn't I probably would have answered those desires to their full capacity and you probably would have let me! I see it in the way you move, how you act, the way you stare at me.... I suppose Letty has the right to be jealous! but there's a difference between thinking about it and acting on it! and we have yet to fully act on it though I don't want to.... not while you're still with her! who knows what the future bring but the present.... it's what we're stuck with until it comes!.... if Letty sees you head back to her with me at your side it's going to become much worse than it already is and I can't have you leave your relationship with her like that! if you two choose in the near to distant future to not be with one another anymore then we'll see how it goes but until then.... we need to be careful Dom.... we can't just....!"  he places his hands on her arms just below her shoulders and smiles then he kisses her forehead and says while looking into her eyes "I look forward to those visits"  she smiles and he walks away.... Xavi was true to her word taking a trip to Mexico and the Dominican Republic every 3 months out of the year she stayed for a week then went back to LA coming back after three months had past staying for a week so Dom saw her for a week 4 months out of every year he was torn away from his home and just as he claimed he LOVED it and it pissed Letty off just how much he loved having her around what also pissed Letty off was that during her free time Xavi was fixing up Dom's Charger in LA and everytime Letty came home she would find her working on it.... it was one of the main reasons she came home.... it was strange when Xavi was around she was the only one Dom flirted with it made Letty miss the days when he flirted with every skank that surrounded him and it didn't take long for Letty to be so sick of it that she breaks up with him but stays as a part of his circle to do the work FOR him.... or so she would say.... by the time Dom moved to the DR he and Xavi were a couple and everyone could see the love pouring from them in a much stronger way than it did when he was with Letty both Dom, Xavi, Daisy and Duke became a town favorite loved by all Xavi of course befriends everyone new on Dom's crew right away and Letty uses the jobs as a chance to test just how much in love with Xavi he is she expected him to be like he was with her but he either ignored or pushed away each advance she tried to take on him he even "threatened" to no longer allow her to ride with him if she continued which made her stop.... Xavi still went back to LA but the visits were switched instead of visiting Dom 4 months out of the year for a week she visited Mia bringing her pups along with her each time just like she did when she visited Dom

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