Meeting Your Soon To Be Sister-In-Law Can Lead To Your DOOM💥

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Xavianna walks into the Black Site with Deckard and follows him to the room he's regretting that he has to walk into she smiles at Hobbs who smiles back at her when she and Deckard walk into the large glass walled room then the two men chorus "no ...

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Xavianna walks into the Black Site with Deckard and follows him to the room he's regretting that he has to walk into she smiles at Hobbs who smiles back at her when she and Deckard walk into the large glass walled room then the two men chorus "no fuckin way!"  Hobbs says as he looks past Deckard at a smiling Xavi who stands behind the man he's speaking about she's now with leaning up against one of the glass walls and "enjoying the show" and he tries not to smile himself "now I'm not working with this guy I've been there done that"  Deckard says "hey the minute he gets involved you can kiss goodbye to any finesse because She-Hulk here only knows how to smash"  he tries not to smile when he hears Xavi mutter under her breath "hey at least he's good at it!"  as Hobbs says "yeah Mr. Arson here only knows how to blow shit up"  Xavi mutters "again he's good at it it would be far worse if he was bad at it!"  Deckard once again tries not to smile as he says pointing at Hobbs "and the fact is...."  Hobbs repeats "and the fact is...."  Deckard says "no offence...."  Hobbs repeats adding one extra word "oh no offense...."  then they chorus as they point at one another "this guys a real arsehole"  Deckard says to Hobbs "that's uh "sumbitch" in your native tongue"  Hobbs replies "that'd be "wanker" in your native tongue"  Deckard asks "you finished blabbering? you sound like a giant tattooed baby?"  Hobbs replies "yeah, well, I'm not listening to this horseshit I got a job to do"  he was about to say something else but he knew Xavi would've beat his ass if he went that far so he left it at that "I'll have this job done while you're still putting on your baby oil"  Deckard says Xavi mutters teasingly "well it is a big job!"  Hobbs chuckles softly as a smile starts to escape out of the corner of his lips as Deckard says as he turns to face Xavi "good luck slick"  Hobbs snaps his fingers and says "that's it you just reminded me that's exactly why I hate working with you"  Deckard turns to face him as Hobbs continues "it's your voice it's your nasally, prepubescent, Harry Potter voice everytime you speak just imagine this for a second.... it's like dragging my balls across shattered glass and it hurts"  Xavi flinches as though she was imagining something she couldn't do herself.... unless you count women's breasts as the female version of mens testicles.... "well for me, it's not your voice it's your face your big, stupid face lookin at it makes me feel like God is projectile vomiting right in my eyes and it burns"  he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath his lips pop as they open and he says "it really burns"  seeing Hobbs grip the back of the chair he was standing behind Xavi walks over to them and says "alright boys that's enough showing off! you're starting to worry the techie over there who has a job of his own to do and you're not making it easy for him to do it so let's just calm down for just a sec so the poor man can take a breather!"  she smiles and winks at the blushing young man in a shirt and tie siting behind one of the glass walls probably recording everything that was going on in there Deckard wraps his arm around her waist and smiles at her then says to Hobbs "me and you, us I've been down this road it's a total waste of time"  Xavi looks at him sadly as Hobbs replies "for once I couldn't agree with you more"  Deckard says pointing at him as he squeezes Xavi's waist gently with the arm that's wrapped around it "yeah? well I'm doin this my way and if anyone's got a problem with that I suggest you come right here and stop me"  Xavi turns her body so that she now stands in front of him without leaving his loving grip as the techie whispers to the man who was standing next to him "I'm not going in there"  the other man repeats "I'm not going in there"  they both look into the room and see the sexy woman slide inbetween the British man and the table in front of him "smart lads"  Deckard says as he looks over at them then he turns his attention to Xavi and whisperingly purrs with a smirk "smarter than you!"  he kisses her smiling lips then he walks her out of the room Xavi turns her body sideways and waves at Hobbs with a smile as she says "see you later Hobble!.... if you get a chance stop by the bar I'm working tonight and after dealing with this bozo you deserve a few free drinks!"  Hobbs chuckles as Deckard looks at her and asks "who you calling bozo!?!"  she points to the man in the darker suit standing by the techie and Hobbs burst out laughing.... that night Hobbs does as Xavi suggested and went to the bar to get his free drinks he even brought along the techies that helped him out that afternoon and they got a free round or two themselves.... "for having to deal with him" though he left a little earlier than they did for he still had a job to do and wanted to get it done so he could go back home to his favorite woman in the world.... his daughter who's only 6 so not yet a "fully grown" woman in size or age but in attitude oh boy! some would think she was trained by both Hobbs and Xavi she was so smart and sassy and cute a TRUE QUEEN of Hobble's world and the only queen that truly mattered Xavi had been there through every milestone of her life even though she wasn't biologically her mother Sam considered her a major part of her family and even though she was disappointed that Xavi chose Deckard over her father she understood she saw how their relationship had changed from ones who loved one another truly and deeply with all their hearts to a more familial/friendship kind love.... that was still true and deep but not as deep as it once was not to mention Xavi was a part of a much darker time in Hobbs' life when he was dealing deep in family trouble as a matter of fact Hobbs broke his own rule about not returning home ONCE just so he could introduce Xavianna to his mother who loves her just as much as Deckard's mom does but unlike Magdalene she didn't arrange a marriage between them she waited out the storm and just like Sam was disappointed that she didn't gain Xavi as a daughter in law but she still considered her a daughter and swore that whoever broke Xavi's heart would pay dearly for it....

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