Family Is EVERYTHING.... Even When It Isn't Your Own👨‍👩‍👦

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Dom was happy to see Xavianna standing next to Luke when he and his crew went to go work the job Luke needed help with but he (Dom) was also worried.... how would she take what he had to do?!.... to his surprise she took it rather well all it took was one look into his eyes for her to know something was REALLY wrong she walks over to him as he walks not only separate but away from his family and says in a low soft voice "whatever you need to do I'm with you! even if I have to do it from the sidelines I will support whatever decision you make.... as long as it's for the right reasons!"  she pauses then says "they have Elena don't they!?!.... I was wondering why she wasn't at Hobble's though I figured she was on a job.... or maybe they aren't together anymore...."  he smiles a sad smile at her and she knew she was right it didn't surprise her that the crew didn't wonder why Dom was so different she noticed that no one.... not even the one who "still loves him" AND thinks she is married to him could see what she sees in his eyes or read in his body language.... man they were blind when it came to him a little TOO blind!.... Xavi rode with Dom during the job and acted as though it was like any other day and not giving his soon to become betrayal away she couldn't even tell Luke because if she told him she would have to give him the FULL truth and if he found out that Elena was taken by whoever stole half of Dom away from them he would become worse than the monster Dom has to become in order to protect his girlfriend/ex...."you were only to supposed to create a diversion, Roman"  Letty says into the com as the crew drives out the door of a building with Dom in the lead.... as he always is.... and into a concrete pathway surrounded by other burning buildings "that was a diversion"  Roman replies into his "how many of the damn explosives did you use?"  Tej asks into his com "I do not know, Tej all of it?"  Roman replies "wait, all of it?"  Tej asks "Roman, Jesus Christ"  Luke says into his com Xavi chuckles softly making Dom smile "you have more of your fan club ahead"  Letty says into her com as the security team of the place they just stole from drives up to "meet" them Dom turns a corner with Luke right behind him.... as he has been from the very beginning.... "they're still on us!"  Tej says into his com "these guys are taking this personal"  Roman says into his "Roman, we just blown up their facility and stole their EMP other than your doctor's cold fingers, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get"  Luke replies into his Xavi chuckles "phase 2"  Dom says into his com "phase 2? so you just gonna keep that to yourself? what happen to Phase 1? what about that part?"  Roman asks into his "yeah, remember the airplane? everyone drove their cars out but you"  Tej replies into his com "I told you my engine seized up"  Roman says "it's your balls that seized up"  Letty says into her com "just follow my lead, okay? and Roman, whatever you do.... don't think"  Tej says into his com "what?"  Roman asks softly not knowing what the hell he was talking about "Tej, drop it"  Dom orders into his com he squeezes Xavi's thigh and she squeezes his back "bomb's away"  Tej says softly and Dom orders everyone to "split now!"  as a big yellow wrecking ball with a smiling winky face swings towards them "that's one bright happy ball!"  Xavi jokes as she turns to watch it once it passes Dom's car Dom laughs as they hear Roman shout into his com just as the ball passes his car and hits the troop of cars behind him "holy....!"  then he says "great plan Tej just so you know you missed some"  Tej replies "oh just wait for it"  and as he says that the ball swings back to make another pass hitting the rest of the troop of cars as it comes back "oh.... shit!"  Roman shouts then he says "I hate you, Tej!"  Tej laughs then replies "got your ass"  Letty passes by Dom and Xavi and looks straight at Dom who looks over at Xavi.... though Letty probably thought he was looking at her.... "you good?"  Letty asks "I'll see you when it's done"  Dom replies without really answering then they hear Luke say into the com "alright great job, team let's break up and meet me at the safe house"  Xavi squeezes Dom's thigh as he speeds up his car then goes in the opposite direction of the crew with Luke still on his ass "hell of a job, brother when we can get back to the base beers on me"  Luke says through his window as he drives next to Dom and Xavi he sees the sadness in Xavi's eyes and knew that the "true" job was about to begin Xavi looks at Dom and says softly "do what you have to do I'm sure Luke will understand and forgive when the time is right and he knows how to play ball when it's not!"  he leans over and kisses her lips then he straightens and swerves his car so that it hits the side of Luke's which jumps then spins into the wired fence next to them and keeps on rolling Dom drives over to where Luke's car stopped parks then orders "get out of the car!"  Xavi opens her door and climbs out all the while taking out her phone and speed dialing a number Dom gets out looks at her from over the hood of his car and asks "who are you calling!?!"  she looks at him and replies "Nobody.... Luke may forgive you for this transaction but he will never forgive me going to prison for you!"  he laughs then walks over to her kisses her lips just as Nobody answers his phone Dom becomes all serious as he walks away from her and steals the EMP from Luke's car "you lost your god damn mind, Toretto! Toretto you put hands on that thing, you're gonna have the whole world coming for you including me I don't know what you're doing but you better think about this, Toretto it ain't too late to stop this"  Xavi hears Luke say as Dom steals the EMP then walks back to his car Dom looks at Xavi as he climbs back into his car she nods at him "it is now"  Xavi hears Luke say softly as Dom drives away and she walks into the wooded area out of sight of the security vehicles then hears Nobody ask into the speaker of her phone "where are you!?!"  she replies "Berlin.... I'll give you what information I can but if you bring the littlest Nobody you ain't getting jack shit!"  then she hears him laugh and she hangs up knowing that he was on his way.... he's a very curious guy who's gonna want a piece of the pie sooner rather than later.... Xavi looks at Luke who looks at her as he says into his com "that sum bitch just crossed us...."  and Letty reply into hers with a surprised tone "what?"  and Tej asks into his "wait a second, what are you talking about?"   Luke replies "Dom took the EMP"  Roman says "bullshit"  Letty asks with a low harsh growl "was Xavianna with him!?! I'm gonna wring that little bitches neck!.... where are you?"  Luke replies ignoring the piece about Xavi as he looks the woman a part of him still loves in the eyes as she walks over to his car and kneels down and their eyes meet "it's too late for me get out of here saw that look in his eyes I've seen that look before Dominic Toretto just went rogue"  Xavi tells Luke once he puts down his com "I've got Nobody comin for me"  he laughs then says "I figured you'd have it all figured out"  she replies softly with a sad tone "not everything...."  and he looks at her sadly then watches her walk away from his car as the sirens and blue flashing lights get closer.... once Nobody picks up Xavi and she sees that Li'l Nobody who she considers the "Roman" of Nobody's team.... in other words the idiot who talks to goddamn much.... wasn't in the car nor was it bugged with listening devices and the like.... she even had him turn off ALL of his high tech contraptions that could record their conversation and watched him do it with a smile on his face then she told him very little of what she knew she even showed him the same picture she showed Luke and gave him the same information she told him the truth when she said she didn't know what the woman wanted or who she was but they both knew why Dom was picked over anyone else.... because he was DAMN good at doing whatever he does.....

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