We Created The Perfect Family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦💓💏💞

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"Luke!!"  Xavianna shouts with a worried tone when she sees Luke's body flail as he tries to hang onto the tow when all four trucks rise into the air and float over the cliff "hold on Hattie it's Nos time!"  she whispers and Hattie looks at her oddly as the chopper jolts and Xavi once again lays her arm along Hattie's chest and holds onto her side keeping her balanced as she leans sideways and kicks the merc that was sitting next to her off the chopper "what!?! he said there was too much weight!"  Xavi says looking over at Hattie who chuckles and Brixton laughs Xavi looks down at the trucks below and sees that they each made it safely back onto land "sir the weapons are back online"  the only merc left in the chopper informs Brixton "let's go! let's go!"  Brixton shouts looking back at him then he turns back around and says "goodbye"  as he hits a little red button that sends a missile hurtling down towards Deckard and the Hobbs family and the brothers unhook themselves from Deckard and Luke's tow truck then maneuver themselves away from it so they don't get hit by the missile as it come flying towards the ground in front of them a few seconds later the homemade bombs Luke and his brothers made and buried in the ground explode and fly up and around them "let's get this done!"  Brixton shouts as he maneuvers the helicopter so that it doesn't get hit while keeping pace with Deckard and Luke's truck fortunately the merc trucks that have been following Luke and the others from the start aren't as smart as Luke and Deckard.... who maneuvers the tow truck he's driving so that it doesn't get hit.... or Brixton and they do get hit by quite a few of them and go flying on impact Xavi watches as Deckard swerves.... on purpose.... so that the truck hits a stake they had placed in the ground that triggers a trap that hits one of the merc trucks that survived the barrel bombs and flies up just missing the chopper by a inch or so "we're losing the rotors!"  Brixton says after he watches another half of his deplorable team go up in flames Hattie takes advantage of the Hobbly distraction that Brixton seems quite enamored by at the moment.... and not in a sexy way more of a "I'm gonna kill that S.O.B.!" sort of way.... and she punches than kicks the last merc sitting and the idiot had his finger on the trigger of his gun so as he fell off the chopper bullets sprayed from it and hit the front controls "the roads out!" Brixton shouts "losing power!"  his co-pilot says Xavi stands up and cups around the sides of Hattie's waist and shouts as they stand along the side of the chopper "Luke catch!"  Hattie looks at her in a "what the fuck do you think you're doing!?!" sort of way "do you trust us!?"  Xavi whispers into her ear Hattie nods then she feels Xavi gently push her off the chopper and a few seconds later she feels a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around her torso then sees Xavi's body fly backwards "don't!"  Hattie hears Luke warningly whisper softly into her ear she looks at him then at the man peeking through the side mirror of the truck and nods as they all watch the chopper fall down the side of the cliff taking the tow truck with it....

Luke made sure that when he and Hattie fell he fell first he groans as his back hits the ground and the machine that was on Hattie's back digs into his chest then sighs in relief when he sees that Hattie was laying on top of him seemingly unharmed though maybe a bit disoriented he slowly sits up and sees Xavianna slowly walk towards them with a slight limp she stops moving when she hears Brixton grunt as he sits up and starts to walk over to her then she maneuvers her body so that it misses the punch he tried to land up against her head "fool me once.... shame on you!"  Xavi says as she turns her body and moves her finger back in forth in a tisk tisk motion and that's when Luke realizes that she's giving them time to regain what they are going to need when her distraction doesn't work any longer Deckard and Luke help Hattie swim out of the little pool they fell in then lay her up against the rock wall before they rush over and join Xavi seeing his new targets approach Brixton says "this doesn't end your way boys!"  Deckard replies "yeah you keep telling yourself that"  he reaches Xavi's side takes her hand in his then whispers "go stand by Hattie!"  she kisses his lips and smiles at Luke who smiles back then does her best to jog over to where they left Hattie and sits down beside her "nah the numbers don't add up for you the evolution of man is coming whether you like it or not"  Brixton says to Deckard as he watches Xavi limp over to Hattie then sit down "you know I almost feel bad for you cause it's not just metal they filled your head with"  Deckard replies "it's bullshit"  Luke says "I was beginning to like you two you know that? oh well"  Brixton says then the fight begins "come on guys work together!"  Xavi whispers softly as Deckard and Luke fight Brixton "remember he's part machine and a machine can only do so much!"  she adds Hattie looks at her oddly "when I fought him he acted like a training bot calculating my every move.... luckily I took dance as a kid so I could somewhat confuse the computer he has for a brain these blockheads don't know how to dance!"  Xavi explains Hattie chuckles Xavi grips her ankle and twists it back into place sucking in a breath as the pain shoots from her foot up to her hip "what's the problem boys? does it hurt?"  Brixton asks Deckard and Luke once they were both down "must be hard being so.... human!"  he adds as the two men stand back up Xavi stands up and ignores the pain she feels as she runs towards the guys from behind and Brixton runs towards them from in front as Luke pulls his fist back ready to punch the black cyborg both Luke and Xavi's fists hit Brixton at the same time "what are you doing!?!"  Deckard asks "disorienting him!"  Xavi replies as Brixton starts to wobble a bit but stays on his feet "you're not working together and the machine in him isn't as fast as it was programmed to be!.... in other words he's a malfunctioning android!"  she adds "so if you want me to stop fighting then stop using your arm muscle and start using your brain!"  she tells him he chuckles then he and Luke look at one another and nod "go!"  Deckard orders nodding his head over to his sister Xavi smiles at him and starts to walk away but stops when she feels him grip her arm and hears him ask "where do you think you're going!?!"  she looks at him he kisses her lips then says "that's better!"  and he lightly smacks her ass as she continues on her way towards Hattie's safety zone "she's right there's two of us and one of him and if we don't want her coming back here we're going to have to work as a team"  Deckard says to Luke who replies "I'll take a punch and let you land one"  Deckard says "I'll do the same got your back brother"  the two men look at one another and Luke replies "and I got yours let's go unplug this sumbitch"  then the fight starts once again and the two men who pretend to hate one another but are learning to like each other bit by bit fight together as a team for the billionth time but this time it's a more coherent "well oiled machine" once the machine was done removing the virus from Hattie the two girls work together to take it out then look over when they hear Luke say as he picks Brixton up and body slams his back onto a boulder "here comes the Kryptonite"  Deckard walks over to Brixton and takes his gun out of its sheathe then places it in Brixton's hand so it activates the two women look at one another then stand up and walk over to the men "I got it"  Hattie says showing off the tube of yellow orange liquid with a smile Deckard looks over at her and says "you did it Hattie"  Xavi adds with a playfully teasing tone "and you didn't die!.... what are the odds!?!"  Hattie looks at her and gently pushes her shoulder with a smile "never had a doubt"  Luke says to Hattie Hattie looks at him then at Xavi who holds her hand up and pinches her thumb and pointer finger together as she jokingly says "just a small one!"  Luke chuckles shaking his head then he says "let's get it into safe hands"  Deckard points the gun he took at Brixton as he walks over to where the man sits trying to catch his breath and says "you set me up as a traitor, turned my own sister against me, almost killed my wife, forced me to kill my own brother! you!"  Brixton says as he watches Xavi walk over to Deckard and slide her hand into his free one "and here we are again come on! Shaw come back to the cause one life doesn't mean anything"  Deckard replies still pointing the gun at a man he used to call friend/brother "I don't know what happened to you Brixton but you made me kill you once I ain't doing it again"  he drops the gun to the ground "brother you may believe in machines.... but we believe in people you may have all the technology in the world we have heart no machine will ever beat that"  Luke says to Brixton as Xavi wraps her arm around his waist and he wraps his around hers knowing full well that her body was getting tired and her ankle was probably hurting worse than before Xavi tilts her head at Brixton as he stands then says "that's how it is it's a hell of a business boys"  then his head shoots back and he falls off the cliff into the rocky water below they all turn when they hear something turn itself on from inside the chopper then they hear a masked mechanical voice say "Brixton never really lived up to our expectations but you four.... you out preformed your analytics you don't remember me do you Hobbs? hmm? you will it's gonna be a hell of a reunion make sure you bring that girl you got wrapped around you when we do alright? you're on our radar now"  Luke replies "and you're on ours and you're never going anywhere near her!"  there's a crackling sound as the chopper shuts itself off again Xavi switches men as she lets go of Luke's waist and holds onto Deckard's and they all start walking out of the hole they fell into "so explain to me why you shouted with worry about Luke and not me!"  Deckard teases "you were safely inside the truck surrounded by a cabin made of metal he didn't even have a harness on as he swung like Tarzan on the outside with no type of protection whatsoever!"  Xavi replies he laughs "hey thanks for being my sidekick through this whole thing brother you were great"  Luke says to Deckard "how about I sidekick that stupid look off your face?"  Deckard replies "yeah? how about you show me right now?"  Luke asks as he stops walking and turns to face Deckard "it's good to see that everything has returned to normal!"  Xavi teases Hattie chuckles then says as she wraps her arm around Luke and Xavi's necks "let's go home"  Luke and Deckard look at one another then laugh and they continue on their way once again....

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