You Mean The World To Me🌎

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**** another trip down memory lane****

"Hey guys"  Xavianna says to Tego and Rico as they open up the back doors of the ambulance and slide Deckard's body in on a yellow stretcher they grin and wave at her then they start arguing in spanish about who is going to be driving Xavi chuckles shaking her head at them "are they always like that!?!"  Magdalene asks as they watch the two men shut the doors "yep!" Xavi replies with a smile then she says as Magdalene picks up a needle and pulls of the cap "here let me do that!"  Magdalene shrugs then hands it to her and Xavi stabs him with it Deckard gasps awake and the first thing he sees is Xavi smiling at him and he coos with a smile of his own "hey there beautiful!"  Xavi says "maybe I should have let you do it!"  he looks at her oddly then hears his mom laugh then he turns his head and sees his mom smiling at the two of them "did Toretto hold up his end of the deal?"  Deckard asks his mother "he gave us this little thing here"  Magdalene replies holding up a tiny tablet watch Deckard goes to reach for it but she pulls it back and says "no, no, no don't touch you can track Cipher with this but you can't do it on your own there's got to be two of ya.... well three!"  she looks at Xavi knowing full well the woman she's always considered a daughter ever since Deckard introduced her to her way back when would go to the ends of the Earth with her son if need be and smiles Deckard looks at Xavi and says "oh no she's not going I've got contacts"  he reaches for the tablet watch once again "no you're gonna take your brother and she'll go wherever she damn well pleases!"  Magdalene says Xavi smiles at the two of them used to their constant bickering "oh dear...."  Deckard says with a sigh in his tone as he turns his head away and rolls his eyes "yes Toretto knows where he is he's got this thing it can see everything it's like.... it's called the Devil's BumHole or something"  Xavi chuckles softly as Deckard smiles then replies "it's called the God's Eye"  Magdalene says "yes, well, whatever"  Xavi laughs Magdalene rolls her eyes as she tries not to smile especially when Deckard smiles "for her" "there's no way I'm using Owen or X all right? he's a lost cause and I don't want her placing herself in harms way anymore!"  Deckard says Magdalene slaps his cheek then says "he's your brother Deck's he's my son he's our family and our family don't die in bloody cages"  she starts to fake cry as she turns her head away from him and as usual he falls for it Xavi on the other hand was trying very hard not to smile at the act as Magdalene continues to "cry" and says "how can you talk like that about Owen? I can't believe you you've gone and upset me you've really upset your mother call yourself a brother? you're...."  Deckard purses his lips together for he hates to see his mother cry he slides his hand over his forehead Xavi slides her hand over his thigh he looks down at it as his whole body quivers and tingles and her gentle, loving, comforting touch he looks up at his mother and says "look come here.... mum ok, ok...."  Magdalene wipes her fake tears then turns and smiles at him "everytime.... and you!.... you're no help!"  Deckard says looking from one woman to the other and Xavi bursts out laughing then says "think about it Ace.... when have you ever seen your mother truly cry!?"  he looks at her flabbergasted and yet he still wanted to kiss her.... he wanted to kiss her when he saw her when he "woke up" in the godforsaken ambulance, when he saw her smile and heard her laugh he ALWAYS wants to kiss her he wants to do so much more to and for her but he knows that she's always loyal to those she's with both while she's with them and after they break up with her him and Luke are perfect examples of that sort of stupidity he also knew she heard what Dom said before he (Dom) "shot" him (Deckard) and he knew that must have hurt her which made him want to try and figure out a way to make her feel better but wasn't sure how to go about doing that without possibly making things worse between them..... which we know now he didn't actually have to worry about but they both didn't know that then.... "I am going with you!"  Xavi tells him he groans then says "fine!"  she says "besides this way you can keep a promise he never did"  he looks at her oddly "he promised to take me skydiving to make up for the fact that I missed the view the last time we "fell" from a plane since I fell asleep in the car!"  she says he smiles then chuckles shaking his head as he recalls the time she was talking about then he says "alright fine!.... but I'm getting Owen on my own!"  the look she gave him told him just how wrong he was and he sighs heavily and Magdalene laughs which makes him smile and he REALLY wanted to kiss Xavi then but fought the urge with everything he had.... Deckard found out that day that he and Xavi worked well together.... this was the first "mission/job" he's ever done with her.... as they both freed his brother from his prison.... literally.... the only thing he hated about it was how quiet they were/had to be during the mission but it was still fun.... well as fun as a stealthy mission such as that could be.... Owen was shocked to see them both and for the first time in a long time happy to see his elder brother he gave Xavi a hug when he saw the sadness in her eyes when she saw the scar on his face and whispers into her ear as he hugs her "I don't blame you sis!"  Deckard stares at his brother in shock he could have sworn he loved her to though when he looked into his brothers eyes he could tell that he did but he had also excepted that he would never have her and he knew that if anyone was going to that Owen would root for him over anyone else for just like their mother Owen believed that she belonged in their family and no one elses.... "it was good working WITH you instead of against you for a change O!"  Xavi says after Owen has the pilots land the plane "you too!"  Owen replies with a smile then he gives her another hug "you take care we gotta get him home!"  she says nodding her head at the baby sleeping in her arms "yeah!"  he replies then watches her walk away he knew that just like he was she was very mission oriented or maybe just wanted to get the mission over as soon as possible so he tried his best not to take her leaving him personally but it was kinda hard for him to do.... what no one knew was that Xavi had administered a paternity test on the baby as she and Deckard drove him to where Dom was Deckard.... who was driving.... watched her do the test as the baby slept and he looked at her oddly "Elena claimed the baby was Dom's I'm pretty sure he's going to want proof of my assumptions that he's not.... luckily of me both Nobody's adore me to bits and allowed me to use their techno gizmos for stupid stuff like this!"  she tells him he chuckles "sad thing is Cipher would have used Dom even if the baby wasn't his after all he's fouled up quite a few of her plans for who knows how long!"  she adds he looks at her sadly "I'm not worried about him.... not anymore!"  she says with a sorrowful tone and once again Deckard was confused but also worried but he didn't ask any questions he just did what he promised he'd do and he got the baby to where Dom wanted him to be and as they were driving Nobody.... who had gotten the results of the test as quickly as one of his caliber could.... gave her the information she needed and found the real parents of the child then set up a meeting with them so his "heroes" could reunite them.... li'l Nobody had left the folder with Letty's info under the drivers side visor of Xavi's car he was too afraid of what might have happened to him if he gave it to her in person.... Dom had read the information about the child after Xavi had left the "welcome home" party.... which was how he knew to head to the diner and he left the party himself with the boy in his arms not too long after which pissed Letty off for she believed he was rushing after Xavi..... which was half true.... luckily he didn't have to drive there for the diner wasn't too far from where the party was....


How would Xavianna describe her relationship with Dom you ask!?.... well it's like what she told Brian the day Dom saw her at his (Brian's) home "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised!.... I kind of expected it to go somewhat like this!.... but I wanted to enjoy what I had while I had it just like I do with every relationship I'm in dating or otherwise.... I have spent my whole life with a woman who needed to be the center of everyone's world and attention I NEVER wanted to be in the center of everyone's world or attention so I made them the center of mine I did what I thought I believed was right I tore myself apart just so I could build everyone else up!.... I guess I should blame myself huh!?.... he must have gotten SO sick of that!.... the shocking thing is.... I never thought Dominic was the type to be THAT stupid to "fall into bed" with another while he was already with someone!.... sure he "played a game" during the races because he LOVES the attention but I never thought he would go as far as he did! surely he didn't think he wouldn't get caught after all I read everyone better than they read themselves!.... I've never been able to do that with Leticia because I never took the time to get to know her all I know is that she HATED that when I was around I got more attention than she did!.... until she came back from the dead anyway but Dominic's never been THAT stupid before he's always been about family he even claimed that I WAS family!.... yes I heard him!"  she says Brian chuckles "but it wasn't just the attention I got from you, Vince, Jesse, Leon and Mia but Dominic as well.... and yes we had always had that sort of flirtatious friendship there are even family videos that prove it!.... I'm pretty sure Mia has a few if you want to try and look for them.... don't worry their kid friendly so Jack can watch them too if he wants!"  she adds he laughs.....

A week after she moved to London Little Nobody used Nobody's video chat link to get ahold of Xavianna once she saw his face on her tablet screen she jokes sarcastically "what are you trying to ruin now Shawn!?! (I don't know Little Nobody's real name so I'm using the first name that popped in my head while writing this.... which come to think about it is actually a boy band members name [Shawn Stockman of Boys II Men]🤣) Little Nobody's eyes widen at the fact she used his REAL name then he clears his throat and pulls on his tie in his usual nervous way then says "I was told to give you this by Letty"  he lifts up a wedding invitation which was set for the same day Deckard and Xavi made love after she asked him about the arranged marriage not wanting to get angry at the innocently worried face that stares at her through the screen she shuts the laptop stands up and storms out of the house Deckard.... who had come to visit her and his mother.... watched her with a worried expression as she stormed past him livid about something he follows her out the door and watches her climb onto one of his many motorcycles and ride off he walks back to his car and follows her he finds her a few minutes later at a gun range shooting the target as though she was trying to rip it to shreds without ever touching it doing the second stupidest thing he has ever done in his life he cups her shoulder with his hand she spins around and points the gun in her hand at him her finger still on the trigger lucky for him she wasn't so blind with rage that she didn't recognize the man standing before her and she lowers the gun and her expression softens as their eyes meet "what did he do now!?!"  he asks she lets out a soft sarcastic chuckle then replies "he's getting married!"  his expression becomes one of shock then he reaches for her and pulls her into a hug knowing full well that there were no words he could say.... not that he could think of any anyway.... to make her "feel better" or happy at this moment in time "who....!?!"  he asks "take a guess!"  she replies with a slightly amused tone "Nobody"  he says with a heavy sigh "no.... less than him!"  she replies he chuckles then feels her smile against his chest "join me!? I promise to not point it at you.... again!"  she says he chuckles then he lets her go and grabs one of the guns she had prepared but has yet to use and after changing her target to a newer fresher one that he saw had Letty's face on it which made him chuckle and setting a target up for him that had Dom's face on it that made him laugh which made her smile that both shoot the targets side by side only stopping to switch guns when they ran out of ammo and change targets.... that still had Letty and Dom's face on them

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