Making A Everlasting Impression

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"I see a cool air intake it's got a NOS fogger system and a T4 turbo Dominic I see an AIC controller it has direct port nitrous injection"   Jesse says as he sticks his head under the hood of Brian's car checking out every little detail of every inch of it "yeah and a stand alone fuel management system not a bad way to spend ten thousand dollars"  Dom says looking at Brian "you see that shit? he's got enough NOS in there to blow himself up period"  Edwin says "yeah"  Dom replies "so what do you say? am I worthy?"  Brian asks looking at Dom "we don't know yet but you're in let's go"  Dom replies Xavianna hands Mia Daisy's lease and they start to walk away "hey Xav.... you still gonna allow me to take the Duke?!"  Dom asks as he watches her walk next to his sister Xavi turns to face him and asks "you promise to treat him good?!"  Dom chuckles with a smile and replies "yeah!"   Xavi kneels down and unclips Duke's leash then whispers into the Mastiff's ear "go get em boy!"  Duke runs over to Dom who kneels down and gives him some lovin as soon as he was in his arms "they're in the dash"  Xavi says as she turns back around and continues to walk away with Mia and Daisy at her side Dom laughs part of him wished it was her that was going with him but he knew what type of person she was and if she figured that he was with Letty she would never ride at his side just in case Letty became jealous.... at least he hoped she hadn't changed too much yes she was a little mean earlier that morning but as she said she doesn't always "think before she speaks" and just reacts to whatever was in front of her and she genuinely apologized afterwards which somewhat made up for it she's a "what you see is what you get" kinda gal and he likes what he sees.... as does every other man who looks at her.... Mia, Daisy and Xavi stand leaning up against Xavi's Boss 429 Mustang (you choose whatever color you want it to be) to watch the race with Letty standing next to Mia.... NOT leaning up against the car though she does have her arms crossed like the "bad bitch" she THINKS she is..... Hector had Xavi be the flag girl "you gonna let me use your shirt as the starter flag Hec!?!"  Xavi teases "hell no!"  Hector replies she laughs then says "well I'm not using my own!.... that's alright Daisy can assist let's go girl!"  Daisy jogs over to her Xavi tosses Mia her keys and says as her friend catches them "just in case"  Mia smiles at her Letty looks behind her at the Boss 429 Mustang and stares at it in shock "how come she's not racing this!?!"  Letty asks Mia "she doesn't race! and it was her fathers so it holds a bigger place in her heart than anything in the world!"  Mia replies Letty nods somewhat understandingly yet she was still shocked that the classic muscle car wasn't in the race with the others.... Xavi stands right at the line where Brian was supposed to drive then stop his car with Daisy at her side she smiles at him as he stops just two inches before hitting her then she and Daisy walk a few paces away from the racers cars were waiting to begin once they hear Dom play his music and hear Duke bark at them from the passenger seat of Dom's racer Dom looks up and smiles at her as a woman walks over to Edwin's car and places his hand over her breast saying with a seductive tone as she does "Edwin these are yours whether you win or lose but if you win you get her too"  Edwin looks over and sees a black woman blow a kiss and wave her fingers at him Xavi rolls her eyes at them as Edwin gets overexcited about the prospect of two girls to call his own then the red headed girl walks away from his car as Edwin gets himself all pumped up and ready for action Daisy gets excited when she hears the rev of the racers engines Duke moves out of Dom's way as he lifts up the bottom part of the passenger seat and preps his NOS then pats the seat and Duke hops back up onto it Xavi chuckles softly with a smile as she watches Dom give Duke one of the treats she left in his racer for her pup seeing her smile at him Dom smiles at her then he nods Xavi looks at Hector who was waiting for the go ahead from Leon Hector smiles and nods at her and Daisy starts barking excitedly in anticipation of what was to come Xavi moves Daisy so that she was sitting in front of her on her feet and calls out to the racers "ready.... steady...."  Daisy jumps and barks then Xavi says with a smile "go!"  and the racers drive past her and the race begins Xavi gives Daisy a treat as they wait for the last racer to move then they head over to where Mia and Letty stand "poor Brian has no idea what he's gotten himself into!"  Xavi says to Mia who chuckles with a smile then asks "are you sure it's wise to trust my brother with your dog?!"  Xavi replies "I trust that man with my own life why not the lives of my family?! besides it's a little too late to change my mind now and Duke will bite him in the ass if he starts to get frisky!.... I mean tries anything!"  Mia laughs then says with a smile "that's true!"  Xavi says with a smile "he'll just have to take Daisy on his next one.... don't want the sister getting jealous of the brother!"  Mia laughs even more....

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