I Will Treat Her Better Than You For She Is My Queen Of Aces👸🏻♠️

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**** still living through one more memory bare with them please****

"Wanna go to a wedding with me!?!"  Xavianna asks Deckard the afternoon she had asked him about Eteon.... the day after he asked her to marry him and they made love for the first time to one another in years.... he looks at her oddly then asks "so that's why you....!?!.... why didn't you tell me!?!".... he's talking about the day she stormed out of his mothers home and ended up at the shooting range.... "do you want to or don't you!?.... if not I could ask Hobble!"  she asks "don't you dare!"  he replies with a low growl in his tone she laughs he smiles "when is it!?"  he asks "uh.... tomorrow.... the plane leaves in an hour.... I would have asked sooner but your mind was elsewhere!"  she replies he chuckles shaking his head then says "I'll go pack"  he walks to his room and packs a travel bag then they head to the airport and fly to LA then head to the hotel where Luke and Sam.... who were surprised to see her.... were staying.... the next day Deckard stares at Xavi in awe of her beauty as she walks out of the hotel bedroom in a sexy mini dress "are you sure that's wedding attire!?!"  he asks "it is Dom and Leticia's wedding!.... I'll just tell her them I thought it was a race!"  she replies he laughs then they head out meeting Luke and Sam who were staying at the same hotel.... thanks to Xavi.... in the Lobby.... though they rode in their own car to the Los Angeles River Center and Gardens where the wedding was being held when they got there the first person to see them walk into the garden was Jack who ran over to Xavi and gave her a excitedly tight hug Deckard looks at her oddly with a raised eyebrow when he hears her say softly as she lifts the young man into her arms and stands up "there's my prince!"  then she looks at those beside her and introduces them to "her prince" "Ace, Hobble, Sunflower meet Jack O'Conner Brian and Mia's son Jack these are my friends Deckard, Luke and Sam.... though I don't think he'll mind you calling him Ace if you prefer though I'd be extra careful calling that one Hobble.... he tends to prefer "Lucky Luke"!"  Xavi says Deckard and Luke laugh Brian who felt his son let go of his hand looked over to see why he had let go and rushed away he smiles when he sees Xavi with Luke, Sam and Deckard he nudges his wife who looks over as well and just like her son a excited smile grows on her lips and she rushes over to her friend and hugs her.... a little lighter than her son did so she didn't squish her son as well.... Brian chuckles and follows her over "what are you doing here!?!"  Brain asks once he reaches Xavi and her little entourage "Letty invited me"  Xavi replies he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "she probably expected me to be heartbroken and sad so she could rub what she did in my face and show me just how happy SHE makes Dominic!.... I guess she had forgotten who my friends are!"  Xavi says Mia's eyes widen in surprise when she hears Xavi call her brother by his full name as Brian chuckles at her comment about her friends for he knew she was talking about those who surround her now the two men she dated before and now probably after.... he could see how Deckard was staring at her so he knew he was "the one who took Dom's place" "I waited 6 months by the way! and turned him down.... for now!"  she tells Brian who looks confused at first then chuckles Jack who had his head laying gently on Xavi's shoulder looks at her "yes my prince unfortunately you have someone new to be jealous of!"  she tells him Jack looks at the smiling Deckard then says "that's alright as long as he treats you good!"  Xavi smiles and replies "he treats me exceptionally good!.... almost as good as you do so if you got any pointers I'm sure he'd love to hear them!"  she rubs her nose gently back and forth over Jack's nose which has been their version of a kiss since they first met when he was just a baby Luke and the others chuckle seeing how she interacted with Jack and how she was with Paul.... the baby they rescued.... Deckard started imagining them having a child of their own he knew it wouldn't happen now but he hoped someday it would he knew his mother would be overly ecstatic if it did knowing her she probably already have plans for when it does.... Tej, Ramsey, Roman, Rico, Tego and Little Nobody were also shocked and happy to see her at the wedding Nobody just smiled knowingly when he saw her with her growing entourage the "gang" weren't the only ones who were shocked even though she was the one who "invited" her Letty was shocked and pissed Dom was just plain shocked..... he had no idea Letty even attempted to invite her.... he stared at Xavi from his spot by the priest as she sat surrounded by "their" family while sitting inbetween Luke and Deckard.... which was planned ahead of time just to "confuse" the others and make them wonder who she actually came with.... his cock throbbed with desire when he saw her in her mini dress and as the ceremony went forward his heart told him he was only marrying Letty because she was carrying his child.... which was his fault to begin with.... and it started to ache when he thought of all the times he went behind Xavi's back just to spend time with Letty and love her too he knew he never should have but he did it anyway and kept with the "confused heart" excuse as his reason but truth was it wasn't confused he loves Xavi he was just so lonely when she was gone off visiting family, taking care of things he should have taken care of himself but he had her so he didn't need to Letty NEVER did the things Xavi did for him but he still loved her despite her selfish tendencies for she was there in the beginning and now thanks to his stupidity the end....

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