Chapter 2

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When Nishinoya arrived at the gym, he was baffled to find his fellow club members huddled in one corner. Usually he would see them practicing ahead of him, every single one of them full of energy as if they did not have classes earlier that day.

"What's up?" Noya casually approached his team mates. They were standing together, forming a tight wall of humanity. Through the
slight gap between the captain Sawamura and the vice captain Sugawara, the libero thought he saw a kid being cornered by the boys.

None of the other members had noticed Nishinoya 's arrival. They were too engrossed in talking to the person they've just cornered. It was a serious, man-to-man talk, the one that usually ends up in trouble like in the movies.

"Hinata, " Sawamura Daichi spoke in a worried tone, "this is a prank, right ? "

Hinata?, Nishinoya arched an eyebrow. He was sensing trouble.

"Oi, oi, why are you cornering Hinata?" he yelled. "That's bullying ! "

Suga looked back at him and gave a nervous smile. "Nishinoya, you're here! Uh no. We are not bullying Hinata"

The silver-haired setter's answer puzzled Noya even more. "So what's going on?" he asked.

The other club members finally broke the human wall they have formed around Hinata. Noya stared at his kouhai and immediately noticed something strange.

It was a strange thing which he found awesome, at first.

"Waaaaah!" Noya ran towards Hinata like a whirlwind. He grabbed the ginger-haired shrimp's shoulders, which felt slimmer and fragile.

"I'm taller than you now!"

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER, NOYA!" Daichi suddenly burst into volcanic anger, which startled the libero.

"Why are you pissed at me?" Noya whined defensively. He then smirked when he thought the captain made an error in grammar. "And it's ' him ' , not ' her '. "

"You're wrong there, senpai . " Tsukishima spoke with an amused smile that irritated Hinata.

"Hina-chan is now a girl"

"Shut up!" Hinata blurted out, but Tsukki ' s smile widened even more at the sound of her feminine voice.

Hinata 's voice had simply confirmed it all. Noya looked at him, no, her and he could not avoid dropping his jaw in shock.


Kageyama sighed. "That's what I also said at first."

Nishinoya stared at Hinata from head to toe, repeatedly. She has a wild mane of orange hair and big brown eyes, just like yesterday. But
she was a few inches smaller than him, and her figure has changed a little. It was not much obvious because of the loose black shirt she
was wearing that day, but upon close inspection, you can say that she has the curves of a woman.

Hinata Shouyou, the super-hyper, ginger haired, short-legged, high jumping, super spiking, perfect decoy becomes a girl?

Just what the hell is going on?

"Ano, I'm wondering" Yamaguchi said hesitantly.

"How did Kageyama-kun confirm that Hinata became a girl?"

All of the guys stared at Kageyama, whose face suddenly became scarlet.

"Indeed." Daichi was curious as well. "How did you find out?"

Of all the people in the gym, it was Tsukishima who came up with an answer. "Unless Kageyama ordered Hinata to show him"

"Don't tell me" Tanaka grabbed the collar of Kageyama ' s shirt.

Abracadabra ||FemHinata by Aominecchi0831 (FanFiction netWhere stories live. Discover now