Chapter 12: Twenty Seconds (Part 1)

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It was the probably the most eventful evening of all for Kenma. Right after his childhood friend tormented him through more than an hour of tedious training, said friend's crush confessed that she's actually a dude.

If zombies would claw their way out from underground that same night, Kenma wouldn't even blink an eye in surprise.

If anything, Kenma was rather disappointed that Hinata Shouyou had not told him of his condition right away. Not that Kenma was the type who pries into the lives of his friends. He had just hoped that the gingerhead shrimp would have been honest to him.

Shouyou shouldn't have bothered lying to me, Kenma thought. He could not deny it; he was slightly upset. Sure, he and Shouyou may not have bonded as long as he and the folks from Nekoma did, but they have been friends for quite a long time, and they have always been maintaining something which Kuroo had once called long distance friendship.

Kuroo. Now that Hinata had told Kenma the truth, Nekoma's setter could not help but feel apprehensive.

Just how am I supposed to tell him the truth?

He was afraid of how Kuroo would react to the news. Knowing him, Kenma was certain that it will take time before the bedhead gets

And if he finds out, what will he do?

Kenma's face cast a shadow as he trod gloomily down the corridor on his way to the sleeping quarters. He was extremely worried with both of his friends.

Both of them will only get hurt. Kuroo must learn the truth right away. But who am I to reveal Shouyou's secret ?

His thoughts dissolved when he reached the sleeping quarters. The regulars of Nekoma shared a spacious room. There were sleeping mats already spread on the floor. A lot of the boys were still awake, either fooling around or doing their own stuff. Kenma found Kuroo
standing by the window, talking with someone over the phone.

"The new sets of uniform?" Kuroo asked. He was gazing outside the window, lazily toying with the hem of his pillow, which he was
hugging under one arm. "You want me to go check them tomorrow? "

Kenma stood in his place, waiting for his friend to recognize his presence. Kuroo, however, had his back against him, not noticing him as he went on talking.

"No problem," Kuroo said lightheartedly. "But I can bring someone with me, right? Like, a team member or manager?"

Kenma could feel his heartbeat quicken its pace as a terrifying feeling crept over him.

"Okay, I'll do it," Kuroo said, before saying goodbye and ending the phone call. It was then that he had finally noticed Kenma standing
behind him.

"Hey there!" Kuroo was smiling jovially. Kenma found it a bad omen.

Although he went through hell when Kuroo had caught him and the other boys peeking outside the gym, Kageyama was unable to sleep, much to his surprise. His body was already begging him to get some rest, but
his mind was in the mood for a night stroll outside the sleeping quarters before lights out. Mind won over the body in the end. He had
decided to go to the restroom to wash his face even if he was done taking a bath.

Abracadabra ||FemHinata by Aominecchi0831 (FanFiction netWhere stories live. Discover now