Chapter 17: Little Miss Right (Part 2)

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Hinata stepped down the entryway and put on a pair of sandals, brown colored and tied around the ankles. She then checked the contents of her bag to see if she had forgotten anything.

"Shou-chan!" Hinata's mother shouted from the kitchen. "Make sure you come back before evening, or your father's going to get
worried ! "

"Yes!" Hinata stood up and walked over to the door.

"Good luck with your date, sweetie!"

"I'm not going on a date, Mom" Hinata smiled awkwardly, before leaving. "Bye!"

"Today's gonna be a fun day," Oikawa said with a flourish. "Nee, Iwa-chan? "

Students of Aoba Josai have been up very early to prepare for their annual school festival. Every classroom was decorated and changed
into a specific theme that the class had decided to follow. On the school grounds were various stalls, set up by different clubs to sell many varieties of food that exists.

"Shut up and help us set up our booth, " Iwaizumi yelled at the captain of their volleyball team. They were going to have a booth that sells takoyaki. Kindaichi and Matsukawa were placing the booth's signboard while Iwaizumi was being assisted by Hanamaki in preparing the utensils.

"Don't worry, Iwa-chan, I'll be of great help later on. We'll have high sales because of me"

"What makes you think that?" networks of veins began to appear all over Iwaizumi's face.

"Well, the girls buy your stale takoyaki because I'm in your booth-ow" Oikawa, unable to shut his mouth, was nudged hard in the rib by Iwaizumi.

"By the way, " Hanamaki said. "The Student Council is going to hold a contest for the girls in this festival."

"What about it?" Iwaizumi asked, out of curiosity.

Hanamaki shrugged. "They say that they will search for the prettiest female guest in the school and she shall be awarded"

"Surely no girl can match the beauty of my Sunset-chan, " Oikawa scoffed.

"Sunset-chan?" The other boys, save Iwaizumi, were puzzled.

Iwaizumi heaved a weary sigh. "He's talking about the girl he met somewhere."

Truth be told, he wished Oikawa wouldn't mention his "Miss Right" to the rest of the team. Chances are the captain would go on and on about how he had met the girl of his dreams, until one day reality will hit him hard and well, he'll probably sulk in his room for longs nights again.

"Didn't Oikawa-san just break up with another girl recently?" Kindaichi could not help but ask.

Oikawa smiled knowingly, and shook a finger at his underclassman. "Kindaichi, I know you're inexperienced, and you need mentoring when it comes to the matters of the heart and relationships"

His speech was quickly cut off when Iwaizumi, in an act of utter irritation, gave him a karate chop on the other side of his rib.

"Ouch!" Oikawa held the assaulted side of his torso gingerly.

"Shut it, Trashykawa. Don't teach crap to your kouhai!" Iwaizumi yelled.

"What's taking that idiot so long?" Kageyama said in exasperation.

It has been decided that Hinata was going to meet Kageyama and Nishinoya at the entrance of Karasuno at morning. Plan was to travel
to Aoba Josai by commuting; hence they had to leave early. But Hinata was fifteen minutes late, and Kageyama was not known for his

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