Chapter 9: A face that Launched a Thousend Volleyballs (Part 2)

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Tsukishima heaved a weary sigh. He was strangely exhausted despite that he hasn't entered the court yet. In fact, he hardly exerted any effort in the training. He simply did what was asked of him, nothing more. And yet, here he was now, taking a certain practice game more seriously than ever.

because of a certain shrimp

This was the first time he actually had felt so tired during their training camp in Tokyo. Even then, he quickly noticed the sidelong glance that Yamaguchi was giving him.

"Stop behaving so weirdly, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima said, his tone frankly exasperated.

"I'm not behaving weirdly," Yamaguchi replied defiantly. "If there is anyone who's acting out of the ordinary here, it would be you, Tsukki. "

Tsukishima looked at him, wide-eyed. Never in his entire life had Yamaguchi rebutted him like this. He wondered where his timid friend got the courage to openly say such words.

"How's that so?" Tsukishima asked in an inquiring, if not mocking, tone.

Yamaguchi simply smiled at him. It was not his usually shy, nervous smile. It was a triumphant smile, a smile that meant he enjoyed having an advantage over Tsukishima.

"You'll realize it soon enough," Yamaguchi said vaguely.

"Eh? They're not done yet?"

Fukurodani Academy's captain and ace, Bokuto Kotarou, had put an end to their match against Ubugawa, winning 2-1. The silver-haired, amber-eyed third year was somehow disappointed that Kuroo hadn't crushed Karasuno yet. The second set was taking too long that the rotation of teams was disrupted, and Ubugawa had chosen to play against Shinzen for the meantime.

"It seems that Nekoma's taking the second set, nevertheless." Fukurodani's setter Akaashi Keiji was watching the game from the side.

"Hmm. Karasuno took the first set, huh?" Bokuto was surprised; he thought the game would become a straight victory for Nekoma right away. He set his amber eyes on Karasuno's side of the court, and immediately noticed Hinata. "The cute girl's playing again?"

"Kuroo made a bet," Akaashi answered. "If Karasuno loses this game, Nekoma will take the girl as their manager."

"Seriously?! How cruel!" Bokuto exclaimed, earning him an annoyed look from his teammate. Fukurodani's ace eyed Hinata as she jumped high to make another kill.

"Knowing that crest-haired idiot, he won't stop until he gets what he wants . "

Kenma had no choice but to take the game more seriously than he had ever been. The moment he saw the intense look on Kuroo's face, he understood that things would get nasty if he won't cooperate with his childhood friend.

Kuroo may be devious, but he was not that hard to read.

Despite knowing him for so long, Kenma had never seen Kuroo lose his cool in a game. If seeing Hinata smiling at another guy could enrage the bed-haired captain that easily, it would only take one person from the opposing team to use this weakness to their advantage and cause an all-out chaos in the court. Hinata was at the rear guard, and the vanguard was taken currently taken by Tanaka, Asahi and Kageyama.

Time to take this set...

"I'll take it!" Yaku received the ball and sent it to Kenma.

"Here." Kenma tossed the ball to Lev instead of Kuroo. Kenma was still uncertain on whether Captain Bedhead was calm enough for the setter to entrust him a toss.

The half-Russian spiked the ball hard, accurately sending it onto Karasuno's floor. Nekoma successfully took the second set, 25-20.

Hinata drew out a soft breath while she nervously braced herself for the third set. Nishinoya walked back into the benchside, Tsukishima walking into the court in his stead.

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