Chapter 16: Little Miss Right (Part 1)

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The new ice cream parlor in the area was a fun, relaxing place, perfect for people who had spent long hours walking and shopping. Natsu, Shimizu and Yachi had taken a seat at a table by the window

When Hinata entered the ice cream parlor, she was sweating profusely, and was breathing heavily as if she had run a ten kilometer marathon race.

"Are you okay, Hinata?" Yachi looked at the gingerhead worryingly.

Hinata sat down beside her little sister Natsu before answering the question.

"Yeah, " she said, and then she rested her head on the table wearily.

"Did something happen?" Shimizu asked.

"Nothing, " Hinata replied. She did not want to bother the girls any further. Oikawa Tooru may have not realized who she was, anyway.

"Have you ordered already?"

Yachi shook her head. "We've decided to wait for you before ordering anything . "

"Really?" Hinata then glanced at Natsu. "What would you like to eat?"

"Strawberry parfait ! " Natsu beamed at her in reply. "Onee-chan likes that too, right?"

"Yeah, I do." Hinata answered with a smile.

If Iwaizumi had wished a peaceful, quiet Sunday he wouldn't have it, unfortunately. Not when Oikawa Tooru was barraging him with phone calls just a few hours after invading his house that morning.

"Iwa-chan!" Oikawa sounded very cheerful that day, much to Iwaizumi's surprise. The guy was supposed to be in his recovery stage, after all. "Iwa-chan, are you awake?"

Iwaizumi was definitely awake, all right; he could no longer get back to sleep after Oikawa's intrusion. Aoba Josai's famous setter was more effective than the loudest alarm clock or the bitterest coffee when it comes to waking a person up.

"Yeah, I am." Iwaizumi grunted while on his way to the bathroom.

"What did you call me for?"

There was an odd sound on the other line, as if Oikawa was fighting the urge to giggle. Iwaizumi furrowed his eyebrows as annoyance crept into his face. He grabbed his toothbrush and put a generous amount of toothpaste on it.

"Oi. Stop beating around the bush, before I put this phone down. "

"Sorry, Iwa-chan, " Oikawa spoke as if he was about to say the greatest news in the world. "It's just that I met this girl and she's
very cute and-"

"Hold a sec, " Iwaizumi had his phone pinned between his ear and his shoulder as he was brushing his teeth. "You called me because of a
girl? Just when are you going to learn, you idiot?"

"Let me finish my story, Iwa-chan, " Oikawa answered. "So I met this really, really cute girl while I was shopping for a thank-you gift
for you." There was something unusual in his manner of speech, Iwaizumi noticed; for the handsome setter of Aoba Josai, who had spent nights sulking in his bedroom, now seemed to be the happiest young man in Japan. "I accidentally ran into her. She dropped this
necklace, and being the gentleman that I was I picked it up for her, but she disappeared all of a sudden!"

"Uh-huh, " Iwaizumi said nonchalantly. "She doesn't like you then. "

"Eh?" Oikawa was baffled.

"You said she disappeared, right? She ran away from you, obviously. That means she doesn't like you." Iwaizumi spoke plainly after rinsing his mouth.

"Iwa-chan, you're so mean!" Oikawa whined. "And I thought that you're gonna support my assumption."

"What is your assumption, exactly?" Iwaizumi asked in a weary tone as he trod back into his room to change clothes.

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