Chapter 21: Chances

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Tsukishima disapprovingly folded his arms across his chest as he watched The Great King Oikawa Tooru from the bench line. He disliked
the way Seijoh's setter barged into Karasuno's gym without prior notice. The guy seemed to act superior with his victory against the crows during Inter-High, or so Tsukishima thought. It wasn't as if he cared about losing. But what Oikawa was doing was annoying, really, and Tsukishima rarely gets annoyed. He was much used to being the one doing the irritating stuff to others.

"Where's Junior-kun? " Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi. "Hopefully Hinata brought him today."

Yamaguchi glanced at him and gave a worried smile. "Eh? I thought you hated that stuffed toy. Didn't you say that Junior-kun tried to kill
you before?"

Tsukishima scowled. He clearly was not fond of remembering the events a few days after the team came home from Tokyo. Some things are just better forgotten. "Surely that demonic plush toy will annihilate Oikawa before me, " he murmured, although he was uncertain about it.

"Well we can't be too sure about that." Yamaguchi could not believe that the tall blonde would consider the idea of summoning an evil creature just to get rid of Oikawa.

Really, they shouldn't. Junior-kun almost threw Tsukishima into the path of an oncoming truck, after all.

"What are you doing here, Oikawa-san?" Kageyama did not bother beating around the bush when he spoke to Oikawa. He was obviously annoyed at the mere presence of the Great King, who hardly has a reason to visit Karasuno in the first place.

Aoba Josai's top setter feigned a sweet smile. "I'm disappointed that you're talking to me this way, Tobio-chan. Not that I'd expected a better behavior"

Says the guy who barges into our gym without any notice, Kageyama thought.

"Anyway, " Oikawa did not bother to wait for a response from his former underclassman. "I'm here for a good reason." He then turned to
face Sawamura. "I would like to ask you guys a favor. Captain. Would you mind if we have a little chit-chat with your coach?"

Sawamura gave Oikawa an appraising look. Karasuno's captain was getting suspicious of him as well. "All right," he hesitantly told him in the end. "Coach Ukai will be here any minute"

The screaming fangirls were already gone by the time the coach has arrived, but the tension was still in the air even as the first and
second year members were doing warm ups.

"I wonder what they are talking about" Hinata watched Oikawa along with Sawamura, Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei talk in the corner of the gym. She glanced at Kageyama, who was sitting on the floor stretching his arms and legs. "Hey, what do you think are they talking about, Kageyama? "

"I have no idea," Kageyama answered without looking at her, busy as he was with the warm ups. "And I don't really care."

Hinata pursed her lips at him, annoyed. "What a snob."

"Huh?" veins popped on the forehead of the raven-haired setter.

Hinata averted her gaze from him. "Nothing," She muttered childishly. She really dislikes it when Kageyama acts superior and cocky, but
that's just the way he was.

There's no use forcing him to be nice, Hinata thought sullenly.

It did not take long before Oikawa was done talking to the coach and the seniors. By the time they returned to the court Sawamura had an unreadable expression on his face, which made the juniors all the nervous.

"We'll have a meeting later," Sawamura told everyone. "Let's get back to practice. "

"Well then," Oikawa said. "I don't want to disturb you, so I better get going."

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