Chapter 4: Asking for a Girl's Hand

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"Here we are."

"Sawamura, are you sure?"

"The address says so. I think this is the place."

"Hell yeah! Let's go inside!"

"Shouldn't we ring the bell first, Tanaka-senpai ? "

"What for? It's Hinata's house!"

"That's exactly why we should ring the bell first!"

It was a chilly, Friday evening when the members of Karasuno High Men's Volleyball Club: Sawamura, Sugawara, Azumane, Tanaka,
Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Kageyama and Nishinoya, stepped in front of the Hinata residence. With their tense posture and the awkward look in their faces, they looked like a team of suitors who were about to woo a lady which, in this case, was the ex-man and teammate, Hinata Shouyou.

So how on earth did this happen?

Just Wednesday of the same week, Hinata spoke to the captain about their upcoming Tokyo trip.

"I know it's too early for me to think of this as a problem, but" Hinata said in a worried tone.

"Well I don't think I can come to Tokyo, Sawamura-senpai"

Sawamura was appalled by this announcement. Of all the members, Hinata was the one most excited about the journey.

"What? Why?"

Hinata scratched her head, not knowing how to explain everything to the captain.

"Uh well it's my parents"

Each of the members of the team were handed a letter to be given to their parents, as a means of asking permission to go to Tokyo for the
practice matches. Problem was, Hinata's parents were afraid of allowing their 'daughter' to go out on a trip 'together with so many boy's.

"So that's your problem" Sawamura smiled awkwardly. He felt bad for the ginger-haired underclassman.

Hinata gave a nervous laugh, "My parents are kinda weird, that's for sure. If I've been a guy, they would totally let me go to Tokyo with
the rest of the team" She then frowned and spoke in a sulky tone.

"I hope I can convince them to allow me."

"Hmm" Sawamura looked up and stroked his chin as he thought of a plan.

"So that's why we're here?" Kageyama asked, in a slightly annoyed tone. How come Hinata hadn't told me about this?

Sawamura took a step forward and rang the bell once. He waited silently afterwards.

"I wonder if Hinata's already home?" Nishinoya asked in a concerned tone. Hinata had left the gym earlier so that she could prepare for her teammates' visit. The libero wondered if the orange-haired decoy managed to come home safely.

"I don't get it," said Tsukishima, "you're only going to convince Hinata's parents to allow" he was getting frustrated as to what to call the ginger-haired shrimp.

""him" to go to Tokyo. Why do we all have to be
here? "

Sugawara glanced at the tall blonde and gave him a smile.

"We have to prove Hinata's parents that we are all good boys." He said vaguely.

They waited for at least a minute outside the house, until the door opened and Hinata Shouyou appeared. She was wearing a long-sleeved white sweater, a pair of shorts, knee-high socks and fluffy blue slippers. She looked just like a younger sister waiting for her
Onii-chan to come home.

Abracadabra ||FemHinata by Aominecchi0831 (FanFiction netWhere stories live. Discover now