Chapter 8: A face that Launched a Thousend Volleyballs (Part 1)

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The guys of Karasuno had never been this tense before a game.

At this moment, it felt more like a life-or-death situation for them. Just over-exaggerating here.

The thing was, the whole team of Karasuno was essentially in panic after they had found out about the deal between Hinata and Nekoma High's captain, Tetsurou Kuroo, right before the beginning of their first practice match for the day.

"Why did you agree to such a thing?" Kageyama was utterly frustrated at Hinata's sudden decision.

"I did not think it's such a big deal," Hinata shrugged her shoulders casually as she replied. "It's not like I could no longer play volleyball if I lose. If we win this, I can participate in all of the practice matches, even in Saitama."

"But you have to become Nekoma's manager if we lose," Sugawara said.

The way he folded his arms across his chest and the serious look on his face were clear signs that he was not his usually calm self.

"It's just fine, isn't it?" Hinata told him. "I mean, the guys from Nekoma are our friends."

Kageyama made a grunting noise, openly showing his annoyance towards the sudden predicament given by the gingerhead.

"It's true, but still..." Sugawara frowned worryingly.

Nekoma had been very nice to Karasuno, but the incident with Yamamoto last night disturbed him. Moreover, it was not hard to see that Kuroo had his own motives for having a bet with Hinata.

"Hinata," Sawamura was equally bothered at the situation. "Cancel the deal between you and Kuroo."

"Eh?!" Hinata was horrified, not understanding the reason behind the team's disapproval.

Sugawara glanced at the bench area of Nekoma and frowned deeply. "Unfortunately, it's too late for that."

The rest of them glanced his way, and saw Kuroo already talking to Coach Nekomata.

"What is this bet all about?" Coach Nekomata spoke disapprovingly.

"Come on, now, it's not a big deal," said Kuroo airily. "You'll just allow her to play in the practice games, just like yesterday. If Karasuno wins, she can play anytime she wants. But if Karasuno loses the game, she'll have to work as a manager for us, until they win against us."

The old man sat in his chair, eyeing the bed-haired captain suspiciously.

It was not unknown to the rest of the team that Kuroo was interested with Hinata Shouyou's cousin, but Coach Nekomata had never thought that the young man would go so far just to get the girl closer to him.

"This is a training camp, lad," Coach Nekomata spoke very seriously. "I hope you remember the reason why we're here."

"I do remember why I am here," Kuroo grinned slyly.

"I don't understand your motives anymore, Kuroo. Why do you have to make her our temporary manager?"

"You still don't get it? I need to concentrate a lot right now." Kuroo said, flustering the coach further.

"Get to the point, Kuroo, or you'll be doing flying falls on your own all day." Nekomata spoke angrily.

"Coach, I need to focus on my game," Kuroo said, taking a momentary glance at Hinata who was doing stretches. "I can't do that while she's on a different side of the court."

Tanaka observed everyone else as they began to do stretching exercises, warming up before the game.

There was a heavy air all over Karasuno's side of the court, and he found it strangely creepy.

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