Chapter 18: Mister Misinterpreted (Part 1)

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A lot of people see Iwaizumi Hajime as a pretty cool guy, mostly because he's probably the only person who can beat the crap out of the Great King Oikawa Tooru. But more than that, he had a strong personality and a sensible outlook towards certain matters, traits which have been of great help not only to him but to Oikawa and the rest of the team as well.

Then again, cool as he may be, Iwaizumi was never really good when it comes to talking to girls. Of course, casual, platonic conversations
with the opposite sex was fine with Iwaizumi, but there are times when a certain kind of girl would make his mind blank, his tongue tied, and his heart race MACH 3 fast.

That's exactly what was going on with him upon meeting the female Hinata during the school festival in Aoba Josai.

Normally, or at least in typical teenage shoujo manga love stories certain incidents would start a connection between the girl and the
boy. But the thing between Iwaizumi and the lovely little gingerhead was rather for a lack of a better word awkward. They have been together for more than an hour, walking all around the school in search of their friends, yet neither of them said a word to each other. Apparently Iwaizumi (who had no idea that the girl beside him was actually the freak-quick partner of his former underclassman Kageyama) was too nervous to start a conversation. He could not even look at her in the eye, scared as he was that she might misinterpret even the smallest of his movements.

Hinata, on the other hand, was quiet because she was too engrossed in searching for Kageyama and Nishinoya. Hence she barely had a moment to say anything to Iwaizumi, whom she could not remember as an opponent in volleyball more than once before.

"I wonder where your buddy is" Hinata muttered. Iwaizumi stiffened in nervousness when he realized that she has been talking to

"I have no idea," Iwaizumi spoke, his voice barely audible. "That guy's usually easy to find, what with all the fangirls swarming around him."

Hinata glanced at him. "Is your friend popular?"

"He's annoyingly popular," Iwaizumi grunted, getting pissed at remembering Oikawa's face. "It wouldn't be bad if he's popular because he's good in volleyball, but to be cheered on by a lot of girls just because he's handsome? It irritates me sometimes."

The girl giggled softly in delight, and it flustered the wing spiker of Seijoh.

"What's funny?" Iwaizumi asked. He felt like dying of embarrassment.

"You seem to know him for so long, " Hinata said. "You find him annoying and yet you're here now looking for him. He must be a nice
guy to have such a buddy worrying about him."

Iwaizumi glanced away from her, abashed. "He has an irritating personality but he means well. And the only thing he wants aside from winning against Shiratorizawa is that he finally finds the right girl for him. "

"The right girl?"

"He has met this 'cute girl' in the shopping district close to my home," Iwaizumi explained reluctantly. "And he believes that he's met the girl of his dreams. He even keeps the necklace that the girl has dropped, believing that she will come back to get it someday"

Shopping district, necklace? Hinata froze. Could it be...?

" Iwaizumi-san ! "

Both Hinata and Iwaizumi turned around to see Kindaichi running towards their direction.

Turnip-head ! Hinata quickly made an effort to hide her face using her shoulder bag. Kindaichi walked over to Iwaizumi, but spared
a curious glance at her.

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