Chapter 22: Sparks fly (in a bad, horrible, scary way) (Part 1)

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"We might as well give it a shot, don't you think?" Kageyama told the captain. He sounded hopeful and hesitant at the same time.

The members of Karasuno Highschool Men's Volleyball Team had gathered for another meeting after practice. This time it was about their plan to raise funds in order for them to get to the island for the next training camp together with the City Boy Alliance. Hinata had decided to persuade Sawamura about the cosplay contest once more, this time with Kageyama as her backup.

"Daichi, " Sugawara spoke slowly, being careful about his words so that he could help the freak duo in pleading their case. "I've read the mechanics of the contest. I think we can win even just the third or second place. It'll be more than enough to get us to the island."

Sawamura was tempted to agree with him, to allow the team to join the competition, but he was still doubtful. "But it's something we've
never done. What if we lose?"

Silence befell the entire team. Of course, the captain has a point; none of them were truly into cosplay, thus joining such contest inevitably made them rather dubious.

"W-we won't know until we try, right?" Hinata blurted out all of a sudden.

Nishinoya, always the one amused by seeing others' optimism, laughed. "We might lose, but I think the contest is gonna be fun. If you guys
are going to do it, count me in!"

Hinata's face brightened up. "Noya-san!" she smiled, delighted by the support coming from her senpai.

"If we're getting help from Nekoma, I think it's okay if we join" Asahi muttered, occasionally stuttering as he spoke of his supporting Hinata's idea.

Sawamura thought for a long while, weighing the pros and cons. He then heaved a sigh. "All right," he finally said. "We're joining the contest. "

"All right!" Hinata promptly jumped in joy and shared a high five with Nishinoya, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"That's great," Sugawara said happily. He suddenly seemed to remember something. "I know! Let's come up with a theme"

All heads suddenly turned to Yamaguchi, who shyly raised a hand. Sugawara nodded at him, permitting him to say what's on his mind.

"I remember Hinata saying we should have an Alice in Wonderland theme." Yamaguchi said.

"Alice in Wonderland?" Sawamura raised an eyebrow.

"I've read that children's book before," Sugawara said, thoughtfully. "It has a lot of fun and interesting characters. " He smiled
approvingly at Yamaguchi. "I think that's a good idea."

"Oh, I know!" Hinata remembered Yamaguchi's picture book, and suddenly came up with an idea. She waved a hand up in the air to grab her senpai's attention. "Tsukki should cosplay as the White Rabbit! "

"Shut up," Tsukishima answered. He then came up with an idea himself. "You should be Alice, then," he said with a sly grin.

Hinata's face reddened, both in annoyance and embarrassment. "W-what? No way ! "

"And I think Kageyama should be the King of Hearts, " Tsukishima went on in a singsong voice while sneering at Kageyama. "It kinda
fits. "

If Tsukishima planned on razzing up the freak duo, he obviously had succeeded. Everyone could see the veins pulsing on Kageyama's

"Are you looking for a fight?" Kageyama growled angrily at the gangly blonde.

Tsukishima smiled innocently at the freak duo. "I'm just making a suggestion. "

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