Prologue: The Beginning

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She sat back against her chair, both legs crossed indian-style to act as a make-shift desk for her to set her sketch pad on. Her fingers expertly moved over the paper, giving each stroke of her pencil the care it deserved as she carefully drew as much detail as she was able to capture. Moving studies were hard, but thankfully, her mind had captured the image she was focusing on. She hummed to herself softly since her ear buds were stuffed into her ears, crooning out music that spoke to her in that particular moment. Little did she know, two sets of eyes were watching her from across the studio and they belonged to the very men that had become her inspiration. How could they not inspire? They were both strikingly beautiful. Tall, lean muscled forms. The bodies of well honed dancers. Flawless mocha hued skin that seemed to glitter like chocolate dusted in gold beneath the light. Strong square jaws and sculpted cheekbones. Rich brown eyes that captivated any and everyone that crossed their path.

"Who do you suppose she is, mon frere?" Laurent asked his Twin, bending close so that he whispered in his brothers ear

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"Who do you suppose she is, mon frere?" Laurent asked his Twin, bending close so that he whispered in his brothers ear.

"I don't know, Lau, but she looks like an angel sitting there." Larry replied, running his index finger over his lips in thought. To him that wasexactly what she was, an angel. Her curvy figure enveloped in tight black leggings. Discarded white Nike's sat below her chair and he noticed that she wiggled her tones every now and again as if she was flexing them. Her toes were painted black to match the well manicured nails that adored her dainty fingers cloaked in various rings that glinted silver beneath the bright light. Her upper torso looked comfortable draped in a black hooded sweatshirt. Dark hair, woven into thin, tight braids cascaded over her left shoulder, nearly shrouding half of her face. He watched in fascination as she placed the pencil between her teeth and wound her hair up into a loose bun to keep the braids from falling into her line of vision. Her pale skin seemed to glow beneath the light. She was like some ethereal Goddess in human form.

"Hmm." Lau hummed softly.

Larry knew that sound. It was when his brother was contemplating on putting a woman on his radar and it seems that this woman had just captured his focus. Smoothly, he made his way towards her, stopping to talk to a few people on the way, but his eyes never strayed to far from her.

"Hello, belle."

Amanda nearly cursed out loud. She hadn't been expecting anyone to approach her. She had been so focused on her artwork that she hadn't even seen or heard him approach, but the sultry sound of a slightly thick French accented voice called to her and her eyes snapped up from her sketch pad.

He was nearly captivated by the rich brown of her eyes, their shape so exotic and beautiful. Bedroom eyes. That had this natural sultry look that could bring any man to their knees without much effort on her part. The smile that crossed her delicious lips drifted up to those eyes, making them even more breath-taking.

"Hello." Her voice was rich, like silk and dragged across his skin in a sensual caress that nearly made him shudder visibly.

"Might I ask what you're drawing?" He asked, boldly and fluidly sliding into the empty chair beside her. When she turned the notebook towards him, his breath was quite literally stolen from him. Etched on the crisp white paper was an image of him and Larry perpetually captured in an emotional moment during a dance. She was extremely talented. "Mon Dieu, cherie. That is absolutely stunning. Larry!" He called out to his Twin. "May I?" He asked her, indicating to the notebook she still held.

"Sure." She offered it to him, and when he took it from her grasp, their fingers brushed. Amanda felt a jolt shoot straight down her spine at such a simple touch. She nearly jerked her hand back, but refrained, not wanting to draw attention to how much it effected her.

"Mon frere?" Larry inquired, jogging over to them. His gaze immediately locked onto the woman as he approached. She was even more beautiful close up and he found his mouth going dry. He had to shake himself out of the spell she had thrown over him. He was with Melissa, quite happily, but there was something about this woman that instantly drew him in. His eyes shifted to the pad that his brother held out to him. He took it carefully and studied the master piece she had been working on. He was rendered speechless. She had captured the emotion and bond between him and his Twin to perfection. The emotion they put into their craft was obviously as much as she put into hers. "You drew this, belle?"

She nodded her head once. "Yes." She reached up and pulled the ear buds from her ears, tucking them almost shyly into the front pocket of her hoodie.

"Do you do more than just draw?" Laurent asked, attempting to draw her focus away from his brother and onto him.

"I can paint. Murals mostly as it gives me a bigger canvas to work with." Wait, was that some kind of innuendo? Her eyes narrowed faintly as she tilted her head to one side, trying to figure out if he was attempting to flirt with her or not.

"I would love to see more of your art, belle."

Surprisingly, she reached down and produced a back pack that she had draped over the back of the chair. Inside were various sized notebooks and sketch pads filled with various pieces she had done. She took a moment to decide which one she wanted to show them, before pulling out a regular lined spiral notebook and handed it to Laurent. "I'm a fan." She stated with a sheepish grin as Lau flipped open to the first page. Inside were various drawings she had done of him and his brother. Some of them together, some of them by themselves. Each one had been drawn with caring and loving strokes of pencil, pen, charcoal or pastel and she had an amazing eye for detail.

"You have made us a fan of you, cherie." Larry stated, watching over his Twin's shoulder as he carefully flipped through each piece. "We would love to have you do something for us."

"I have a blank wall in my apartment that I haven't been able to decide what to do with." Laurent offered. "How much would you charge?"

She ran her finger over her lower lip in thought. "Normally it would depend on the size of the wall itself, but for the two of you, I might not charge anything as long as you both passed the word to friends and family if they ask."

"Seriously?!" They both exclaimed in unison, excitement lighting up their faces.

"Yes." She replied with a chuckle. She took a piece of paper from her back pack and jotted down her number for the both of them. "Call me when you get the chance and I'll come take a look at what I'll be working with."

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