Chapter Twenty Three: Forgiven

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"Look, Lar, I know that you might have had good intentions. You heart was in the right place, but this is something that you should have at least discussed with me first." Though her voice was clam, she had virtually refused his gestures of affection, something she hadn't ever done since they met. He felt the sting of it in his very soul.

"I did it as a surprise for you, belle." His voice was so soft that for a moment, she had almost missed it. He sounded almost broken and child-like. It tore something in her to be angry with him over this.

Amanda sighed softly, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I understand that, Larry, I do and honestly, it is a very sweet gesture. But this is a large step for all of us. Not just me or you, but your visitations with Lilo, the babies." She sighed again, running her hands through her braids before packing back across the kitchen. He seemed to be following her movements since she virtually ran into his chest. She felt his arms slip around her waist, pulling her flush against him. She couldn't help the way her body reacted to the feel of his. It was instinctive and instant as if her soul reached out through her body and into his.

"Bebe, please listen to me." His voice was still soft, but had taken on a slightly husky edge. Was her seriously trying to seduce her right now. He lowered his head, those piercing brown eyes of his boring into hers with such intensity that she felt her breath catch in her lungs. He bit his lower lip, knowing fully well just what that gesture did to her. "I love you, cherie. I wanted us to have a place where we can raise our kids together, and with what just happened with Melissa, I want us to have a safe place. I felt that Guadeloupe was a perfect place to settle down. I know how much you loved it there, how at home you felt staring out at the water. I know how much you enjoyed me making love to you on the beach after the club."

His words shot like lightning through her veins. She knew he was slowly breaking down her defenses and he knew exactly what he was doing, there was no doubt about that.

"You missed a very important appointment, Lar. The meeting with the real estate agents could have waited. I needed you there with me, instead I had to hold your brothers hand while the nurse told me I was pregnant with twins."

He leaned forward, resting his forehead against hers. "You don't know how sorry I am for that, amour. I didn't think of how you might feel. I thought that I would have enough time, that I would make it." He reached up to frame her face with his hands. "I love you so very much and I will make it up to you for the rest of my life." His lips brushed across hers and he felt her melt against him. As his mouth claimed hers, he picked her up by the backs of her thighs, holding her to him. Her arms slid around his neck as he carried her up the stair case to their bedroom.

She couldn't stay fucking mad at him. No matter how hard she tried, he always got under her skin, he always got past her defenses. She felt him lower her to the bed, but he didn't let her go. His hands moved from her thighs and over her hips, tugging the sweats she wore down just enough to uncover the bump of her growing belly. He slid down the front of her, his eyes never leaving her face. His mouth stopped at her stomach where he murmured softly in French to his babies, apologizing for his behavior and for missing seeing them for the first time in person. He told them that he would make it up to them and their mother before pressing a series of feather light kisses against her skin. Her fingers tangled in his afro, her eyes watering at such a sentimental gesture and she found herself falling for her husband even more. Despite the anger and annoyance, she truly did love him. That was what you did when you loved someone, you loved them for both the good and the bad. You compromised and made things work. You didn't walk away, you didn't run. You accepted everything with open arms. She would always forgive him; unless he cheated on her of course. That was one thing she would have a very hard time forgiving.

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