Chapter Twenty Two: Drama

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Amanda was tapping her foot impatiently, glancing at the time on the large watch that sat on her left wrist. She was getting annoyed. They had returned home several days ago but still had yet to tell anyone about what they had done, or why. Larry knew that she had a doctors appointment today to find out the gender of the baby. He had texted her earlier saying that he was caught up with something and would meet her there. She'd already been waiting a half hour. She glanced down at her watch again and was just about to turn to go into the building when she heard a familiar voice.


Her head practically whipped up, her eyes widening in near disbelief. "Lau? You're not with Larry?"

He tilted his head slightly in confusion, long twists nearly falling in front of his face. "Non. What are you doing here, cherie?"

She sighed softly, her shoulders slumping in disappointment and perhaps a bit of sadness. She wanted her husband with her for this. "I have a doctors appointment. We're supposed to find out the gender of the baby today. Lar texted me earlier and said that he was caught up with something and would meet me here. That was nearly forty five minutes ago."

"Perhaps he got stuck in traffic? I'll go in with you if you'd like."

It was her turn to tilt her head slightly. "What are you doing here, Lau?"

"I had a follow up for my knee. Apparently my doctor and yours are in the same building."

"I'd hate to make you turn around and go back in when you just came out."

He reached up and brushed his thumb very lightly against the curve of her jaw. "Nonsense, belle. This is an exciting moment. You need the support and since Larry isn't here, I am."

Her lower lip quivered slightly and she nodded once in what seemed almost like defeat. Laurent knew that she wanted his Twin here, he was after all the father, but for now he would have to be his replacement. He took her hand in his, thumb brushing over the backs of her knuckles. He lifted it, bringing it to his lips to place a kiss against her fingers.

"I told you that I would be here for you, bebe, no matter what capacity. I meant it."

She smiled, a faint blush creeping up the back of her neck. "Thank you, Lau." She turned, tugging on his hand as she made her way into the building. "Come on. Let's get this over with. Then we can hunt down that brother of yours so I can kick his ass."

The older Twin chuckled. "Of that I have no doubt, cherie." He stepped onto the elevator with her, but was practically shoved into her by the mass of people shifting around to accommodate more. He caught himself before he crushed her to the wall, one hand braced against her waist and the other against the wall. He had never forgotten how small she was compared to his six foot four stature. She was barely above chest level so he had to tilt his head to look down at her. When she glanced up at him, he felt his heart beat speed up. She was glowing, radiant and absolutely beautiful. He knew that she thought of herself as average, but he had always seen her as stunning. It seemed even more pronounced than before. Was it because she was pregnant now, or was it because he was madly in love with her?

The tension between them seemed to grow by the second as the elevator slowly made its ascent to the forth floor. He continued to stare down into her eyes, lost in the rich chocolate brown color. He opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the ding of the elevator.

"This is our stop, Lau." She stated, shifting out of his personal bubble enough to slip through the group of people still on the elevator. He followed directly behind her and out into the foyer for her doctor. His gaze roamed over the expecting mothers either sitting with their significant others or family members. Some of these women looked ready to pop. He placed a hand at her lower back as they moved forward towards the glass partition of the check-in area.

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