Chapter Twenty Five; Paris

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She was enveloped in one of the largest hugs she had ever been in in her entire life

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She was enveloped in one of the largest hugs she had ever been in in her entire life. Not only was she being smothered by Mama B, but all of her other children. Her eyes stared at Larry from where she peeked out beneath an array of wild black hair, a pleading look etched on her face as panic began to set in. He yelled something in French before taking a hold of her hand and pulling her into the safety of his embrace. Held in his arms, she could breathe normally again.

"I am sorry, ma petite." He murmured against her ear. "They are excited."

"I understand, but Holy God they're certainly huggy people."

He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss against her temple. They both turned several shades of red as the women awwed softly, hearts almost clearly visible in their eyes. "They want to take us out for dinner tonight to celebrate." He took out his cell phone and snapped a rather adorable photo of them together while he still held her in his arms. Almost immediately, her own phone began going off wildly. "Now the whole of social media knows."

"Oh Jesus, Larry. You really think that's a wise idea? You know as well as I do that there's going to be backlash from some of your fans for this."

His hands framed her face, tilting her head up so she looked up at him. "I want the world to know, cherie. I don't care about what the fans have to say. I love them and without them mon frere and I wouldn't be where we are, but with all due respect, this isn't their life. You make me happy, bebe and that is what matters. If they can't see what an amazing person you are, then they're not real fans."

Though it was sweet of him to say, was he really naive to the ways of social media? Hadn't he learned from that little scandal several months ago? She would never come between him and his fans but if their privacy and safety were on the line then all bets were off. She had to think of her babies that were still growing inside of her. Right now, they were the most important thing in the world to her.

"You do realize that the entire trip here, you and Lau are going to have to stick around me and act as translators, right?"

Larry grinned, flashing those bunny teeth. "Oui. At least until you start picking up some words. Enough time with them, belle and they'll have you speaking French in no time."

You would think with her being close to 50% French, she would have known at least a few words. As far as she knew, her great-great grandmother had spoken both English and French fluently but sadly the woman had died before she had been born. Her father's side had roots that traced back to the Emperor Charlemagne, she that was all she knew.

"Tell me this dinner isn't like a tie-affair." She mumbled softly so that only he could hear.

"Honestly, I don't know, cherie. Why?"

Amanda glanced down towards her obvious baby bump before turning her gaze back up towards him with a quirked eyebrow. "I don't have a dress that fits anymore, Lar."

He chuckled softly. "Then we're just going to have to take you shopping."

"Shopping?" Laurent had walked in at the right moment, ears perking up at the mention of the word shop. "Who's going shopping?"

"We are, mon frere. We're taking Amanda shopping. My babies are growing rapidly and she is out-growing some of her clothes."

A look of delight passed across the older Twin's face. He turned to look at her with a devious grin. "We will take care of everything, belle."

"Somehow, Lau, those words aren't exactly comforting."

He snorted slightly. "We have impeccable taste."

She tilted her head faintly in agreement. "Well, yeah, but my taste and yours seem to differ. A lot."

"Nonsense, mon ami." Larry interjected, lifting her hand to twirl her around in a circle slightly. "Mama plans on having a small celebration, a renewal of vows or sorts for our wedding. Even though it was the two of us in Guadeloupe and we are officially married, she wants to do something small for the family to witness."

Lord, what was she getting herself into? She groaned softly, laying her head against her husbands shoulder briefly. She felt and heard him chuckle, locking his arms around her small frame as if he was trying to protect her. Not that she needed it. He knew very well that she could handle herself, but this was Mama B. Amanda knew how important their mother was to them as was their family.

"Bebe, you've faced the media head on with no qualms when it came to defending Larry's and my reputation. This should be a walk in the park." Lau stated with amusement.

"Easy for you to say, Laurent. You're not in my shoes." She grumbled, her words muffled against his brothers shoulder.

"You already have approval from the entire family. I've never seen them so happy, so proud to add you to our ranks." He didn't tell her that they had all been surprised when Larry had announced that he had been the one to marry her and not Laurent. That was something he wasn't about to divulge to her. He felt that it would only make what they still felt for one another worse. Deep down, he knew she still loved him. He caught the glimmer of that heart-break she still held in her eyes. Did a part of her wish that he was in Larry's place? He certainly did and he had confessed to his mother as much. He had admitted his mistakes but had promised that he would ensure their happiness. He wasn't about to break that promise.

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