Chapter Two: Confrontation

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There wasn't a need to knock on the door, not when Larry had a key. The instant the front door opened, Amanda was almost knocked back by the scent of sex in the air. It was obvious what happened. Just as he was about to take a step ahead of her, she reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Let me go first." She offered with a grin that rivaled that of the Joker. With deliberately slow purpose, as if she was a predator stalking it's prey, Amanda sauntered her way up the stairs. It wasn't hard to figure out where they were. A trail of cast-off clothing made a path. She turned to the left at the top of the stairs and slowly pushed the door open to the first bedroom she came across with a red lacy bra sitting before it. There in the bed, Melissa lay with her head on Laurent's chest. Both were obviously naked beneath the sheets that pooled around their hips.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" She stated loud enough to cause both of them to practically jump out of their skin. She leaned her hip against the door frame, crossing her arms casually over her chest.

"Amanda?" Confused, Laurent jumped out of bed, tugging the sheet off of Melissa in order to hastily wrap it around himself. The woman squealed, rolling off of the bed and onto the floor in an attempt to cover herself.

"If I'm not mistaken, that's Larry's girl." She continued, nodding in the direction of where the other woman was hiding. Amanda clicked her tongue against her teeth and shook her head disapprovingly. "Laurent! I'm surprised and shocked at you!" She paused for a moment, her eyes flicking back and forth between the two. "You know, at one point, I would have killed to have been in her shoes, but now.." She trailed off. "Now, you have to explain all this to Larry." She had the satisfaction of watching the long haired twin's eyes snap up when he realized that his brother stood behind her.

" She had the satisfaction of watching the long haired twin's eyes snap up when he realized that his brother stood behind her

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"Mon frere?" Lau's voice was barely above a whisper as the reality of what occurred sunk home. Tears of regret almost immediately swimming into his eyes.

Melissa popped up from her hiding spot. "Larry?" She crooned. "Baby?"

"Don't bother, Melissa." He said coldly. "We're done."


"No! You cheated on me time and again only this time it was with my own brother!" He lifted a trembling hand to point at his twin. "And you! This is a new low for you, mon frere. I forgave you for a lot of shit, but this..." He triled off, his voice cracking but he felt her touch against his arm and he took a deep, steadying breath. "You don't deserve Amanda's time. She tried to show you how much she cared about you, but you threw it aside like trash, but she's not trash to me, Laurent." He turned to glance at her, reach up to lay his palm against the side of her face. "This isn't worth our time, belle. Come on. They've taken all the energy out of me that they're going to get."

She nodded once, barely sparing Laurent or Melissa a second glance as Larry took her hand in his, leading the way back out of the house to where his car waited.

"Do you want to go home, Lar?"

He shook his head faintly. "Not really, no."

"You're welcome to stay with me as long as you need."

A genuine smile curled his lips. "Thank you, belle. I may just take you up on that." He gave a soft sigh before he opened the passenger side door for her. "You care more about others than you do about yourself and you wonder why I'm starting to fall for you. I'm more hurt by my brother's betrayal than Melissa's. But you, bebe, how do you feel?"

She rested her forearms against the top of the door frame, laying her chin against them. "Honestly, angry, hurt, jealous." Her eyes searched his. "But in a way I'm relieved. I felt as if I was stuck, pining away for a man that didn't want me, or to give me the time of day. Why would I subject myself to false hope for someone who could care less?"

"I think it's time we start a new chapter together, bebe."

She tilted her head faintly as she looked at him. "Don't you want a bit of time to yourself? Maybe heal a little bit before jumping into something else?"

"And risk loosing you to someone else? Lau was an idiot for not jumping in head first when he had the chance. I'm not letting it pass me by, belle.

"I'm not going anywhere, Lar. I just don't want to see you rush into another relationship-"

She was cut off when his lips firmly claimed hers. "I want you as mine. Now let's get out of here so we can close this chapter once and for all."


She stood in the kitchen, frowning into her fridge as she decided on what to make to eat. They had both admitted they were starving when they returned back to her place with a packed bag for Larry in tow. He had left Melissa a note to gather her things from his place and leave her key behind. He also told her not to contact him and had blocked her number in his phone. Unfortunately he couldn't do the same for his brother. It wasn't that easy with Lau. They were partners in their business' together, but that was something that could wait until tomorrow. They were both hungry and exhausted with food being the most dominant thought on both their minds.

"Pancakes?" She offered, looking a bit sheepish. "That's all I have for now until I go shopping. I didn't think I'd be having company."

"That's fine with me, belle. Food is food."

"Yeah, but your cooking is better than mine." She grumbled, pulling out the ingredients she would need.

"Lies. Your cooking is amazing."

She felt a blush creep up the back of her neck. Once everything was lined up on the counter, she began to prepare the batter. She nearly jumped, dropping an egg on the counter when she felt Larry's arms slip around her waist from behind. She felt his lips brush against her shoulder, long fingers sliding down her arms and between the spaces of her own fingers.

"Are you trying to distract me, Lar?"

"Maybe. Is it working?" He grinned, but continued to help her make the pancake batter. It was surprisingly sensual and quite a turn on. Who knew cooking food together was an aphrodisiac. He had never done anything like this with Melissa. Sure they had had a great time together, but he never felt this level of intimacy with anyone he had been involved with in the past. Was it just her that commanded such sensuality? Or was it that he had found the one he wanted this level of intimacy with? Everything with her felt so natural, so right.

"Maybe." She teased, a small smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth."Maybe, belle? I might just have to work harder." He breathed against her ear, his hips pressing firmly into her backside so she could feel the evidence of his arousal pressing against her.

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