Chapter Five: Reveal

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He was giving her the side eye practically all night long. She could feel the weight of his gaze on her, branding her even as she stood beside Larry who had his arm perpetually glued to her waist nearly the entire night. Though all three of them knew it was mostly to warn off anyone else who may have attempted to approach her that evening. Though, thankfully, there hadn't been many thanks to the presence of the Twins surrounding her. Amanda felt a shiver trickle down her spine as Laurent passed by, trailing a fingertip lightly over her bared back. He bent down towards her ear, his breath ghosting across her bare shoulder as he spoke.

 He bent down towards her ear, his breath ghosting across her bare shoulder as he spoke

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"Remember, you are mine tonight, belle. That pretty dress of yours won't last long. I've been thinking of nothing but you all night, cherie."

She nearly spit her wine out all over Larry who only gave her a knowing smirk before brushing his lips across her temple. "If you tire of him, bebe, you can always come find me." He whispered softly against her skin so that only she could hear him.

" He whispered softly against her skin so that only she could hear him

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"God, the two of you!" She playfully shoved them both away from her. They had been like this all night, almost as if it was a competition to see who would seduce her first. If they kept their shit up, she'd lock herself in one of the spare bedrooms and not come out until morning. Then again, that wouldn't entirely solve the problem since they would both be there anyway. It was her turn to give them the side eye as she made her way towards the area of the unveiling. Those two were certainly damned distracting. Even though she was several feet away from them, she could still feel the scorching heat of their presence and like a moth to a flame, she was drawn in. Head over heels, face-planted and by God, she didn't care!

"We have some very talented special guests tonight!" The announcer stated into his hand-held microphone loud enough to be heard over the faint classical music that was playing in the background. Once most of the rich cleared out, the atmosphere would change on a dime and the nightclub itself would be in full effect. "All the way from Paris, internationally well known hip-hop dancers Les Twins!" A few of the women around her screamed so loud that it nearly made her deaf. She stuck a finger in her ear, wiggling it around to clear out the ringing. Next one to scream like a banshee was going to get a face full of cake. "We have another talented special guest that was commissioned to design us a mural for the club. We gave her free reign on its concept and design. Everyone welcome Amanda!"

She could hear the all to familiar screams of Larry and Laurent as she stepped up next to the announcer

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She could hear the all to familiar screams of Larry and Laurent as she stepped up next to the announcer. "Could I have the Twins help me with this, please?" She suggested, nodding to the both of them. "They have been my inspiration for a lot of my art work, including the gallery that will be opening in the next couple of months. This mural was inspired by them and I hope everyone enjoys it."

The brothers each took one side of the thick white cloth that covered the wall. They glanced at each other before nodding in unison and tugging harshly at the material. The gaft tape let go with a loud rip and as it fell to the floor, gasps of awe filled the room. Within moments, applause echoed off the walls followed by ear piercing whistles. As she glanced at the boys, she could see the faint glimmer of tears in their eyes as the emotional aspect of the piece hit them hard. They turned to her then, mirroring one another as they each held a hand out for her and pulled her into their combined embrace. Larry hugged her from behind, Lau from the front and she was blissfully sandwiched between them. The scent of their cologne wrapped around her and for once, everything felt right.

(Artwork is not mine. It belongs to it's artist.)

"We love it, belle

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"We love it, belle. It's beautiful." Larry whispered against her ear.

Laurent was murmuring something in French, but she didn't understand a word of it.

"What, Lau?"

"I said that you have moved me beyond words, cherie." He reached up to grip her chin lightly between his thumb and index finger. "This may damn us all, but I don't care." He swooped down and claimed her mouth with his in a passionately tender kiss that nearly had her swooning. The flash of cameras didn't matter, nor did the gasps of jealous women. She felt Larry's lips ghost across her shoulder. Laurent seemed relentless with his kiss, unwilling to let her go until his brother cleared his throat.

"We still have the after party to get through." He stated, for once, being the voice of reason, only to her, his voice didn't sound happy.

"I may not be able to wait until then, cherie. Don't be surprised if I come find you at some point during the party." He leaned down closer towards her, eyes intense eyes boring into hers. "I will make you forget all about Larry, bebe." He whispered softly against her mouth, his thumb caressing along the curve of her lower lip. "You fell in love with me first, belle."

Amanda was mesmerized. She couldn't help it. There was something in his eyes with the way he looked at her, the way he watched her. It was lust, yes, that much was certain, but there was something else behind it. Did he truly love her like he said he did? She felt Larry's hand slide over her hip, pulling her flush back against him. His touch burned her like fire. Though they had been dating a few months now, neither of them had taken it that final step. They had just been taking the relationship a day at a time, seeing they way it flowed. Did Lau know that? By the look in his eyes, it was a possibility he suspected it.

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