Chapter 28; Happily Ever After

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Though he had been expecting harsh words, curses and quite possibly thrown fists or elbows, she had remained calm through the entire process. Even when the doctors had rushed to get her to the operating room. Apparently she had gone into premature labor which was miraculously caused by the twins. One of them had been wrapped in the umbilical cord. The bond between twins was an amazing thing. He stared down at the girls in their conjoined cribs, a single finger tracing the little curve of each of their cheeks. He felt emotion bubbling up in him as he stared down at the carbon copies of themselves that he and his wife had made.

"Lar?" Though her voice was soft, barely above a whisper so that she didn't wake the girls, it was still groggy as she roused from the nap she had been taking

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"Lar?" Though her voice was soft, barely above a whisper so that she didn't wake the girls, it was still groggy as she roused from the nap she had been taking.

"You should be sleeping, belle." He moved fluidly towards her bed, perching on the edge of it. His fingers brushed a couple of dread locs behind her ear. "Once my family gets here, we probably won't get much of it."

"Then we both need rest." She carefully shifted herself over to make room. "Get in, Bourgeois."

He chuckled softly. "If ma petite wishes."

"Oh, she wishes. Get your butt in this bed before I drag you onto it and since I still have stitches, please for the love of God, don't make me move."

He snorted softly, shifting onto the bed beside her, laying his lean, lanky form back. "Mon Dieu, I love you, cherie."

She smiled, a faint curl of a single corner of her mouth. "I know, Larry. I love you too." Her smile grew when she felt him carefully wrap his arm around her, holding her as close to him as he could without hurting her. His lips brushed against the line of her jaw. That was the last thing she felt before sleep claimed her. How could she not with the intimate feel of her family surrounding her? Larry, her girls, everyone?

When she drifted back to sleep in his arms, he simply watched her, an expression of deep affection swimming across his face. He had found a good one this time. He had known it from the first moment he had met her at one of their workshops in New York several years ago. She had looked like an angel to him then. But now? Now, she looked like a Goddess. How could he not think so? She had stuck by him through thick and thin. She commanded respect and wouldn't tolerate any less. He was glad she had chosen him and not Laurent. It was normally always a competition between them but this time, she had chosen him. She had wanted him. He remembered the first time he had dreamed about her. It was right after the first mural she had done for him at his apartment in New York. She had done it in a comic graffiti theme, depicting some of the most iconic characters of the DC. Batman, the Joker, Harley Quinn, etc. They had talked while she worked, discussing various likes and dislikes. They had made each other laugh which somehow ended up in a paint splatter fight which resulted in him playfully pinning her to the wall. He had stared down at her and it had hit him like a freight train. He wanted her, more than he had ever wanted anyone in his life. It hadn't scared him, but it did make him think. He had thought long and hard about how she made him feel and he knew in that moment, she was going to change his life. Amanda had this natural ability to heal people. Just by being in their presence, she seemed to put them in a better mood. She touched people just by being who she was.

Larry rested his brow against her temple briefly before settling his head down onto the pillow beside hers. He knew that their schedules would separate them in the near future, but for now he simply let himself relax and be surrounded by his wife and newborn babies. It would be a long time before they got to spend down time like this together and he wanted to bask in the feel of it.

Author's Note: This is the end, ladies and gentlemen. At least for now. I want to thank all of you who have read, voted, and commented on Intimacy. Don't worry, there will be more in the future. Who knows maybe a sequel... ;)

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