Chapter Twenty: Fun

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The music at the quaint little club he had taken her to was a very upbeat tempo, something that reminded her of African drums mixed with something vaguely techno. She watched in awe as her husband moved seductively to the beat. He reached out and took her hand in his, pulling her into him. He snuck a leg between hers, an arm wrapping possessively around her waist as he leaned into her. His breath was hot and heavy at her neck, sending constant chills down her spine like a tidal wave. His sultry eyes were half lidded, watching her with such unbridled affection and lust that it was nearly palpable. Her body automatically moved with his, almost as if he had some kind of control over her movements or she was just so in tune with him that she followed each gesture subconsciously and with perfect synchronization. She felt his lips brush across the bare curve of her neck where it met her shoulder. Her right hand slid over the back of his neck, fingers curling into the twists. It was as if they were moving to the beat of each others bodies, swaying sensually.

"God, belle, you don't know how badly I want you right now." He practically growled as his lips shifted to trail over the front of her throat. He was rewarded when she tilted her head back for him, a possessive growl rumbling in his chest. It turned into a groan when he felt her fingers tighten in his hair.

She breathed a shuddering sigh, eyes falling closed. It was as if the club and the people around them seemed to disappear. She was so in tune with him in that moment that nothing else mattered, except for the fact that her bladder was screaming at her to be relieved. She didn't want to break up the moment, but she was desperate.

"Pregnancy is kicking in, Lar. I need to use the ladies room." She stated almost sheepishly.

He chuckled softly, brushing his lips across hers as he took a step away from her. "Can't be helped, cherie." He twirled her gracefully so she was facing away from him. He held her hand above her head as he carefully directed her through the throng of people and towards the bathrooms. "I'll wait out here." He stated, leaning against the wall on the opposite side from the restrooms. She sent him a wink over her shoulder as she walked away with an extra sway to her jean clad hips. When he got her back to the hotel... His thoughts trailed off as he let his eyes wander over the crowd.

"Hello, handsome." For a minute he thought it was his wife, a smile automatically tugging at his lips as he turned his gaze back towards the front. Confusion flashed across his face. This woman wasn't his wife. Not even close. She looked more fake than anything else. Annoyance replaced his confusion, but he didn't want to appear rude.

"Hello." He stated rather simply. This chick was obviously intoxicated.

"Ooo." The lady purred, leaning towards him in what was a very poor attempt at seduction. "I just love your accent."

"Thank you." He replied, eyes seeking out the bathroom over the woman's shoulder. Where was his wife?

"Would you care to dance with me?"

As he opened his mouth to decline, he heard Amanda's harsh tone from behind the woman.

"Yes, he would care."

He glanced towards her, noticing she stood there with her arms folded over her chest in a serious attitude. Uh oh.

"Who are you?" The woman inquired, cocking her hip and placing her hand on it in a diva-like gesture.

"His wife." She purred, moving slightly to nearly stand in the other woman's face.

The chick snorted. "Yeah right. Why would someone like him be married to someone like you?"

Oh, the bitch did not just...

"Someone like me? Oh, you mean not fake. My breasts are real, lady. I bet you can't say the same. Now go sniff after some other dude like the dog you are."

Larry reached out and took his wife's hand in his, pulling her towards him just as the other woman dared to try to make a move after her. "If you lay one hand on my wife, I promise you, you'll regret it."

"What's the matter, she's not woman enough to back it up?"

"Oh trust me, she's more woman than you can handle. However, her pregnancy prevents her from mopping the floor with you, otherwise I would just sit back and let her go to town. Excuse us, we have better things to do."

Amanda was nearly doubled over with laughter as he practically dragged her out of the club.

"You rescued me at the right time, belle. Thank you."

She chuckled softly, cupping the side of his face with her hand once they were safely out of the club. "Aww, what's the matter, Lar, were you having trouble fending off the ladies?"

He growled lowly at her, pulling her into his arms as he backed her against the wall beside the door of the club. "You're asking for it, bebe."

"Threatening me with a good time, love?"

His lips burned a path of fire along the front of her throat, teeth scoring the flesh beneath. He was rewarded when she groaned, her fingers sliding to the back of his neck to hold him to her. "Careful, belle. I am not nearly close to be sedated with you tonight. If you keep teasing, you will not be able to get out of bed come morning."

"Mmm, promise?"

"Oh, I more than promise, cherie. I'll deliver."

"Then why are we still standing here?"

His eyes when they stared up at her spoke volumes of the thoughts that flashed in his mind. It was such a devious, seductive look that she found her mouth going dry and her legs practically gave out. How could one look alone effect her so much?

 How could one look alone effect her so much?

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