He needs you

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"You know you can't do this alone..."
Peter stared up at the witch, his hands shaking just slightly. He swallowed hard, she was right - he couldn't do this alone, any of it. He mentally kicked himself, what was he thinking? This was the women who had taken over Narnia, trapped it in a one hundred year winter. This was the women who had tortured his little brother, who had almost killed him. Thinking about it, where was his brother? He hadn't seen him since they'd entered the room. He sighed, Edmund could handle himself, he'd be fine.
He was snapped back into reality when the ice creaked. Peter stared up at Jadis, hesitating slightly at the smirk on her face.
You know you can't do this alone
Peter sighed and without even realising what he was doing, he lowered his sword.
Jadis' eyes went wide in hope as she reached her hand further towards Peter, who just stood there and stared at her.
What happened next though caused Peter to frown, the ice creaked, split down the middle before bursting into hundreds of pieces.
Peter dived to the floor to avoid getting hit, covering his face as he heard a horrific scream which he presumed had come from the witch.
Once everything fell silent Peter slowly stood up straight again, hardly daring to look up at where the white witch had only stood moments ago. But when he finaly did his eyes went wide.
Edmund was stood there, slowly lowering his sword to his side. He was breathing heavily, sweating slightly, but he looked rather confident.
Peter swallowed hard, the reality of what he had just done hitting him like a ton of bricks.
"I know." Edmund said. "You had it sorted."
Anyone else would've only heard the anger, and determination in his voice, but Peter had known him long enough to be able to hear the fear in his voice too. And the look in his eyes also gave away how truly scared he was.
Peter once again mentally kicked himself. Of course he was scared. He'd just come face to face with the white witch again.
Peter swallowed hard. He'd almost brought his brothers worst fear back to life.


"What happened Peter?" Susan all but whispered.
It had been atleast half an hour since the whole white witch incident, and Peter was sat in one of the rooms in the How, leant against the wall with his head in his hands. He slowly looked up at his sister when she said this, sighing.
"I - I don't know." He mumbled. "She - She - Just the way she talked to me, she had this like, spell?... on me. I don't know how to describe it."
Susan sighed. "You're lucky Edmund was there." She said.
Peter swallowed hard. "He never should've had to see her again." He barely whispered.
"I know Peter." Susan said gently, placing a hand on her older brothers shoulder.
Peter groaned and ran a hand through his hair. "What have I done." He said, shaking his head.
Susan sighed. "Peter-" She mumbled.
But Peter cut her off. "I almost brought the white witch back to life!" He exclaimed. "After everything she's done, after the hell she put Edmund through!"
"Peter you said yourself that she had a sorta spell on you." Susan sighed.
"No." Peter mumbled. "She's just very persuasive."
There was silence for a long while before Susan spoke again. "Go and talk to Edmund." She said.
Peter stared at her. "I can't!" He said.
"Why not?" Susan frowned.
"After what just happened?!" Peter exclaimed.
"Peter." Susan said firmly. "Edmund needs you!"
Peter stared at her.
"He's just come face to face with the women who has haunted his dreams for years." Susan continued. "He need's you Peter. Go and talk to him."
Peter sighed sadly. "I know." He mumbled. "Do you - Do you think he'll forgive me?"
Susan smiled. "He's Edmund." She said with a nod. "Of course he will."
Peter nodded slowly. "Alright." He said. "I'll go and talk to him."
"Good." Susan whispered. "Come find me and Lucy when you're both finished alright?"
Peter nodded and stood, going to leave the room. "Thanks Su." He said, turning to face her with a small smile on his face.
Susan smiled back. "Anytime." She replied before: "Now go."
Peter nodded before leaving the room. He walked all the way through the How and to the stone table room, where he was pretty sure his brother would be. And he was right.
As he entered the room he saw his brother, pacing back and forth in front of the stone table. He had his hand on his chin and looked like he was trembling, and hard.
Peter stood at the entrance to the room, watching his brother, unsure of what to say if he were to go in.
He watched as Edmund continued pacing, running a hand through his hair before he stopped dead in front of the witches wand, which had somehow not been removed yet.
He stood there for what seemed like forever, before sighing again and continuing to pace.
Peter sighed to himself before he stepped into the room, slowly walking over to his brother. "Ed?" He asked.
Edmund swung around to face him, his eyes going wide. "Pete." He choked.
Peter's eyes went wide at the sight of his brother. His eyes were wide, his skin as white as snow, and he had tears rolling steadily down his cheeks.
"Oh Ed." Peter whispered. "I'm so sorry."
Edmund stared at him for a while, trembling even harder than he was before. "I-" He choked, shaking his head.
Peter frowned slightly. "Ed are you alright?" He asked, taking a step towards his brother.
"I-" Edmund choked again.
Peter frowned even more but his eyes went wide when Edmund's legs buckled beneath him and he fell towards the floor.
"Ed!" Peter practically screamed as he dashed forward, only just managing to catch his brother before he hit the ground.

So, I'm gonna get some hate.... a cliffhanger on my FIRST chapter... lol, sorry guys!
Hope you liked this and hope you'll like the whole book too. And hopefully it'll be better than the original.
Nina xox

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