The stone table

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"He's not here." Peter choked after rejoining Susan, Lucy and Caspain.
"We haven't found him either." Caspian sighed, shaking his head slowly.
Peter took a deep breath.
"But we did find this." Susan choked, holding up a whip.
Peter froze for a moment before he took it from her, holding it tightly in his hand. "I'm gonna kill that witch." He spat.
"Did she-" Lucy mumbled. "Did she whip him?"
Peter looked up at her before nodding. "Yeah." He whispered. "Yeah she did."
"And - And there's a tree over there with - blood on the trunk." Caspian muttered.
Peter swallowed hard, of course she'd still kept him tied to the tree. "I don't know where else to look!" He exclaimed after a while.
"We've looked everywhere." Lucy sighed.
Suddenly though, Caspians eyes went wide. "Not everywhere." He said quickly.
"What?" Peter asked, frowning.
"Peter, your duel with Jadis." Caspian said. "What did Jadis say she'd do to Edmund if you lost?!"
Peter's eyes went wider than Caspians. "Kill him on the stone table." He whispered. "Crap!" He shouted before dashing off.
Caspian glanced at Susan and Lucy, who looked as worried as Peter, before they all ran off after him, all hoping they'd reach the stone table before it was too late.


Edmund swallowed hard as he was pushed into the stone table room, and the very sight of the table made him want to throw up.
The witch turned to the soldiers. "Keep guard at the entrance." She spat. "And give me my wand."
The first soldier quickly handed Jadis her wand befor the four of them dashed away to the entrance of the room.
The witch smirked down at Edmund. "I've been waiting for this moment for over a thousand years." She laughed, before pushing Edmund towards the table.
Edmund had no idea how, but he somehow managed to summon enough strength to struggle against her.
The witch looked slightly surprised at first but quickly pulled herself together and shoved Edmund towards the table, causing him to fall to the floor and hit his head hard on one of the stone steps.
The witch smirked at the groan that escaped his lips before pulling him to his feet again and leading him up onto the stone table.
Edmund didn't do anything to stop her... he couldn't. His head was pounding and in all honesty he wasn't exactly sure what was going on. His vision was also now very blurry.
The witch lay Edmund down on the table, seeing that there was no need to tie him down.
Edmund groaned in pain again as his back touched the cold stone, feeling as though he were about to pass out.
He just about managed to make out the witch standing up straight and raising her wand.
Come on Peter.


Peter dahsed through the How as fast as he could, panting as he ran. But he couldn't stop, he wouldn't stop.
He ran down a corridor, hearing his sisters and Caspian running after him, and saw four telmarines stood guard outside the stone table room.
He ran as fast as he could down the corridor, and before the soldiers had even known what had happened, he'd shoved past them and into the room.
His eyes immediately fell on the stone table, where his brother was.
He was laying on his back, his hands tied tightly in front of him and gagged. His breathing was heavy and he looked extremely dazed.
It was only then that Peter noticed another gash on the side of Edmund's head, rather alot deeper than the other one.
Looking up he saw Jadis, her wand raised above her head, and above Edmund's chest. "Edmund!" Peter screamed.
He went to run foward but was grabbed by a soldier, who held him back and pinned his arms behind his back.
He heard a small scream and looked to his left, where he saw that the others had also been grabbed, one of the soldiers holding Susan by her hair.
"Get your hands off her!" Caspian spat, struggling against the soldier that had grabbed him.
Peter stared up at the witch, seeing her roll her eyes and lower her wand. "Well what a lovely surprise." She said sarcastically.
Peter glared at her, trying to reach his sword, but with no luck. "Let him go!" He screamed at her.
The witch laughed. "Don't waste your breath Peter." She said. "But I suppose now you're here this is gonna be a whole lot more fun, because now, you get to watch me murder your precious little Eddy."
Peter shook his head and glared at her. "Don't you dare call him that." He spat.
The witch laughed. "Make sure they can't get away." She ordered the soldiers, who immediately tightened their grips around the four.
"Please don't!" Peter shouted, before glancing down at Edmund, who was looking extremely dazed but absolutely petrified at the same time, and Peter's heart shattered. "Don't! Please!"
The witch laughed before raising her wand above her head again. "Say goodbye." She spat as she stared down at Edmund.
Peter watched in horror as Edmund's eyes went wide and as Jadis brought down the wand.
It was probably no more than a centimetre away from Edmund's chest when there was a tremendous roar and Aslan bounded into the room, pouncing on Jadis and knocking her off the table and onto the floor.
Peter watched with wide eyes as Aslan killed the witch, and felt so relieved it left him dizzy.
He became aware of the soldier releasing him and no sooner had he done so did he run forward towards the stone table and his brother.
He ran up the stone steps and fell to his knees beside Edmund, who had tears rolling none stop down his cheeks, and was shaking so, so hard.
"It's okay." Peter choked, gently lifting Edmund into a sitting position and pulling him into his arms.
Edmund was too weak to even make a noise of pain, he just squeezed his eyes shut and collapsed against his brother, still looking rather dazed.
Peter swallowed hard as he gripped Edmund as tightly as he dared. "I've got you." He whispered, and just kept repeating those three words over, and over again.


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