At school

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Peter sighed as he led a still half asleep Edmund through the school up the their room. Despite being three years older than his brother he'd managed to get them a room together, much to his relief - he didn't think he was ready to leave Edmund alone just yet.
They eventually got there, and unwrapping one arm from his brothers shoulders he opened the door, leading Edmund gently inside and - once the door was shut - across the room to sit on the bed. "You okay?" He asked, sitting beside him.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Just tired." He mumbled.
Peter nodded, but knew he was more than just tired. "Well, dinner is in half an hour." He said. "Gives us enough time to unpack and get ready."
Edmund nodded again. "Okay." He whispered, resting his head against Peter's shoulder, eyes slipping shut.
"Oh Ed." Peter choked. "Come on, don't fall asleep, the teachers won't be happy if you don't show up for dinner."
Edmund sighed as his eyes flickered open. "Yeah." He breathed. "I know, I'm just exhausted."
"I know Eddy." Peter mumbled. "But you'll be able to sleep after dinner alright?"
Edmund nodded. "Peter?" He asked.
"Hmm?" Peter replied, glancing down at him.
"I recall at some point in Narnia - the first time - saying that as soon as I turn 15 that that nickname is banned!" Edmund chuckled.
Peter smirked and nodded a little. "I think I remember that too." He said. "On your 14th birthday right?"
Edmund nodded and let out a weak laugh.
"But you're only just 15." Peter smirked.
Edmund glanced up at him. "I suppose." He muttered, smiling lightly.
Peter chuckled lightly. "Right come on, I'll help you unpack." He said, patting his brothers back gently, for he knew the skin was still sensitive.
Edmund nodded slowly. "Thanks." He mumbled.


Peter glanced over at where his brother was sat, two tables away from him with a couple of his friends.
Peter would've preferred that they sit together but Edmund decided against it, insisting that he'd be fine for half an hour and that it wasn't like Peter couldn't see him.
Peter still kept a close eye on him though, and was worried to see that he hadn't eaten any of his dinner, and was instead just pushing it around his plate.
It was clear that the other boys sat with him were trying to get him to eat, but Edmund just forced a smile and said he wasn't that hungry.
After a little while Peter sighed and stood from the table, telling his friends he'd be back soon, before heading over to his brother.
"Ed?" He asked, standing behind him and leaning to whisper in his ear.
Edmund jumped harshly as he turned his head to look at him. "Pete you made me jump." He muttered.
"Sorry." Peter said with a small smile. "Why aren't you eating?"
Edmund sighed, glancing at his friends who'd all decided to have a conversation amongst themselves, clearly deciding to give the brothers some privacy. "I'm not hungry." He replied to his brother.
"Ed come on." Peter sighed. "In Narnia you didn't eat much for lunch."
Edmund swallowed hard. "Hard to think that this morning we were in Narnia." He muttered.
Peter sighed. "You're changing the subject." He said.
"Why would I do that?" Edmund whispered.
Peter sighed and leant against the table. "Because you don't want to eat." He said simply.
Edmund shook his head. "I can't eat." He mumbled. "I feel sick."
"Ed you've been feeling sick ever since the first time you were stabbed." Peter mumbled.
"Not helping." Edmund choked, resting his head back against Peter's shoulder.
Peter glanced down at him - well, more the top of his head - and smiled lightly. "What do you say we head back upstairs?" He said.
"You're not gonna make me eat?" Edmund questioned hopefully.
Peter clearly hesitated but in the end shook his head. "No, I won't force you to eat if you really don't want to."
Edmund tilted his head up and smiled weakly at Peter. "Thanks."
Peter nodded and stood up straight again, patting Edmund's shoulder gently. "Come on then." He said.
After telling his friends he was going upstairs Edmund followed his brother back to their room, collapsing onto the bed once there.
Peter sighed and took off his blazer, followed by his tie before sitting on the bed beside Edmund, placing a hand on his knee.
Edmund slowly sat up and rested his head against his brothers shoulder, sighing warmly.
Peter sighed and gently helped him to slip out of his blazer and undo his tie, smiling gently at him.
"Alright?" He asked, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Edmund nodded. "I'm alright." He whispered. "What time is it?" He asked after a while.
"Half six." Peter replied after glancing at the clock.
Edmund groaned. "Is that it!" He exclaimed.
Peter chuckled lightly. "We'll just relax for the evening and then go to sleep." He said.
Edmund nodded. "Sounds good." He mumbled, his eyes slipping shut.
Peter sighed and carefully climbed onto the bed, leaning against the headboard and pulling Edmund into his arms.
Edmund smiled and rested his head against Peter's chest, giving him a grateful look.
The next few hours were spent talking about Narnia, the good times and the bad times, until Peter saw that it was half past nine. "You wanna go sleep?" He asked.
Edmund nodded, his head - even after three hours - still resting against his brothers chest and his arm now wrapped weakly around his waist.
Peter smiled sadly and somehow managed to slip the blanket out from under them and drape it over them instead.
"Don't we have to - to get changed?" Edmund mumbled sleepily.
Peter sighed. "Dont worry about it." He said softly, reaching up and running his hands through Edmund's hair, hoping to send him off to sleep quicker, and it worked.
Within two minutes Edmund was fast asleep, breathing heavy and a peaceful look on his face.
Peter swallowed hard and placed a kiss to his brothers forehead. "Night Eddy." He whispered, before settling down and very soon drifting off to sleep himself.


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