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The next day, after making sure that Edmund was with Caspain, Peter went off to find Susan and Lucy.
He found then outside, chatting together sat in the grass. "Hey." Peter said with a small smile as he sat beside Susan.
Susan turned to face him. "Hey Pete." She replied before frowning. "Where's Ed?" She asked.
"He's with Caspain." Peter told her. "I wanted to talk to you two."
"Right." Susan nodded, looking a little confused. "About what?"
Peter sighed. "About this curse!" He exclaimed. "It can't go on!"
"But the only way to stop it is to-" Lucy trailed off, her eyes going slightly wide.
But Susan's went even wider. "You're not seriously thinking about bringing her back to life?!" She said.
Peter swallowed hard. "Susan, sooner or later this curse is gonna kill him!" He said desperately.
Susan stared at him. "And if we bring Jadis back then sooner or later she's gonna kill him." She said slowly.
Peter bit his lip. "Atleast we can protect him from her." He mumbled. "We can't protect him from this curse."
"Do you really think you'll be able to protect him from the white witch though?" Lucy asked quietly.
Peter hesitated. "I'd die before I let anything happen to him." He said firmly.
Susan sighed. "This isn't a very good idea." She mumbled.
"You got a better idea?" Peter asked harshly.
Susan sighed again. "Not only will we be putting Edmund in danger, we'd be putting the whole of Narnia in danger too." She said.
Peter swallowed hard. "If it came down to choosing between Narnia and Edmund, who would you pick?" He said slowly, glaring at Susan.
"Edmund." Lucy said without any hesitation. Narnia meant everything to her, but Edmund meant more.
"Su?" Peter asked, staring at her.
Susan sighed. "Edmund of course." She mumbled. "But - I don't want the witch to hurt him anymore."
Peter sighed. "Su, she's already hurting him." He said sadly. "But we can stop it."
Susan bit her lip but nodded slowly. "You're right." She nodded after a moment. "She has to come back."
Peter nodded back. "But please, don't let Edmund know." He said quickly. "He doesn't want her back."
"Edmund doesn't want her back?" Susan said. "Peter, if he doesn't-"
"Susan." Peter cut her off. "She is coming back and that's final!"
Susan stared at him but sighed and nodded. "Alright." She said. "But when do we do it?"
Peter hesitated. "We'll do it tomorrow." He said after a while.
Lucy took a deep breath. "Where is Edmund anyway?" She asked.
"Asleep." Peter sighed. "I asked Caspian to stay with him just incase."
Susan nodded slowly. "Is he alright?" She asked.
Peter sighed. "He's exhausted and in alot of pain." He mumbled.
Lucy swallowed hard. "I'm going to sit with him." She said after a few moments of complete silence.
"I'm going back now anyway." Peter said, standing as Lucy stood with him.
"I'll come too." Susan sighed as she too stood, and then the three headed back into the How.
They walked all the way to Peter and Edmund's room, and stepping inside saw Caspian sat on the chair in the corner of the room and Edmund laying in his hammock, fast asleep.
"Thanks." Peter said to Caspian, nodding slightly as he took a seat on the chair beside the hammock.
Caspian nodded back. "No problem." He said, smiling slightly.
"Has he been alright?" Peter asked.
Caspian sighed. "He hasn't moved a muscle since you left." He said slowly.
Peter swallowed hard and turned back to his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder as Susan and Lucy sat on Peter's hammock.
"We - We decided to bring the witch back." Susan hesitantly told Caspian.
Caspian stared at her in shock for a few moments before he nodded slowly, swallowing hard before taking a deep breath. "Alright." He choked.
"I know it's not exactly the best idea." Susan sighed. "But - He's our brother."
Caspian nodded. "I understand." He said, glancing back over at Peter, who was just staring at Edmund - who was still asleep.
"When?" Caspian asked after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence.
Lucy took a deep breath. "Tomorrow." She replied.
Caspian nodded slowly and everyone fell silent again.
But the silence was broken when Edmund sat bolt upright in bed, his eyes going wide as he let out a heartbreaking scream.
Peter jumped violently, and looking down at Edmund's stomach saw the blood already soaking into his tunic.
Taking a deep breath he quickly caught Edmund as he fell backwards before turning to Lucy as Edmund started gasping.
Lucy jumped from the hammock and ran across the room, reaching for her cordial. She pulled it out her belt just as she reached Edmund's side and, opening it as quickly as she could, she poured one drop into her brothers mouth.
Edmund's gasping stopped as he fell silent, before letting out a groan as his eyes slowly opened.
Peter sighed in relief and placed a hand on the top of Edmund's head. "Ed?" He asked softly.
Edmund took a deep breath as he glanced over at his brother, his eyes filled with tears that very soon made their way down his face. "I - I never wanna fall asleep again." He choked. "The - The shock's too much."
Peter sighed and nodded. "I'll see what I can do." He mumbled, stroking Edmund's hair gently.
Edmund nodded slowly, managing to sit up slowly as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Why don't you three head outside." Peter said, turning to his sisters and Caspian. "I'll help Ed get ready and then we'll meet you out there?"
The other three nodded and silently left the room, Lucy casting one quick glance over her shoulder before leaving.
Peter sighed and turned back to Edmund. "Come on." He said. "You could do with some fresh air, you're as white as paper."
Edmund nodded slowly and pulled the blanket off of him followed by his tunic, sighing as the blood that had quickly covered his stomach.
Peter swallowed hard and turned towards the table, intending to get a bowl of water and a flannel, but instead he found something else.
"Ed?" He choked, his eyes going wide as he picked up the thing on the table.
"Hmm?" Edmund replied, glancing up at Peter.
Peter stared at the object in his hand for a moment before staring back up at his brother. "You still have this?"

What do you all think he still has? 😂😂🤔😂😂😂😂

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